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Event & Class Updates

Gearheart, Oregon Photo by Liz Lamoreux

Here's a few updates and reminders about my current workshop and event schedule. You can always see my upcoming event listings and class schedule under About Ali/Events.

YOUR STORY: A Studio Gathering Retreat

Registration is open for the Your Story: A Studio Gathering Retreat on the Oregon Coast (June 15-19th). Come join Kelly Barton, Meredith Winn, Liz Lamoreux and me for a weekend event focusing on personal storytelling. Weekend themes include truth, love, passion, joy and beauty.

Here's what Liz has to say about the event:
"During our time together, we will sink into what it means to share our stories through our writing, photographs, blogs, and artwork. We will play with color and words, let our cameras guide us, walk on the beach, and let the sun shine upon our heads as we listen to one another and share pieces of who we are. As with all Studio Gatherings, there will be several hours of free time each day for participants to continue the conversations, “work” on how they are sharing their own stories, explore the coast, or simply relax.”


I'm excited to let you know that I'll be an instructor at Creative Escape in 2011. This scrapbooking/crafting event runs August 25-27 in Chandler, Arizona. All the details for this event can be found here. I'll most likely be teaching some sort of minibook workshop - I've got some ideas floating around in my mind for something meaningful and cool.


Join Chris and I for a trip-of-a-lifetime tour of Tuscany this October 3rd-12th led by Jim West of ScrapMap. I'll be teaching two memory keeping classes over the duration of the trip.

All the details about this food and wine adventure can be found at Bella Tuscany.


My One Little Word class at Big Picture is underway. This simple, once-a-month-prompt workshop features open enrollment throughout the year. You're welcome to join the community at any time.

Here's a couple other cool happenings coming up online:

Lain Ehmann's February 2011 Layout A Day Challenge

Join Lain Ehmann for her popular Layout A Day challenge this February.

According to Lain, "LOAD is NOT your typical scrapbooking class. You’ll receive daily prompts and lessons on the topic of inspiration, and a lot of interaction and information in the form of blog posts, audios, videos, and interviews. During the month we will focus on the process of scrapbooking and how to enhance our own individual styles. The daily prompt might encourage you to use a particular product or sketch, or to document a specific topic, but we’re not all working on the same project — some people ignore the prompts or pick and choose among them, and that is OKAY!"


My friend Mati McDonough has teamed up with Lisa Congdon to offer a fabulous 5-week online painting workshop called Get Your Paint On. These two ladies are very well respected in their genre

From their site: "Want to start painting but don’t know where or how to begin? Feeling stuck in your existing art practice and need a little kick in the pants? Wondering how others approach their painting process? Seeking a community of like-minded folks with whom to share your painting experience? Want to be inspired by weekly artist interviews, painting prompts and chock full painting lessons? Get Your Paint On may be for you!"

This class is designed to support both beginning painters and more experienced artists.

Custom Stamps at Paper Source

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18 thoughts

  1. Jodeen says…

    Will you be teaching at Bliss again this September?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Jodeen says…

      That's too bad! It was great having you there last year.

    2. Ali says…

      I won't be this year - the timing is too close to when we'll be going to Italy (which has been scheduled for over two years).

  2. dawn says…

    This sounds so wonderful and fun. Due to the cost and that it's my kids first days at school (one is starting high school) I will be needed here.

    On another note though, I wanted to ask how you are doing at managing your time now with two classes at BPS, your stamps, daily blogging, etc. Do you actually have a to do list everyday, do you work on all these in a single day or spread them thru the week, and how about the gallery's for your classes and keeping up on those? How do you find the time to do so much and be so organized and creative? Sorry to dump it all on you but my one little word is TIME and I'm trying to make good use of it. Thanks for all the help you can on this question. Have a wonderful day and an even greater day tomorrow with Simon.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Kristie H says…

      Yes! Yes! Yes! Looking forward to this! Feeling lately like I can not get anything done! Of course, I have a 9 month old. She's very very cute and very very high maintance! =) But still!

    2. amy w says…

      I'm glad Dawn asked this question. I've also been wondering about your organization system. Can't wait for your post on the subject.

    3. Ali says…

      Hi Dawn - I'm in the middle of working on a post on this topic. Hope to have it ready for next week :).

  3. dawn says…

    How lucky for me and I'm sure others. Thank you so much Ali I really appreciate it and look forward to it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jeanne M says…

    I've had my eye on the painting class for a while now. This was the final push..I signed up!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. TracyBzz says…

    I'd love to do the Your Story trip (well, of course the Tuscany one too). I've been to Washington state, but never made it south to Oregon - one day I will.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Judy Webb says…

    Wonderful. So many things to choose from.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Tweets that mention Event & Class Updates | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ali Edwards and Josephina Mydreama, Courtney Carver. Courtney Carver said: If you resolved to be more creative in 2011, check this out... RT @aliedwards Event & Class Updates for 2011 [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. paula s says…

    sounds awesome!!! tahnks1

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Teresa says…

    I wish I could afford to take a class. Your One Little Word class sounds great! Even though I haven't got a word yet. I'm struggling with that this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Denise says…

    I love taking LOAD. It's a fun month and I get a ton of los done. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Liz Ness says…

    Ooo! Thanks for the pointer to get your paint on. I'm a fan of Lisa's work and this class is totally up my alley! =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Corbi says…

    That Tuscany trip sounds amazing! I am going to see if I can make that happen! Thanks for letting us know about it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Monique says…


    Sounds like the Vegas trip was lots of fun. I loved seeing all the colours and textures you photographed.
    Fabulous classes coming up this year!

    Reply 0 Replies

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