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Layout Previews | Yesterday & Today

If you're curious about the kind of layouts we'll be making in my 12-week Yesterday & Today workshop at Big Picture, this post is for you.

One of the biggest things you'll likely notice - there's a lot of words. Bring on the words.

Here's a peek at some of the layouts (in this class there's one layout per week):

I hope you can join me! If you'd like to read more go here or here. Registration is open through January 5th here. Class begins December 30th.

Look for a class giveaway coming this weekend!

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60 thoughts

  1. Debbie S. says…

    I am so excited!!! These look fantastic!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Trisha says…

    I am so excited about taking this class!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Rebekah Pontow says…

    I so would love to take this class! I will be getting on the giveaway and hope to win. Thanks for sharing Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Amy says…

    This is such an unfair post! What a tease! I've been signed up and can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kendra says…

    Hurray! I'm looking forward to this class!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kristyn g says…

    TAKE THIS CLASS!!! That's all I have to say! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. TracyBzz says…

      I agree: TAKE THE CLASS!!

  7. Anya says…

    Awesome!!! I love every litle detail! Thank you for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. dawn says…

    I would sooooo love to take this class Ali, hoping for a chance at the giveaway. Love these peeks into your pages, though.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Anastasia says…

    Hi Ali
    I see you do a lot of graphic design type work with words in this course. You use different types, sizes and alignment as your embellishments... Would you be teaching/advising on how best to combine different fonts, etc. to create a visually pleasant page?

    Oh, and on that occasion, there is a CD on Amazon with your fonts but it doesn't show which fonts are included - could you help with a bit more info/images on that? Really thinking of buying it but am not sure what I'll get:-)


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Morning! This class includes all the downloads and elements I use in the layouts (for both hybrid + digital scrapbookers). I don't really talk about design issues in this class as that's not really the focus - it's more on the storytelling perspective. You can definitely learn from the examples :).

      Let me take a look at that CD - it was made a number of years ago now.

  10. Melissa says…

    Oooohhh - this is "vintage" Ali! Reminiscent of the days of "ephemera of my life", etc. Lovely, for sure. :))

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. shelly k says…

    Looks awesome...going on my wish list!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Maggie says…

    WOOT! Thanks so much for the preview. I'm all signed up and can't wait for the class to begin! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Tweets that mention Layout Previews | Yesterday & Today | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ali Edwards, BigPictureClass. BigPictureClass said: RT @aliedwards: Want to see previews of layouts for my Yesterday & Today class? I just blogged some images here: [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Lynn M says…

    Thanks so much for the preview. I can't wait.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Krys72599 says…

    I'm signed up for the class. I can't wait!!!
    Over the holidays I'm going to try to catch up on everything else I have pending so I can spend all my time on this!!!
    Words are sometimes a problem for me so I'm looking forward to this class!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Ruth says…

    I've already signed up so now I'm even more excited about class beginning!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Liz says…

    Can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. pidge says…

    TAKE THIS CLASS!!! Its not so much about the layouts (WHICH ARE AWESOME!!) its about the perspective (WHICH IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!) TAKE THIS CLASS!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Deb says…

    I am so excited about this class. I have some story ideas already. Can't wait.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. amy says…

    thanks for the post that gives me a better perspective on what i can expect from the class. it sounds really great.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Tere says…

    Pre-homework jitters....I see lots of writing....I'm not good at writing.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You can do it Tere :).

  22. Judy Webb says…

    I haven't decided to take your course yet. I already know "words" are important. I love journaling. My problem is getting my husband to journal. I am doing album for his 85th birthday. I want him to journal about the things he loves, clothes, pens (fountain, collector pens) and much more. He loves to tell stories but when I ask him to journal, he gets all solemn, serious and way to short.
    I think my work for this coming year will be "finish." I am working hard to go through family boxes, sort the data and scrap book the family history. Thank YOU, thank You, for telling me I do not have to scrap chronologically.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Melinda Kirk says…

      Judy I had this problem with my grandad and decided to just tape him talking and transpose it to writing later. I conducted a mini interview - had a few questions ready to get him going and it worked a treat. Some people are just not writers and need a little help :)

    2. MaryAnn says…

      Judy, you will love this class. I took it last year, and I am still in the progress of working on the album. There are some pages, I used over and over. I read the comment from the other lady and yes, have him record the words. There is a software that will translate, it is voice recognize and will convert sound into type. The blind and some progressive offices use it. All is left is editing and check spelling for the correct usage of the word. But, get the stories recorded. This class makes you think about genealogy and the stories that go with it. Enjoy the class.

  23. Melinda Kirk says…

    Hmm, you have reminded me that some of these are still work in progress from when I took the class! Interesting that some of them I have done over and over though with different subjects. Loved this class, highly recommend it :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. SparrowApril The Fragrant Hand says…

    I have put this class on my Christmas list. I hope Santa is listening!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Brenda in Sunny SoCal says…

    This look amazing! I am still on the fence since I have no pictures of childhood with me, they are all at my parents and they just not have a way to get them to me right now, even if I got them a scanner, they are pretty technologycaly challenged....

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