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Project Life | Week Three

Project Life | Week Three was pretty much all-about-the-birthday-celebration.

I'm blurring out any faces of kids that aren't my own.

UPDATE | As of writing this post yesterday afternoon, Project Life kits were back in stock at Amazon.

This week I wanted to include a few more photos so I took one of the extra page protectors (there's a few extra after putting in all the weekly titles) and cut it in half.

Did I say yet that I love this process?

Left side:

Right side:

The blue star came off the goody-bags. I stapled it to the page protector using Tim's Tiny Attacher.

Here's a look at the page protector I cut in half:

I added a small file-folder label along the edge.

Here's a look at the back side of the inserted 1/2 page:

Last week someone on Facebook asked how it was going getting the family involved with the journaling and picture taking?

This week I included handwriting from Simon and Chris (and a few scribbles from Anna) when they answered the question "what was your favorite thing about your (Simon's) birthday party?"

As you might have noticed we all had the same favorite thing.

UPDATE ON WEEK TWO | Here's a look at a Long Journaler I added to my Week Two:

The words added were taken directly from this blog post.

I received a really nice note from MaryAnn last week showing me some images from her Project Life last year where she included the Long Journalers from Designer Digitals. Here's a look at a page from MaryAnn's 2010 album:

She also uses my Days & Months Hand Drawn Brushes on many of her photos.

Project Life is a product created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The album kit is available for purchase through Amazon. If you live outside the US check Becky's site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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54 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    The week looks great and lots of fun for Simon. Love the little added stuff (star, lego ) you added in. How cute that you all wrote the same thing about Simon and his friends. Is this is his first friend party? On the left side the insta-photo is that the three of you in a fort?

    Great job on having this week ready after such a busy weekend, thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. audra says…

    Your project life looks GREAT!!! You have inspired me to try this for my first time! I just ordered my kit yesterday. At first I was a bit overwhelmed, thinking this is going to be a "BIG" project, what if I don't finish... However, like you said it can be whatever you want it to be & if I don't have a photo for everyday, I'm going to go with what I have. Letting go of the "perfection" thing is a big one for me. I'm looking SO forward to it. Thanks, & I hope you continue to post your weeks! So glad Simon enoyed his 9th!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Cheri says…

    Ali, I love this! I love how you included all the little bits and pieces... my son's bday is coming up in a couple of weeks so I had been thinking about how I wanted my PL to look that week, you've given me some great ideas! I also love how you used the extra page protectors, what a great idea! Loving that you're sharing your PL layouts weekly! Truly inspiring for me, and other's I'm sure!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Tweets that mention Project Life | Week Three | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by kelly mc willette, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: Project Life | Week Three: Project Life | Week Three was pretty much all-about-the-birthday… [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. birgit says…

    Ali, I love the long "Journals" and was wondering if the digital package comes with .pdf and .doc files? I don't have a photo editing software but would love them for my journaling. Thanks, Birgit

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Birgit - it does not include PDF or .doc files. But, you can insert the PNG files into Word (go to Insert/Picture/From File). I'm also planning to make some new ones and will likely include a PDF file with those.

    2. kirby says…

      Yea that you're making more, Ali - love them! Use them, per your suggestion, when i have more to say than will fit on the journaling cards (or, have filled those slots with photos:))

      Birgit - i didn't use any photo editing software and printed them straight from the file (via picasa, i believe), if that's helpful.

    3. birgit says…

      Thank you, Ali! I will try it. Do you know when the "new" long journalers will come out? Thanks, Birgit

    4. Michele M. says…


      I love the look of the long journalers as well, but wondered how you put it into a page protector?


    5. Ali says…

      Michele - I just slide them in and then use my sewing machine to stitch along the side - that creates a pocket. I trim off the excess with my paper trimmer.

  6. Stefanie says…

    I love that you put the goody bags in the book. Great idea!! I'm so lifing that next month when I have 2 birthdays.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Michelle L says…

    Hi Ali! I was thinking of doing something similar but I have so many supplies already that I don't want to buy the entire kit. Do you know if the page protectors fit in an American Crafts album? I think you mentioned in a previous post that you are using a different album but I can't find that post now.

    Have a great day!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      I'm pretty sure they would fit. I'm using a 12x12 We Are Memory Keepers album and they fit just fine (I'm using that album because I like plain rather than decorated albums).

    2. jamie says…

      michelle...yes they do fit in the american craft. i simply ordered some of becky's page protectors from amazon. i too will be using my own stash. they fit perfectly.

  8. Lisa says…

    i have to admit, i am TRULY loving this process. for someone who tends to make even the most simple task more complicated than it needs to be, this is the PERFECT project for me. like you, i'm keeping everything on my kitchen counter within easy reach & purchased an HP A646 for easy printing & editing.

    please keep the weekly updates coming & thank you for your inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kris Anderson says…

    I love the long journaler and the photo of Anna behind it. What page protectors did you use or did you just cut up a 12x12 and sew your own custom page? Do you mind sharing if you purchased any specific brand/type of page protectors of varying designs to use throughout your book? I saw that WRMK have a variety of designs but I have never used them. I do have some bball card holder sleeves and just oredered BH' new vertical page protectors but think I may also need some additional types for those special mementos, drawings, etc.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      I used a 8.5x11 We Are Memory Keepers page protector. I slid the journaler inside the page protector, used my sewing machine to stitch along the side and then trimmed off the excess with my paper trimmer.

    2. Ali says…

      Right now I don't plan to use any other page protectors in this album (except 8.5x11 for full sheets or for long journalers).

  10. Brandi says…

    Loving your album Ali! I just ordered mine yesterday and I am so anxious for it to arrive.
    Question for you about the small white bordered photo in your half size page protector: Is that a cell phone photo? and Did you use a specific app for it? Just thought I'd ask since it made me curious.
    I appreciate the weekly inspiration. Happy 9th Simon!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That's a photo from the little Instax Mini camera:

  11. Helen says…

    Oh, Ali, such a wonderful thing you're doing! I'm completely behind - have had two ill children for most of January and it's knocked me for six work- and scrapping-wise. Planning to move on forwards with this weeks spread and then play catch up as and when I can......determined to get this project off the ground and finished for this year. It'll be an amazing family resource in the future!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Karen says…

    I just ordered Project Life last night! I'm tired of not scrapping because I don't have time to do a labor intensive project. I could make time, but then I would have to take that time from another creative pursuit or family time and I just don't want to do that. So, I am excited at the idea of not missing out on recording the everyday family memories! And I love that you are using it and inspiring me! :>

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Nicole says…

    I'm sure you've answered this somewhere... but I wondered if you still do "regular" scrapbook pages along with the Project Life kit? I love my scrapbook pages, but also ordered Project Life and want to do both. I originally thought of keeping them separate but then just realized it might work to put them together in one book, all mixed together in chronological order? I'd love to know how you do it, Ali!


    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Nicole - I talked about that a bit last week when I included a layout with my week:

      I love the idea of putting traditional pages in with the weekly content - most likely I'll end up with two albums for this year.

      Last year I had separate albums.

    2. Nicole Barczak says…

      Thanks Ali!

  14. Carrie C says…

    :) love it.

    I have three weeks completed in mine too!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Shauna Miller says…

    love it as well. THis is my first year doing "Project life" and 3 weeks into and I am so pumped I am doing it. THanks for all your inspiration. enjoy your week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Nicol says…

    thank you so much for your inspiration. i love how you are approaching this project. i'm determined this year to finish this project instead of quitting two weeks into the year.

    on another note, i took classes from you several years ago in spokane and constantly repeat your mantra of "it is okay" while i am scrapbooking. it's my mantra for this project too for the days i don't take a photo. thank you so much for everything!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Rhonda says…

    I'm doing Project Life for the first time this year and I just wanted to say thank you for all of your inspiring work. I love your clean style and I'm looking forward to seeing your album as it progresses through the year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. kelli says…

    I am going to do the Project Life kit this year, but I have to laugh...'cuz how exactly do you romanticize and journal a flat tire, kid with strep throat, sweating at the trainers and paying our corporate taxes? That's my January so far! :)
    (Seriously, I'm excited about Project Life and thank you for highlighting it, as it's where I found out about it.)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh it's not about romanticizing it at's real life :). Gotta love those quarterlies.

  19. Teal says…

    Ali - thanks so much for continuing to show us your PL! Seeing yours each week is not only inspiration, but a reminder to me to keep working on mine and not get behind!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cristiane says…

    Ali, many years ago, in 1994, even before I started thinking of doing scrapbook, I bought a magazine in Europe, which had a few pages of "scrapbooking" done in journals. I thought it was so interesting. Just by looking at your Project it reminded me of the way I liked that and the way I prefer to scrap. Just put little things together and everything that meant something that day or that week, instead of scrapping picture by picture. Maybe I should only do like this from now on. You are my biggest inspiration! Thank you for sharing so many cool ways of doing things and so simple (sometimes :)) Have a great week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. chris says…

    hi ali. i am not much of a photoshop person. i took a class, but just couldn't get the jist of it. so i was wondering if i could use your digital stuff in picasa?

    your PL looks fab! i too do the PL.

    chris s

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      From what I've heard from other people I think you can. I'd start with some of my free downloads to make sure: (scroll down to see the list of free elements).

  22. Regina says…

    Ali, I was wondering what you do when you have a ton of photos for a certain event and how you incorporate those into your Project Life album. Do you put the other photos into a separate scrapbook? I'm one of those people that takes like 200 pictures in a weekend. :)


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Regina - I've never been one that uses all the photos I take :). I more likely to just pick-the-favorites and work with those.

      For Simon's birthday we took a bunch - some of them are featured here (which is why I added in the second page protector) and others are just on the computer. I'm not sure yet if I'll do another birthday layout - I kinda like what we've got here.

  23. Megan says…

    Hey Ali -
    Did you cut a page protector down to fit the long journaler card?


    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Megan says…

      Thank you so much!

    2. Ali says…

      Yes - I print and cut the long journaler then slip it inside the page protector. Next I stitch along the edge (but don't stitch the paper to the page protector) and then lay it down on the trimmer and cut off the excess.

  24. Ginger says…
    01/26/2011 that you cut the sheet protector in does this work? I'm scared. LOL...

    Great week :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It's so easy Ginger! Just lay it down on the trimmer and cut ;).

  25. Kim Howard says…

    I snatched up a kit yesterday and am excited to get started. I really need to jump start my scrapbooking again and I hope this will help. Always enjoy seeing how your children are growing and your daily schedule as a busy working at home Mom. Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us!

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