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One Little Word 2011

My 2011 necklace from the lovely Lisa Leonard. Get one for yourself here.

My word for 2011 is light.

This year my word sure seemed to choose me.

Most years I start thinking about my word for the following year in November or December. I think about it in passing and start listening, looking, and being open to the possibilities of a new word.

This year the word light seemed to be trying to catch my attention.

I found it in books, in magazines, in music, in conversations and in quiet moments.

So I'm going with it. It's already surprised, delighted, challenged and sparked some new things within me.

Some years I've had to look harder or listen longer or simply choose one that fit with what was on my mind and heart at that moment. There's no right or wrong. The main thing to remember is that this is your word. It's not for your child, parent, partner, spouse, sister, etc.

And what do you do with this one little word?

You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities.

I'd love to read what word you've chosen or are considering for 2011. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word.

In a couple of days I'll post a compilation of the words as an inspirational reminder to us all.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.


I'm excited to be offering a brand new One Little Word online workshop through Big Picture Classes in 2011 as a way to connect with and honor our words throughout the year.

Each month you'll receive a prompt with a simple creative project and a gentle reminder to check back in with your word. By the end of the year you'll have compiled the contents of an 8.5x11 album that documents, defines, celebrates and generally makes your word more visible. Workshop materials include printable elements, full-color PDF handouts, and video presentations.

People have been asking me if you have to be a scrapbooker for this class. My answer is no. Even though we are making an album it's really more of a journaling/record keeping/thinking/exploring project. I'm excited to see how people interpret the prompts and make them meaningful for their own lives.

This is not complicated and it's not time-consuming. It's simply a way we can come together to share our experience with our words throughout the course of the year.

The One Little Word classroom opens on January 1, 2011.

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1654 thoughts

  1. sue says…

    After much thought my word fo 2011 is 'pray'. There is much to be grateful for in my life but there is also a lot to pray for in our future and the future of our country so 'pray' seems to be the right word for me this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Veronica says…

    my word this year is HONESTY.
    Not in the way that I should refrain from lying (which we all should) but in the sense that I need to be honest with my ability to accomplish things, with my goals, be realistic with what I can get done in this short year, be honest about what my needs really are, my families needs, our financial needs, honest with myself about being a good deserving person,honest with my goals to MOVE MORR and EAT LESS journey (thanks CathyZ), honest with my faith life, and also to be an honest friend, wife and mother.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kathy Weiland says…



    So looking forward to your class Ali...can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Rebecca says…

    I'm also new to the One Little Word. I read about it last year, but was a scattered mess & didn't commit. However last year I did immediately know which word I would do if I ever did it. So this year I will use that word,as I am certain it is still an element of my life I need to be more aware of. I saw that some others already chose a word very similar.

    My word is INTENTIONAL. For so many reasons. Summed up, I believe that life is directed by the decisions we make, and I must be intentional in making those decisions. My thoughts and my words will take me where I am going, and I should choose them intentionally.

    thanks for the inspriation!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kellie says…

    My word for the year will be CHOICES. This is also my first year with the one little word journey and I am excited. I am 46 and have struggled the past several years with an eating disorder. CHOICES chose me. I'm hoping for a life changing experience.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Rachel Celeste says…

    My word for 2011 is believe.
    Believe that I can do all that I want to do.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Stephanie says…

    I'm still debating and thinking about it, but the word COURAGE comes to me. My Dad passed away leaving me in charge of his businesses. I typically avoid complicated situations at all costs (just my personality). But now, I'm thrown into this and have to make the best of it. I know my Dad would want me to have COURAGE to see it through, and not give up. So, COURAGE comes to me.

    Also, the word REJUVENATE appeals to me. I feel like I've been through a sausage grinder this year. I would like to be more like myself, like the person I was before. I may never be exactly the person I was before, but maybe closer. So, REJUVENATE appeals to me as well.

    I love looking through all of the other choices!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Barb says…

    Simplify. I think it speaks pretty much for itself (and I mean it in every sense of the word...stuff, life, social networks, friendships, everything.)
    Peace & Love,

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Traci Taylor says…

    I have been waiting for my word for 2011 to find me... several words have been swirling around; but the one that has "landed" in my spirit is {HOPE}. I am OPEN to what it will mean to fully embrace hope in my life this year... there are few areas in my life in DESPERATE need of it!!!
    I am REALLY looking forward to your BPS Class Ali!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. tawnya says…

    Simplicity. I thought simplify at first, but simplicity evokes more feeling for me. And it's not all about decluttering, but really about connecting to WHO I am at my core, as well. So simplicity.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Deirdre says…


    I resisted picking it because it felt a lil like cheating, or a cop-out, because LOVE is always the word, right? In the past I've chosen Move, Time, and Attend. Some years I couldn't remember my word by August, other years it had a great influence.

    I wanted a word I could come back to easily, could keep in the forefront of my mind, and could use when making decisions. I'm loving it already.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Shannon says…

    Thank you so much for being such an inspiration. :)

    I have sat down, researched, and chosen my word very wisely. From experiencing a devastating divorce from my HS sweetheart of 23 years to passing through a milestone birthday plus everything in between, I really needed a word that said it all for me. The word I have chosen is "Purpose(ful)" ...I'm excited to begin my new journey. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lynnette says…

    I am coming close to a final selection, one of the words I have been pondering is TOGETHER.
    by combined action: jointly
    in or into agreement or harmony
    in or into a unified or coherent structure
    with each other

    I seem to have a problem with asking other for help or reaching out or taking the time to be "together" with others sometimes - I am thinking areas I can work on are together with God, husband, children, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers - it applies to all areas of my life! And like many of you once you become aware of something it seems to pop up everywhere - on a Dove Chocolate wrapper -"Togetherness itself is a holiday treat" Author John Maxwell - "Who you are is who you attract-grow accordingly" I also read Inside the God Box from one of Ali's blog posts and to me it said together with God we can weather anything and that togetherness can help ease the stress I feel in my life, I'm not alone.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kaye says…

    Love the word "light"-it has many meanings. The word I have chosen is "home". I have been away from my home caring for a daughter with a medical emergency for almost a year. I want to go "home"-I dream about it and think maybe I have taken it for granted.

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  15. Kerry A says…

    I think this year my word will be NURTURE.

    As a mom, I easily nurture my children but I want to focus on the word nurture this year in a greater way. Nurture my relationships...with God, my family, and friends. Nurture my body, mind, and soul. I'm excited to see the growth and lovely memories that this word will bring me throughout the year.

    Thanks for continuing the One Word project...I think it is such a great way to start the year and a better focus than a typical 'resolution'.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Christine says…

    Although I've read about one little word,this is the first year I will be joining in. Many words came and went, but the word that seems to encompass it all for me right now is RETURN. Return to my core beliefs and powerful practices. Return to my family metaphorically, as I have been working full-time as well as doing my graduate work and my mind and body have been mostly in work world. Return to simple habits and activities.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I love the sentiment of the word return.

  17. Jill says…

    I love reading everyone's words. I've been looking at a couple of words and the one that keeps jumping out at me is "consistent". I need to be more consistent in my running, training, parenting, work, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing where 2011 takes me with this new focus on being consistent.

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  18. Dee Cummins says…

    Last year, my word was nurture. It was something I needed after a year of breast cancer treatments, but I never really worked the word. This year, my word is MOVE (taken from Cathy Zielske's phase -Move more, eat less). I am great at lists and plans and thinking, thinking, thinking -and sitting. Now I want to get up and do all those things, so I plan to MOVE. I want to exercise, prepare healthy foods, de-clutter my space, change old habits, create art, scrap, and go find new things to see and do and photograph.

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  19. LibraryGirl62 says…

    Focus. I need some in a big way!

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  20. Dee Cummins says…

    Last year, my word was nurture. It was something I needed after a year of breast cancer treatments, but I never really worked the word. This year, my word is MOVE (taken from Cathy Zielske's Move more, eat less). I am great at lists and plans and thinking, thinking, thinking -and sitting. Now I want to get up and do all those things, so I plan to MOVE. I want to exercise, prepare healthy foods, de-clutter my space, change old habits, create art, scrap, and go find new things to see and do and photograph.

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  21. Christy says…

    My word is Health. I have chosen this as I choose to focus on a healthier life style in the upcoming year.... healthier foods, commitment to taking vitamins, exercise.

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  22. Sheila says…

    My word for the year is "Faith" which sounds very cliche; however,it seems to keep coming up in my daily life. My family and I recently joined a church this last year and are really enjoying being a part of the chrisitan community. My sister-in-law was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor this past july; had it removed and now is having it removed again for a second time here in December. My mother has always told me that I need to believe in God as if I am a small child, but I am struggling with this because of what my sister-in-law is going through. She is such a good friend, sister, mother and wife and I can't seem to understand why God would path her in such a way? So, my word is "Faith" and I am determine to understand the true meaning and give myself to the Lord in hopes that he will guide myself and family through the year.

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  23. Alisa says…

    ACTION and I have found each other. Hopefully we get on well together in 2011.

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  24. Christine says…

    While I was tempted to pick the word 'light' as well I waited and oddly... the word 'wait' slammed me in the head. I think God is trying to say something significant so I am following along. Just signed up for the class and am really excited to get going :)

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  25. Linda E. says…

    Commitment is the word I'm choosing this year, my third year of choosing a word.

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