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Save The Date | Week In The Life 2011

Save the date for Week In The Life 2011 : July 25th through July 31st.

This year I've decided to document a week in our lives during the summer. Why? A look at what our lives look like in the summer months will be a really nice way to round out my Week In The Life album collections.

It's likely that I'll have a new design for the album this year - still in the 8.5x11 format.

I know one of the questions that people will have is what's the difference between this project and Project Life and will I be doing both? I will be doing both. The main difference for me is that Week In The Life is much more in-depth over the course of seven days. I do at least a full two+ page spread for each day with much more detailed journaling. My plan is to keep on doing Project Life like I am right now - little bits over the course of the week. It's likely that the photos might be repeats and I'm totally fine with that.

Read all about this project from both 2008 and 2010 here: Week In The Life.

Consider yourself invited!

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67 thoughts

  1. Ruth says…

    I'll be joining you in this, as I so enjoyed WITL last year. I'm starting Project Life on April 1st, so may put July's WITL straight in to my PL album. Still time to change my mind!

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  2. KathleenB says…

    RSVPing for WITL.....can't wait!!!!

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  3. dawn says…

    I'm so excited to join in again this year, will be my second time with you. Last year's was so much fun and I learned a lot and embraced being in front of the camera that whole week. I even learned about the self-timer on my camera. Thank you so much Ali for doing this again and sharing the journey with us. We have a big birthday and a special wedding that week so it will be a perfect week for me.

    What sort of ideas are you planning on changing this year? Any clues we can get now, I like to have time to shop and get new supplies if necessary. This is so exciting can't wait!! Hope you are all having fun with your family.

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  4. melbourne liz says…

    I only discovered your projects late last year and loved doing the December Daily. Love how it allowed me to experiment and released me from the bonds of 'perfect' scrapbooking. So much more satisfying to record day to day as well as special days and events. And now I'm having a ball with Project Life (thanks Becky). So I reckon I'll be ready to have another play in July - mid-winter here. Thanks Ali for the inspiration

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  5. Susan says…

    Hey Ali, I will save the date. I just finished A Week in the Life on Sunday with a simple digital, two page spreads per day. I had literally decided the Saturday before 'I'm going to do a Week in the Life this week and it worked out. But July will be a great time for another one. I am also planning a '100 days of Summer' album - just not sure how I'm going to approach it - probably digital and probably simple.

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  6. Leora Henkin says…

    Yeah! Date saved!

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  7. Michelle D. says…

    I'm an avid PLer and WILFer and I feel the same WITL I get more into the min by min day to day of our lives whereas in PL it's more a snap shot of our week. Can't wait to do WITL in summer!!!

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  8. Maggie says…

    Just posted some pics (not the most beautiful post in the world, but 100 photos in it!) where, using the page dividers/blocking method, I was able to snapshot about ten years in one week. Every single one of the pages aren't completely finished, but 80% are, and the mess is over!

    I can now take my book to crops and have "something to work on" to finish the details on the rest. I love how the mixed pages let me have a home for my digital layouts I've practiced through the years in your grid-like formats, my daily inserts, and the 4X6 mini layouts (photos + words).

    It's basically a "mom" happy book with strap photos of family and kids and tickets. I had such fun and can't wait to apply this approach to my early marriage photos stuck in boxes. Most of film prints, so the pockets are going to TOTALLY free me up to MOVE! So excited. Thanks for sharing these ideas and being willing to move outside the box! Simplicity doesn't have to mean lack of creativity!

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  9. Jennifer Levin says…

    Yea!! I'm excited! This will be my first time participating in A Week in the Life. This year's date is a week where I'll be traveling for a few days (though not the whole week), so planning ahead will be key for me. I'm excited to see what new goodies you'll have in store for us for this project!

    As always, thank you for continuing to inspire and challenge us the way you do! ~Jen

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  10. Leanne says…

    I CAN'T WAIT!!! Haven't done this in a couple of years, and I think this is exactly what I need to boost my creative side this summer! Thanks for the inspiration, as always!

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  11. Pam says…

    YAY!!! So excited!! I did this for the first time last year and it was so much fun, can't wait to do it again!

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  12. shelly brewer says…

    Hooray! I am so saving the date(s). I've never done Week in the Life before, but I've enjoyed pouring over yours online and am SO in love with Project Life (new this year), I think it's going to be fantastic. Thank you Ali!

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  13. Katie says…

    I was just thinking about this yesterday, i am super excited and can't wait to get started? Is there anything you do before hand to prepare and make the process go smoother ie. DD ?

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  14. Emma says…

    I will be about a month into being a mama for the first time when WITL happens this year. I'm thinking it might be the right year to do this project, a way to really remember the early days of parenthood.

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  15. Lee says…

    I can't wait to get started ... so much so, I've already gone out and picked up all of the summery paper and supplies I'll be incorporating into the project :)

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  16. Shelly says…

    I'm putting it on my calendar now! I took your CKU class and have been in love with this project ever since.

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  17. amy says…

    thanks for the heads up - i can't wait!

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  18. Ann says…

    It's on my calendar. I was wondering, do you think it would be possible to do a supply list in early May or so? I hate to ask, but I've just moved abroad and it's so hard to get supplies where I live, but I'll be in the US in May and hope to pick things up for this then. I know I can just use what I have (which isn't much) and that works for the December Daily, but I think I want to follow your template a little more closely since it'll be my first time doing it.

    I completely understand if your plan for this is completely different though.

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  19. Becky H says…

    It's now on the calendar. Can't wait!

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  20. Heather says…

    I am in! I wanted to join in last year but I was really new to the documenting thing and was already "dropping the ball" on my project 365. This is on my 35 while 35 list so I will be joining in this year with a much better idea of how I want to approach it! Thanks for leading so much inspiration!

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  21. tara pollard pakosta says…

    funny that you want to document summer because I have plans to do week in the life in the month of June!!! so awesome!

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  22. Tina says…

    I'm so glad! Last year I did it but my daughter was at college, so I'll be glad to be able to include her over the summer!

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  23. christen krumm says…

    Oh I so wanna do this!! Very excited. This is a crazy insane week for me this year, so that makes it even more exciting (sister's getting married on the 23rd and my due date is a week after that!!)

    Can't wait!!


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  24. Francine Clouden says…

    Maybe if I start getting ready from now I will actually be able to keep up this year? Although there is a chance we might be on vacation then. But that could also be a good angle!

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  25. angie blom says…

    OH I just can't wait.. That week will start off on me and my hubby's birthday.. and end the day before our 24th Anniversary.. so I might have to do a week and a day. ! I am marking my calendar.

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