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Little Miss Anna-Pants

t-shirt from Amy Tangerine

Little miss Anna-pants.

I'm so excited to experience the Christmas season with Anna this year. She's saying "Santa" and "tree" and definitely checking out all the changes in decor happening around here.

She loves removing everything from my wallet.

She also loves to run into the laundry room and pull out the swimming towels. She brings one to me yelling "Swimming! Swimming!" When we take her to the pool her favorite thing is jumping in from the side and going all the way under the water.

Baby dolls and the care of those dolls are big on her list of things she likes to play with right now. Feeding them, changing their "diapers," taking them shopping ("bye-bye" she says as she pushes them in her toy grocery cart).

She runs from one end of the porch to the other and back again. Enjoys it most when Simon or other little friends are doing it too.

She is growing so fast. Almost every pair of pants I put on her are way, way too short (but of course they still fit around the waist) so we're in the middle of a clothing purge of all things that too small.

Everything is also about the "potty" right now. Dolls on the potty. Anna on the potty. She loves getting a little happy face sticker when she uses the potty.

Simon's sweatshirts and his bathrobe (seen in the image above) are a couple of her current favorite things.

She is a tyrant with a pencil, crayon, or pen. I love this. Simon has never had much of an interest in coloring - it's fun to have a kid that wants to color and draw and scribble (even if she currently wants to color on anything and everything).

"Mine" and "no" are two words that we hear loud and clear.

A few weeks ago she mastered the word "paci" (what we call her pacifier) - it doesn't come out quite like you're reading it, but she knows what she's saying. We got in the car after running some errands one day and she kept saying the same thing over and over and I couldn't figure out what it was. She was steadily getting more worked up, I'm looking around trying to see what she's pointing to when it hits me that she might be saying paci (something that's often up in the front seat, saved for necessary occasions). I said "paci" and she in a very exasperated, very clear voice she says, "yeeeesssssss."

We just love her. She's been such a wonderful addition to our family.

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64 thoughts

  1. Brooke says…

    I think it's so special to capture these moments in time. I love how fun toddler's are. Their personality is so clear by this stage.

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  2. Rebekah Pontow says…

    I love this little story about Anna. I try to write about my daughter in the same way and just remember the little moments of new words and silly behaviors.

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  3. Heather says…

    Love this - My daughter is a two months younger than Anna and is interested in much of the same things- babies, running and potty. She calls her pacifier a 'binky' and luckily, it is easy to say. She always says binky and pats our pockets. :) Anna is darling Ali - just like her brother.

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  4. Melissa says…

    My heart just melts reading this post. I am so happy for you that are getting to experience this time. When my son was this age, he starting singing the songs on the radio in the car. His first song? "This Kiss" by Faith Hill. It was so sweet hearing the words "This kiss, this kiss ...." coming out of his mouth from the back seat. A few weekends ago I was organizing my scrapbook room and had to stop every 30 minutes and have a good cry because I kept coming across photos from when he was younger. Enjoy every single second .... it goes by at lightning speed and it just keeps getting faster and faster. He's 12 now ....

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  5. Amy says…

    I LOVE LOVE the picture of her in Simon's bathrobe. If you haven't yet ordered your photo Christmas cards, that one gets my vote! :-)

    It took me a while to figure out the word "music" from my two year old. It sounded like "nougat", and I just kept thinking about Three Muskateers Bars. (Sad, yes?)

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  6. Danielle Taylor says…

    She is growing so fast! Love the photo of her in the robe adorable!

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  7. Nicole says…

    What a sweetie. I just had one of those exasperated "yesssssss" moments with Eleanor the other day too. :)

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  8. Katy says…

    She's so adorable. Love the bathrobe

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  9. Michele M. says…

    Hearing your stories about Anna always make me smile because they remind me of my daughter, Leah, who is about a month younger than Anna is (she was born March 18). I can always related to what you're going through (the in-between sizes of clothes, wanting to be on the potty and a total and complete love for the paci)--they are all things we're experiencing in our house right now and I want to capture every minute of it! :)

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  10. Erika says…

    She is so flippin cute!!!! Thank you for sharing about your little girl with us :) Makes me VERY excited to have my own in April!

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