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Two Projects : Family Memory Tray Kit for Cocoa Daisy & Rejoice Photobook


I've been busy this week. Busy making stuff.

First up is a new project kit available through Cocoa Daisy.

As many of you have seen in the past, one of my favorite projects is the printer's tray I filled with photos and little found bits & pieces a few years back. I was excited to see 7gypsies come out with a line of trays recently - much easier to put together a project when everyone has access to the same tray.


This new project kit includes everything I used in the sample above, full color instructions (including a "map" I created with the dimensions for each of the spaces on the tray), a one-page PDF of printable elements, and additional supplies that coordinate with the kit for those of you who want to add more.

Kit is now available at Cocoa Daisy.


The second project I worked on earlier this week was a layered template photobook package called Rejoice. This concept has been in my mind and on my heart for awhile and I was really excited to finally get it all together.

Here's a look at my completed book at Shutterfly:

Click here to view this photo book.

The main thing I wanted with this photobook was for it to be a celebration: a simple celebration of full-page photos that document the love between two kids paired with some of my favorite passages from the bible (many of which include the word "rejoice").

I went for a super-simple design, including on the cover where I used one word on top of a
cream textured cardstock. You could easily use a photo (or collage of
photos) or another pattern. That's the beauty of layered templates. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing what other people do with this design as a foundation for their own projects.


The layered template package includes 10, 12x12 pages of my favorite bible passages (+ an opening page) and 10 different grid templates (my favorite simple-grid designs). The package also includes Shutterfly ready pages, cover, back and spine.

Looking forward to the arrival of my photobook this week.

If you are interested in learning more about digital scrapbooking, including working with layered templates like the ones included in this package, check out my series on scrapbooking with your computer.


Around here I'm looking forward to a weekend with absolutely nothing planned except hanging out here at home. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend whatever your plans. A fun giveaway post will be up tomorrow morning.

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66 thoughts

  1. stacy says…

    Beautiful book, Ali. I like many others can't fit 12X12 scrapbooks on my shelf easily. I am wondering if you could show how you would take your templates, cover, and spine and convert to 8X8? Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Cindy C. says…

    I love your printer's tray project, it's stunning!!
    Happy Memorial Day weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sandra Lomas says…

    those are some beautiful shots you captured of your kids. the book you put together is something they will treasure forever. kids so cute in the way that they want to see pictures of themselves and hear stories of things they used to do. you are putting that all down in books for them to read and look at. they will love it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Katemeri says…

    I love both of these projects! I hope to learn Photoshop Elements this summer so maybe my first digital purchase will be Rejoice.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Mary Smith says…

    I've been admiring your work on your blog and in Creating Keepsakes for years and I'm so happy to discover that you are a Christian! This project is simply beautiful. Rejoicing is our heart's deepest response to God.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. says…

    What a lovely book you have created for your children.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jakki says…

    I love their is so gentle and sweet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. megan duerksen says…

    oh my....i love those projects.
    so much.
    both are just awesome.
    makes me want to make things!
    thanks ali...always so inspiring.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. kirby says…

    Your book is aMAZing. as is your tray. and now you've done it. i've thought of and been tempted to 'dabble' in digital before (mostly inspired by you...a week in the life just about did it). i must make your book. i'm thinking for father's day.
    so, here are the questions that've been keeping me from digital...I wonder if i should've emailed you? anyway, this book, your 'rejoice' book in particular...what do i need to work with the templates? believe it or not, i do not have PS...or PSE. i've been happily editing my photos with what i'm using and very basic editing at using what comes out of the camera. SO, can i do this at shutterfly (like your 'celebrate everyday life book')? i looked at designer digitals - and DO intend to jump into your tutorials this morning.
    my second (quick, i promise!) question is this, my fear that digital will blow up my begin and buy a few templates or what have you, what kind of space, generally speaking, are we talking about?
    I've seen some digital layouts that i love (really love the one you did just today) but am intimidated by the learning curve (which is probably why i don't have PSE, either! lol...and the computer blowing up issue. there's that.)
    Forgive my ignorance. i've almost sent you these &/or similar questions several times before - so, here goes. i'm at least going to see if i can figure this out and keep my sanity. my relationship with computers is very much a love/hate thing. i appreciate any time you can give these questions o' mine - and all you do otherwise! thanks, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Stacy - I printed mine 8x8. With Shutterfly you can simply upload the 12x12 and they will automatically resize for 8x8 - super simple!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Kirby - let me put a post together that answers these questions. I am sure there are others who have similar questions. In the meantime I recommend checking out my series on scrapbooking with your computer - some of your questions may be answered there :):

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lusi Austin says…

    Love the book Ali :) and the altered tray - so beautiful :)
    Thanks for the inspo today :)
    Love Lusi x

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Renee says…

    Ali, this project is so inspiring and filled with memorabilia that offers warm thoughts and evokes much feeling. Good job! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Tami says…

    Oh, these are great projects! I'm getting on of those 7 Gypsies trays for my birthday & will be using this as inspiraton! Thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Anna Marie Cox says…

    Just saw this idea for the printer's tray and thought it would make a great gift for my 2 grown children this Christmas. Couldn't find the kit though and wondered if it was still available somewhere...

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Elizabeth says…

    I clicked the link for you tray kit, however it said "object not available". Do you have any more recent kits available? Thank you!

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