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New Mini Class Bundle

Happy Tuesday! Today I'm happy to announce the release of the first of three mini-classes coming to my shop. 

These are the classes I taught in person during the first half of the year and we've adapted them to bring them to you wherever you may be in the world (added presentation and process videos). In addition to purchasing each mini class individually I'm also offering a bundle option for those of you who are interested in purchasing all three - the bundle is $10 less than purchasing all three workshops individually.  

The mini classes are each available for $18 when they go live for sale or  choose the Bundle option for $44. Mini-classes included in the bundle are Day In The Life™ (now available), Love You Because (coming mid-August), and I Am Tag Book (coming mid-October). You can see a short description and images of each project on the Bundle page here as well as below.  

We've added many of the recommended supplies to my shop for those of you who are interested in using some of the same things (additional supplies are being added for Love You Because and I Am Tag Book as it gets closer to their release dates). You are also always encouraged to substitute what you might already have on hand. 

Here's a look at each of the mini classes:

Day In The Life™ | Over the course of a single day what do you do? Where do you go? What do you eat? Who do you talk to? What time do you get up and what time do you fall asleep? The beauty of this project is in capturing the mundane everyday details. These are the things we often don't pay much attention to. Day In The Life™ is an opportunity to shed light on your routines – the magical part coming after you've done it a few times are actually able to literally see your life through your words and photos. 

Before this workshop you will need to actually document a day in your life. Pick one day and take photos from when you wake up until you fall into bed. Along the way keep notes of times and what’s actually happening. In class we will bring these words and photos together into a 4x4 album. 

Workshop includes a 60-minute presentation, a 30-minute process video showing me working through the album, a 13-page PDF handout with images from two albums (2014 and 2015), message board, and gallery for sharing your projects. Please note: This workshop includes a re-do of this 4x4 album I shared on my blog in 2014. It was re-created to make it applicable for an in-person workshop. In addition to the 2014 album images included in the handout, I took my 2015 Day In The Life™ content and recorded myself putting the album together which became the process video (images are also included in the handout).  

Topics Covered | Everyday life scrapbooking. Not making things more complicated than they need to be. Embracing imperfection. Lessons learned from past Day In The Life™ adventures. Repetition.

Available | Now. Full details here.

Love You Because | When was the last time you wrote out the many reasons, from silly to serious, why you love someone? Often we go through our lives thinking things in our heads - maybe about how much we love some one, or how much they have impacted our lives, or how much you love it when they put their hand on your face just so - and we might just forget to share that information with the person we love (or we might not be able to if they have passed on). In this workshop you will create a 6x8 horizontal mini-album to hold those reasons why.

Topics Covered | Scrapbooking as an opportunity for communicating love. Mini-book design including repetition as a design tool. Working with transparencies and see-through pockets. Not making things more complicated than they need to be.

Available | Mid-August.  

I AM Tag Book | As memory keepers, many of us focus on telling the stories of other people in our lives first and foremost. It’s time to get yourself in the story my friends. Join me for an artistic exploration into who we are right now using “I am” statements and fun mixed media tags.

Topics Covered | Personal storytelling. Stamping. Misting. Painting. Stencils. Embracing imperfection. 

Available | Mid-October. 

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8 thoughts

  1. ChrisyC says…

    Looks like some great new classes to add to your offering Ali. Love the bundle idea too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. 432359 says…

    Those mini classes sound awesome!
    Will you be sharing your day in the life album/pages on the blog also? Or maybe you already have and I just can't find it..?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning! This time I decided to use the content within the mini-class as a second example. It's similar to the one I did in 2014: Next year I'm planning to do it three or four times and will be sharing the process here on the blog. You can also see all my past posts and ways I've approached other Day In The Life days here:

  3. Mindnic says…

    These classes are awesome! I was lucky enough to be able to take a few of them in person with Ali last month at She Scrapbooks. The Day In The Life class was especially awesome because I actually finished it!! It boosted my scrapbooking confidence and has helped me tackle some of my unfinished projects :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. mtercha says…

      I love that! My confidence in my scrapbooking soared when I did last year's WITL for the first time.

  4. mtercha says…

    So excited for the new items in the shop. Birthdays are for...treating myself to some great new stuff! Love the labels, love the chipboard, the number stamp, but I have my heart set on the photos stamp, sigh... Anyway, great bundle. These class ideas are awesome. Thanks for all you do. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. soozee_abbott says…

    Hi Ali
    will there be any free digital stuff with these classes? postage for actual stamps etc to UK limits me to digital.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Each one includes some kind of printable/digital component, but not a full set of digital supplies. For Day In The Life™ there are two journal card sets (you could use any number font for the times of day), for Love You Because there is a printable page of journal strips and hand-drawn boxes, and for I Am Tag Book there is a cut file to create a stencil.

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