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December Daily 2010 | Day Fifteen

Welcome to Day Fifteen!

I didn't feel like messing with any photos today so I went with a couple snowflakes and a letter.

The snowflakes were created following an idea presented in the December issue of Martha Stewart's magazine.

In the magazine they were made to be ornaments. I punched them using pages of a magazine and they're really too thin to be an ornament so I saved them to add in here.

It's a pretty simple process. Using Martha's Icelandic snowflake punch, punch seven snowflakes to make one larger snowflake. Adhere one tip on one snowflake to one tip on another snowflake to begin creating the larger one.

For the second page I typed up some wishes for my kids (see journaling below), hand-stitched a heart on the Starbucks cup holder, and adhered that to the top of the journaling.

I drew the heart lightly with a brown colored pencil before adding the red floss. I stitched the heart before adhering it onto the background cardstock.

Here's a close up on the hand-stitched heart:

JOURNALING : As I was thinking about what I wanted to write today, what story I wanted to tell, I started to think about life lessons and the things I wish for you in your lives. I love you both so, so much and hope to be around a very long time to watch you grow and discover all the amazing things there are to be wonderfully astonished by (in so many good ways) in this life. One of the biggest things I wish is that you take with you into your life as an adult the memory of a warm and loving home. A home where you were accepted just how you are; a home that welcomed mistakes and the opportunity to learn from them; a home that nurtured your interests and encouraged you to be successful in all sorts of non-traditional ways; a home that was safe and full of love. I wish & hope, when faced with the challenges of life, you find peace and strength in your heart. I wish for you that you both find a path that is just right for you and the knowledge that it’s ok to change your mind along the way. I wish partners in life for both of you who see you and love you for exactly who you are. I wish for you to see the world; to get out of your normal and experience new places and people. There might never seem like the “right” time - you’ve got to just make it happen. No matter what, I wish for you to remember that life is for living. For experiencing and moving and wondering and traveling and reading and learning and finding joy. And don’t forget the sunscreen.

SUPPLIES : Ali Edwards 2010 6×8 December Daily overlays; Bazzill White Swiss Dot Cardstock; Martha Stewart Icelandic snowflake punch; Fancy Pants Tradition Flocked Transparency; Jenni Bowlin Mini Bingo Cards Christmas

TODAY'S POST SPONSORED BY : Scrapbooks, Etc Magazine
A big thank you from me to Scrapbooks Etc. magazine for all their support of the 2010 December Daily!


I’d love to have you include a link to your DAY FIFTEEN page here. Please link directly to your post or image on Flickr vs. your general blog link. Thank you! Also – don’t feel like you need to leave a comment!

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74 thoughts

  1. Ruth says…

    Beautiful journaling ~ so heartfelt.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Mrs. b says…

    Love these pages, Ali! Once again, thank you for the inspiration! This is such a good example (and for me, a reminder) that photos aren't always necessary to tell a story.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. PEG says…

    What a lovely journaling.
    I think all the mother that we are, can recognize in such a list of wih for our children.
    Thank you again Ali, for let us know what you feel;

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. scrappysue says…

    Such a beautiful entry Ali, and such great sentiments! Well we are off on our winter vacation this evening, hoping to at least keep up with my pages digitally. Wishing you and your family and all your blog readers a wonderful Christmas/Holidays. See you in "One Little Word" class!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Judy Webb says…

    Hybird scrapping is the right balance for me. Your pages are gorgeous.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Laura says…

    You touched me with your writing this morning. *This* is what December Daily is about -- getting to the real stuff, the important stuff, the stuff that needs to be written. Blessings be upon you this day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. dawn says…

    Love the snowflakes and the journaling for your kids. That last line about sunscreen is funny. Have a great Thursday.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      No problem at all Dawn. I should have explained it above...part of the reason all those thoughts were coming up is that I've had issues over the last couple of years with my skin. I've had over 40 moles removed - almost all coming back abnormal and one being stage one melanoma. This week I had another removed that seemed very suspicious and am currently waiting to hear back from my doctor about the status - praying that it's just another abnormal one and nothing more serious.

    2. dawn says…

      Ali, I'm sorry about my last sentence about sunscreen, I by no means meant that we shouldn't take it seriously. I hope I didn't offend you or anyone else. Putting sunscreen on is very important, all my kids do that and when I started walking I put it on too. It was just funny that it was your last thing and it's Christmas right now that is all I meant.

    3. dawn says…

      Thank you Ali for your kind reply, I remembered after the post that you had your doctor appt. the other day. Then it clicked what you meant about the sunscreen. So sorry, and you are in my prayers and thoughts. You are a true blessing for many of us, thank you.

  8. Louise Fortune says…

    I like this I think it is great to have a "no photo" day it takes the self inflicted pressure off.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. dawn says…

    We are driving thru town tonight to look at Christmas lights, can anyone help tell me the best way to get pictures of the lights. I tried last year and they came out really bad, just a big blurry spot of light. I'm hoping to make my page for today about "lights" and want them to come out good. Thanks for any advise you can give me.

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. dawn says…

      Thank you for the tips, will use them and hope for the best. Also thank you for the idea of posting ones from oneline that would be helpful. Hope to get the page done tonight after they go to bed then post first thing tomorrow, if all goes well.

    2. Julie L. says…

      I was wondering the same thing a week or so back and went looking online for some information. I found this article to be very helpful.
      Good luck, lights are challenging to get good photos of.

    3. dawn says…

      Thank you for the link about lights. It really is helpful. We just got back from the lights though and they didn't turn out so good. We are going to again this weekend if time. I won't wait till it's so dark out and see how they turn out. Thanks for the help ladies.

    4. steffb says…

      Turn off your flash, use the nightime setting if you have one, use a tripod or a timer to keep it still, maybe park and sit the camera on your hood or roof and turn on the timer, and take tons and tons of shots in as many ways as you can think of. If you photoshop when you open the image, you can adjust the exposure to be darker, so only the little lights show plus maybe a little of their glow. You can also do some fun stuff with your kids in shadow so they are only sillouetted and the lights are shining in the background...just take tons of pictures and play around and you might get a few you can use LOL. If you get desperate you can always find a photo online to use that represents what your story looked like in your mind...

  10. Marsaille says…

    You are a good mom Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Etta says…

    Thanks for the heart idea on the Starbucks wrapper. I've been holding onto mine, wondering what to do with it and feeling like it needed something! This is great inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Wilna says…

    omg... i cannot begin to tell you how much i love your pages today. and your use of the sleeve... perfect.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. melbourne liz says…

    I am a little bit stunned I'm still with you Ali; this project requires commitment! But I am (still capturing December) and I is sooo encouraging to see a no photo day. Life has just taken over and there were no photos yesterday or today! Plenty of stories though. It is the last day of year 4 for my little girl tomorrow and the camera will be there! Dawn had a great idea - christmas lights. Thanks Ali.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. leah a says…

      tomorrow is my son's birthday too- his first! happy birthday to your daughter! :D

    2. dawn says…

      Happy Birthday a day early for your little girl. I remember how bittersweet it was on all my kids 5th birthday. Hope it's a fun day and fun photos.

    3. melbourne liz says…

      I am so smiling after your lovely birthday wishes for my daughter Dawn and Leah A! Thank you. BUT, she's just finished year four at SCHOOL! That is also a big deal in her life. Years 5 and 6 are years of responsibility at our school and she can't wait! Happy birthday to your little boy Leah - what a wonderful, wonderful time. Enjoy.

  14. Elizabeth A says…

    Love this! Your sunscreen advice made me laugh.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Tracy says…

    Good Morning Ali! That was a beautiful letter to your children...they are blessed to have you for their mom. I loved your use of the Starbucks cup holder and those snowflakes are wonderful!! I'm hoping our Michael's has that punch :) You inspire me everyday & I thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. {vicki} says…


    the journaling!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. brandy messer says…

    i am always inspired by u, ali! love, love , love the snowflakes! so simple but packs a big punch! and love the tip about sunscreen! much <3!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Alexandra says…

    I love everything about this - so beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Michele H. says…

    seriously...this is what it's all about. i love your journaling...extremely heartfelt and lovely.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jenni Hufford says…

    this will be something they will always cherish. beautiful words.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. noell says…

    I love the snowflakes Ali. I love the text and the way they're moving on and off the page.

    I also love your journaling -- it's everything I would want for my kids. So beautiful.

    Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Layle says…

    Beautiful today Ali!!

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  23. Tweets that mention December Daily 2010 | Day Fifteen | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michele Holcomb, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: December Daily 2010 | Day Fifteen: Welcome to Day Fifteen! I didn’t feel like messing with… [...]

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  24. AmyHip says…

    OK, I think I'm just going to copy this letter ;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Deirdre says…

    Journaling made me teary this morning, with my littles on my lap as I read. Looking forward to good news from your dermo. report next week.

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