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December Daily 2010 | Interior Page Steps + Video Walk-Through Of Album

When looking back through my photos of my December Daily foundation there were a couple where I'd taken some how-to shots. Many of the pages were as simple as stitching or adhering an element but a couple involved more than one step. Here's a look at a couple of those how-to's.

For Day 2 and Day 22 I sprayed Studio Calico Mister Huey Apple Jack Color Mist onto shipping tags. Before spraying I adhered large number stickers from Making Memories and then removed them after spraying.

Here's a look at Day 22 in the album:

Day 8, Day 13 and Day 21 use my AE Christmas Boxes from Designer Digitals. This package from Designer Digitals includes individual PNG files + a print-ready PDF.

The print-ready PDF actually includes all 9 boxes - I just happened to print this out before putting together the PDF page.

I cut out each little box, adhered a date, and added a bit of paint around the edges (Claudine Hellmuth Studio Paint Dash of Red: Two Peas | Here's a look at where these boxes appear (for full supply lists check this post):

For Day 9 and Day 12 I painted chipboard stars and frames using Claudine Hellmuth's Studio Paint Dash of Red: Two Peas |

One last thing for this week: a video walk-through of the album. I've been wanting to integrate more video into my site and felt like this project was a great chance to begin that process. Enjoy!

Ali Edwards December Daily 2010 Foundation from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

For more on the December Daily album go here.

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86 thoughts

  1. December Daily | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] PRE-PLANNING + BASICS Foundation Pages 1-25 Cover Option One | Step By Step Cover Option Two | Step By Step (+ Free Title Download) Working With The 6×8 Printable Overlays (+ Video Tutorial) Interior Page Steps + Video Walk Through Of Album [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. natalyn says…

    So amazing. I'm still in the process of gathering materials for my December Daily album!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. taniawillis says…

    i'm so on this! i hope this is the year that i can see the project through from start to finish. i still have one from 07 that has post it notes scattered about and half finished because i tried to do it after the fact instead of prepping the album first.

    not gonna happen this year. i'm starting to gather supplies TONIGHT! thanks for the video ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Beth Ann says…

    Thanks so much for the video. It really helps to judge the scale of your album seeing you handling it. It is beautiful and I am really inpired to get mine ready ahead of time this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. elisa says…

    love the video! thanks. very very helpful

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Chantel says…

    I am glad you have decided to try different formats for your blog and it is all so fun and exciting with the new changes!!

    My only concern is that I am hearing impaired and a video blog format doesn't work for me as there is a lot of information explained in the video and I am unable to hear what you are saying...

    Sorry, but I just wanted to put that out there...

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks for the feedback Chantel - appreciate your perspective. I definitely don't plan to going all video - just here and there as it supplements the material (and I hope to include as much text based information as always). In the case of the video in this post I mainly talked about the thickness of the transparencies/overlays, highlighting some of the ones I had written about in previous December Daily posts.

    2. Chantel says…

      Thanks Ali... I appreciate the comment. I look forward to making my Christmas album this year!! Thanks for sharing everything that you do!!

    3. Relly says…

      For important video/audio posts there is always the option of using Mechanical Turk to get them transcribed. This works be dividing it up into a couple of minutes and section. Also youtube and other services allow you to add captions in screen too. Just an FYI for anything in the future :)

    4. Ali says…

      Oh thanks Relly - good to know!

  7. Jen Thompson says…

    Thankyou Ali! It is really helpful to see the scale of the album as you said against your hand. I would love to see more videos :)
    I'm halfway through creating my DD for this year and also halfway through finishing DD09!
    Loving this whole process!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Theresa says…

    hi ali....yesterday, I asked about the overlays....My mistake. I meant to ask if you will be putting anything else on the transparency's...or just leaving the numbers on them? Thanks! Theresa

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Gotcha! I will be leaving the transparencies as is - I might add a bit to the backs on them (in the same area as on the front). But most likely I'll just leave them.

  9. tammy g says…

    Love the video!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Susan Anderson says…

    The video is a great idea. Loved the number tags and now I know what to do with some envelopes I have. I loved them in last years album but wasn't sure how to incorporate in this years...spray mist it is.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. TracyBzz says…

    Great video - video seems like it would be quicker than taking, uploading, posting pictures, typing and formating a blog post.
    I'm doing my own version of this album again this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. anneberit says…

    Thanks for the live view of the album. Looking forward to put together my own album as soon as the supplies reach my address.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Madeline St Onge says…

    I have everything but the date thing figured out, I don't know how I want to do that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Marisa says…

    Ali, what tools did you use to create the Christmas Boxes? I'm picturing some sort of pen to "draw" on the computer...somehow. I'm totally clueless. :)

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Marisa - I actually drew those by hand on paper, scanned them into Illustrator (a computer program) that traces them and then I saved them in Photoshop. I also use a tablet to do a lot of my digital drawing - the one I use is called an Intuos (

    2. Marisa says…

      Ooh, options! Great! Thanks Ali.

    3. steffb says…

      I have to confess sometimes I see these digital tags etc. and just draw a similar version on cardstock with a marker and go!

  15. Suzette L says…

    This will be my third year completing an December Daily. I have had such a wonderful time participating! My album is all ready for this year, too. Thanks for always sharing your inspiring ideas with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. VSliker says…

    My second year participating! Thanks, Ali. Such a great way to preserve the memories when we're too busy to do much scrapbooking.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. dawn says…

    Wow two video's in one day Ali, how do you do it? This was so cool to see and I liked all the specific to details that you gave us. I've actually decided to try and make my own covers like you did. I don't know much about the paints and stuff that you used but I'm going to try and just play and let it be fun like you did. Thanks again for all your inpiration and for taking the time to explain and show us so much for this album. I especially can't wait to print out the free circles.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Shelly says…

    Just finished watching your video, I'm really excited about getting this together this year. I posted the other day (DD 2008 is now 2 pages away from finished! yea!). I have my paper for 2010-and when I cut it to size (8X8) the scraps are going to be put to use to catch up my DD for 2009. I had been looking for larger rings-I cracked my clear acrylic fronts and backs for my 08 album and had to replace them. Finally found really big rings at my local supply store. I was so happy-funny when I think about the crazy things that make me smile these days.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Cristina says…

    I really enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing it Ali!
    I started putting my album together this weekend! It still seems daunting and I don't know if I'll manage to get it all done, but I am loving the process! :) Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You can do it Cristina - one step at a time and then one story at a time!

  20. Linda Mc says…

    Thanks so much for your help and inspiration!! You are so generous with you talent.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. TracieClaiborne says…

    You are the bomb!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Paula in Australia says…

    Fantastic Video Ali. Bit tricky at 8mins 28sec I heard "Mama" in the background and my little darling is asleep and I thought she had woken up! When I went to check her she was still sound asleep so had to go back and listen again and I realised it was Anna! Priceless.

    Your December Daily is beautiful again this year and I have finally got myself organised to join in. My book is nearly done and ready to be completed come December. I am so excited. Christmas in Australia is very different to yours and I can't wait to see the contrast between the two. It is hot and sticky here in Australia so no snowflakes in my album just lots of images of swimming and sitting in the shade of Mango trees!

    Thanks again for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. TracieClaiborne says…

    ps - so that star on Day 16 is attached only by brads going thru the numbers or did you spray adhesive it as well?

    LOVED THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!! It really helps me to see it in the video vs. pics although I love those too or going back and looking. Last year, I printed all your photos from all your DD's and when I made mine, I constantly looked at the pics of yours. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      No spray adhesive on that one - just brads.

  24. TracieClaiborne says…

    Sorry! One more husband just bought an HP printer and I want to try it with that paper you use. I don't want to buy 8.5x11 and spend $50. Does this look like the same thing you use, only in 4x6?


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yep - that looks like the same (packaging is the same).

  25. Heidi says…

    Ali, you are so awesome. I will not be working DD until Nov as I'm working in October on wrapping up other projects and squeezing a few in before GASP! Holiday season! :) Thanks for taking the time to video what you've done. Such a cool thing to keep growing and incorporating new things (to your site like the videos). This stuff continues to inspire people everywhere and quiet naysayers (not to say I might have read a few threads elsewhere recently). Kudos for sharing yourself and your projects w/ others and encouraging others to do the same. Heidi

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Heidi!

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