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December Daily 2010 | Cover Option Two Step By Step (+ Free Title Download)

My second December Daily cover option is much simpler than the first.

I started with two pieces of recycled chipboard that were actually the back of this page of Anna Griffin pattern paper. Any chipboard will do. Cut to 6 inches x 8 inches.

Paint the chipboard with gesso or white paint on both sides. Cut two pieces of specialty paper (still working on a source for this paper - I purchased it at my local art supply store: Oregon Art Supply). I cut mine larger than 6x8 so that I could trim it after adhering. You might want to check out your local art supply store to see if they have something similar or use some other paper you have on hand.

Adhere the paper using gel medium. To apply the gel medium I paint it in an even layer onto the chipboard and then use a brayer to smooth the paper onto the chipboard.

For the title I created a circle digital element. Print on cream cardstock and punch (I used this circle punch).

Merry Christmas! I'm happy to share this fun little circle title with you for your own album. The file download includes a single PNG file and a PDF that includes 12, 1.75 inch circles on the page. They would also make nice gift tags.

DOWNLOAD HERE: AEdwards_25DecemberTitle

For a little decoration on my title I added Christmas Red Stickles inside the lines of the 25.

Adhere it to the cover using a tape runner.

I set a 7gypsies glass knob on the cover - it's not attached yet because I couldn't get the back off (really easy to do generally - it screws in after punching a hole with a crop-a-dile). I'm not sure if those 7gypsies knobs are still available but I know that Tim has some new ones here.

This is most likely the cover I'll go with this year. It feels nice and clean and simple - similar to the rest of the design throughout the album. I've been wanting to use this white paper on a project for awhile now.

For a full list of December Daily posts go here.

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70 thoughts

  1. Kelly says…

    oh, it looks so good, ali. i love the paper...there are some beautiful artisan papers out there and they are so much fun to work with.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. amy says…

    thanks for sharing your process, and for the fabulous freebie. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. December Daily | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] + BASICS Foundation Pages 1-25 Cover Option One | Step By Step Cover Option Two | Step By Step (+ Free Title Download) Working With The 6×8 Printable Overlays (+ Video [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Ruth says…

    Thanks very much for the download ~ it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Dana N says…

    Oh I love this version of your cover too! Thank you for the title. Have a great week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. dawn says…

    I love this white one Ali, even though the red is so festive and pretty something about the white just seems more right. Thank you so much for showing us how to make it, just might try it myself. So sweet of you to include the free download thanks again for all your hard work.

    I am showing this to my sisters and my dad to see if they will jump on board with me and make their own DD.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sonja Chandler says…

    Love the circles! The white is nice and clean indeed. although I loved the other cover for its very artsy look.

    Thanks for the ideas and the download!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Amy says…

    Thnaks so much for the download -I'll be using it for sure!! Love that white paper - there has to be something similar out there somewhere.

    There are so many things I want to purchase but it adds up so quickly!!

    I missed the sale price on your daily journal cards so I'll be waiting for the November sale!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Juanita says…

    Thanks so much for the download. I love circles and have many circle stamps. I'm going to look for a similar paper. I just love it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. carla says…

    This one is absolutely my favorite!!! I have to say, you inspired me this morning. I always say I will get Halloween over with, before I think of Christmas. I just can't wait. This will be my second December Daily, and really look forward to getting started. Thanks Ali!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Candy says…

    Thanks for the cute freebie! I will for sure be using this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. nerdgrl says…

    Thanks for the 25s. I've got it saved so I can print some up.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lady Aga says…

    I like the first version of cover. This one is simply and clean, but the other one is more festive and more "yours".

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Brooke says…

    This is my favorite cover. It looks so clean and simple and classic. I am trying to find a similar paper. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. rhonda nickol says…

    Love the simplicity of the white cover and thanks for the free download, I am so looking forward to the DD this is my second year. I made my cover with a green mulberry paper and then adhered vintage milk caps to look like a tree!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lisa W says…

    I love how crisp this looks! Thanks for the download today! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Mandi says…

    I'm not very proficient when it comes to art supplies, but isn't there some kind of medium out there that gives a great thick texture? I'm thinking you could more or less stamp it on with a paper towel/ toilet paper tube to get a similar effect. Just in case the paper can't be found.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sylvia says…

    This one is aswesome too... can not decide which I like more! The white one in a bracket-shape maybe... Thanks so much for the wonderful download-gift - I will use it for sure! Have a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Mandi says…

    looking at it some more I'm wondering if you could also make your life really hard by working some fibers into a nice/unbroken circle and then glue/mod podge them on and over them and paint the whole thing...

    I've got to stop looking at that. I could honestly keep coming up with alternatives all day long.

    or maybe you could try [very carefully] embossing a high quality watercolor paper...

    okay, I'm going now. Thanks for the download Ali and for always inspiring us to get out our stuff and play.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Kristi K. says…

    This paper is so cool, and it is probably pretty darn easy to make. Just trace the circles on some white paper and use Stickles or white puffy paint to draw them in. That's what I'm going to do :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. (Marie) Tere says…

    Thanks for the tutorial. Thanks for the download. I have now learned, when Ali posts a link to a product, and you like it, buy it NOW. Otherwise you are out of luck, or on a waiting list. Thanks for your inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Lori says…

    Thank you the download. And the cover page - love the simplicity of it with a little flair with the red stickles!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Madeline St Onge says…

    Thanks for the freebie.
    That cover is really easy to do, tanks Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Maureen says…

    love them both - the other cover would make for an awesome give away.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Amanda says…

    thanks for sharing and for the download!! You ROCK.

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