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Little Miss Anna-Pants

t-shirt from Amy Tangerine

Little miss Anna-pants.

I'm so excited to experience the Christmas season with Anna this year. She's saying "Santa" and "tree" and definitely checking out all the changes in decor happening around here.

She loves removing everything from my wallet.

She also loves to run into the laundry room and pull out the swimming towels. She brings one to me yelling "Swimming! Swimming!" When we take her to the pool her favorite thing is jumping in from the side and going all the way under the water.

Baby dolls and the care of those dolls are big on her list of things she likes to play with right now. Feeding them, changing their "diapers," taking them shopping ("bye-bye" she says as she pushes them in her toy grocery cart).

She runs from one end of the porch to the other and back again. Enjoys it most when Simon or other little friends are doing it too.

She is growing so fast. Almost every pair of pants I put on her are way, way too short (but of course they still fit around the waist) so we're in the middle of a clothing purge of all things that too small.

Everything is also about the "potty" right now. Dolls on the potty. Anna on the potty. She loves getting a little happy face sticker when she uses the potty.

Simon's sweatshirts and his bathrobe (seen in the image above) are a couple of her current favorite things.

She is a tyrant with a pencil, crayon, or pen. I love this. Simon has never had much of an interest in coloring - it's fun to have a kid that wants to color and draw and scribble (even if she currently wants to color on anything and everything).

"Mine" and "no" are two words that we hear loud and clear.

A few weeks ago she mastered the word "paci" (what we call her pacifier) - it doesn't come out quite like you're reading it, but she knows what she's saying. We got in the car after running some errands one day and she kept saying the same thing over and over and I couldn't figure out what it was. She was steadily getting more worked up, I'm looking around trying to see what she's pointing to when it hits me that she might be saying paci (something that's often up in the front seat, saved for necessary occasions). I said "paci" and she in a very exasperated, very clear voice she says, "yeeeesssssss."

We just love her. She's been such a wonderful addition to our family.

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64 thoughts

  1. Tweets that mention Little Miss Anna-Pants | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amy Tan, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: Little Miss Anna-Pants: t-shirt from Amy Tangerine Little miss Anna-pants. I’m so excited to… [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Megan says…

    wide ribbon and other cute ephemera stretch those pants a little. Just stitch it right to the bottom...makes them look so bohemian! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sally says…

    ADORABLE. My kids are older of course -- but I still love it that my daughter LOVES to wear her brothers sweatshirts & old winter jackets for playing in the snow.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. reyanna says…

    Oh my! I saw these photos and thought, "She is SO not a baby anymore! She's a little girl now!" So precious. I've so loved watching her grow up and experience these things. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Pam says…

    my little grand-daughter is talking and needs a translator much like Anna. And she can say yes just like that. Love it. Thanks for sharing sweet Anna with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. keri says…

    aah~! my li'l kayli-bub loves to do that too!! she'll pull my wallet from the diaper bag and sit there taking everything out. it's happened way too often that i'll go shopping and find my cards missing ... or even my entire wallet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Linda Binder says…

    Thanks for sharing. Love the pic of her in the robe. They do grow up too fast. My son is 15 and I don't know where the years went. If I had my blog when he was little, that would probably be all I posted about. Enjoy your kids when they are young. The teenage years have a little to be desired, even when you have a good one like me, they definitely have their moments.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. tara w says…

    Anna's are the best.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…


    2. Michele H. says…

      I'll have to 2nd that!

      Ali - love that you call her Anna-pants. My Anna is 15 and I still call her Anna-Bear:) And...she still answers to it!

  9. Jackie Bremer says…

    Enjoying my almost three grandson (the youngest) right now and it is good to hear you "document" what they love. Oh, how quick they grow up.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. aliza says…

    Have you all read Knuffle Bunny, by Mo Willems? If not--get thee to a book store! It will be read over and over, I promise. It perfectly captures a poor toddler's frustration as she tries to communicate to her dad that her beloved bunny was left at the laundromat. ( I beleive it won a Caldecott honor too)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. heidig says…

    She's adorable! You have such a wonderful little family. Happy Holidays!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Randa says…

    Love the pics of Anna and her relationship with Simon.
    I have 2 boys...never thought we'd really ever get pregnant again, but I am expecting! And, if we ever had a girl, I always planned that her name would be Anna. (my mom's and my middle name is DeAnn and mil is Diann). We are praying for an end to complications with this pregnancy, and we'll find out the gender soon!

    Your Anna is a precious one :) Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Christy Pair says…

    Check out the golden book Little Mommy on Amazon. My daughter loves her babies and loves that book!

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  14. Susan Usry says…

    So so true! Our Addie Grace is only a few months older than Anna -it is such a relief to hear someone else say favorite words include mine, no no, and paci! We just upgraded from pi to paci! We though we were so something when it came out like an actual word! Keep sharing sweet stories!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Nancy Wyatt says…

    What a cutie patootie she is and I just love, Love, LOVE the photo of her in Simons bathrobe! Thanks for sharing your beautiful children with us! It is especially wonderful for me because I don't have any so I get to live through you guys who do! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

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  16. Heather says…

    I just love reading the little daily stories you share about Anna. She is growing up so fast. My son William is just about a year older than Anna, and we are starting the process of autism testing with him. I had hoped and prayed that he would be "normal" (his sister Hannah, age 8, is autistic) but reading about others' little ones and all the myriad funny things they do, I have to acknowledge that he is not quite all there. So much sadness in my heart right now because of that - but joy too at seeing that there are little ones out there like your Anna that are just living life and loving it. God bless you & yours...

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Oh Heather, I know you know that this topic is so very close to my heart and something on my mind often in our home. I wish you strength for the journey with William - I bet he is a super-fantastic kid.

    2. Heather says…

      Thanks so much Ali. One day at a time, right? ;)

  17. LaurieJay says…

    LOVE the picture of Anna in Simon's clothes reading a book. Jeez, how time flies. I remember when you told us that you were pregnant, and now look at that beautiful little Anna. What a precious little princess.

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  18. Erin Whelan says…

    Ali, thank you for sharing your family with us. Anna's are the best. I am an Anne (middle name) and my grandma was an Anna (her middle name). As for the shortness in the pants, I totally sympathsize. I was 5'7" by the 5th grade, I mostly wore overalls (hehe totally dated myself there) because I wouldn't grow out of them as fast. I was the tallest in my class until the 8th or 9th grade oh and I have bright red hair and PINK glasses but that's a story for another time ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Pam says…

    Thanks for sharing all things new & wonderful with Miss Anna. She is adorable!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Stephanie says…

    I love listening to our little ones learning to talk. They just assume we know just what they are saying. Afterall, don't we just assume the same with them!
    Our not-understandable word was (phonetically) ahhhhh-me. Didn't understand what my daughter was saying for a couple of weeks and was greeted with complete frustration until one day I fed her some ice cream and she just smiled and says "Ummmm, ahhhhhhh-me!" To this day, hubby and I still pass an ice cream shop and smile and say "Ummmmm, ahhhhh-me!"

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  21. TracieClaiborne says…

    Oh she is adorable. I LOVE the pic of her in Simon's bathrobe. My baby used to say BEBE!!! (meaning pacifier) and she would say it so dramatic and southern and drawn out that it sounded like she was gonna die if she didn't get it. Anna is at such a great age! So glad you're capturing it all.

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  22. carriep says…

    Love how you share your family with us!

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  23. rani says…

    Very sweet! This is bringing back memories of our girls first holiday! It seems those were the simple times! Trying to recapture those moments year after year!

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  24. Audrey Yeager says…

    I have a little girl a few months younger than Anna and I just love reading your stories because I feel like you are describing MY child! The pens and pencils, going through my wallet, and while listening to Chritmas Carols in the car the other day, out of nowhere she said "Ho, Ho, Ho"! So so much fun!

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  25. Cherie says…

    That picture of her reading in the bathrobe is classic! So cute!

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