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Week In The Life™ Kit Video Overview

It's been so great seeing all the  Week In The Life™ images of people being excited popping up on Instagram (using the hashtag #weekinthelife). I love this project (this is my 10th year I believe) and I'm super excited for it to happen again. In case you missed it I'll be documenting my week starting on August 17th. 

There are still some  Week In The Life™ kits available for purchase. The pre-order period for this Week In The Life™ kit ends in early August. Don't delay if you want to take advantage of free domestic shipping and $8 international shipping. All kits ordered after the pre-order period will be subject to regular shipping fees. 

Here's a look at what's included with this kit: 


We've got two different ways available to chat with others about this project - feel free to join either or both: 

ONE | Please join us in the free Week In The Life™ Community here on my site. We've got a message board and gallery set up for sharing your work and chatting with others as you document and bring your album together. Please remember that the Week In The Life™ Community is not a workshop where you'll be receiving lessons and handouts. I'll be freely sharing my process here on my blog as I collect my photos and words during the week and then I'll share my process for dealing with all that content in the following weeks. 

TWO | In addition to the community here we've started a Week In The Life™ Facebook group. This is an open group that anyone can join to chat and support each other through the process of documenting and creating your project. 

For more information about Week In The Life™ check out my projects page and order your kit that makes it easy to focus on capturing and celebrating your words and photos with a fun, story-focused intentional embellishments. Week In The Life™ 2015 will begin August 17th if you'd like to record along with me during the same week. If you want to dive even deeper you can also check out my archive of past Week In The Life™ blog posts

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24 thoughts

  1. Tanderson says…

    I was wondering if there are any plans for digital supplies for PL2015? (And sorry if it has been mentioned and I just totally missed it!) Thanks :D

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep! Working on them :). We do have the digital cards and stamp available already (templates and overlays are coming):✓&category=digital&search=week+in+the+life&commit=Search+Shop

    2. Tanderson says…

      Yay!!! Awesome - thanks so much! :D

    3. lolalollipop says…

      Looking forward to it :-)
      Thank you.

  2. KW1979 says…

    Hi Ali, my pre-ordered kit arrived today (I am from Germany) and I love it. Can't wait to start with the preparations. :-)
    And I just want to say that I love your style and your way of documenting the everyday.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome! Thank you.

  3. saubry718 says…

    Great kit Ali! I imagine a digital overlay will be available in your store soon?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep - in progress.

  4. mtercha says…

    Love the kit, Ali. Everything is just really top notch. Super designs. And I'm really looking forward to doing this project again. Thanks for all you do. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. slmnontec says…

    I've got my kit. Excited to start. I have a question however. We will be returning from a reunion on Tuesday of that week and leaving on an anniversary cruise on that Friday. Whew! If you were me, would you document these two major events (though I will be making layouts and an album or two) or go for a more typical week? This, for us, is highly unusual. Just wondering what you would do. Thanks!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. ashleymoseley says…

      I am not Ali, but I think it would be an interesting perspective to see the two trips and a normal day in one week! Plus, you'll be recording all that pre-trip prep that takes forever but goes unnoticed.

      Happy anniversary!

    2. clearskies says…

      I personally like my WITL week to be a 'normal' week. In the past I've done a different week than Ali in order to get that.

    3. katie1980 says…

      I am wondering the same about possibly starting my WITL a few days early to include my little brother's wedding on the 14th, but I thought what I might actually do is to record that day as per WITL or DITL with timings and details, but maintain it sepaerately from my WITL. If it were me doing all that travelling, I'd be inclined to switch up when I did WITL to capture a more "typical" week, but also to document a little more closely the events of those two amazing trips including all the preparation and "unnoticed" stuff as ashleymoseley said.
      Have an incredible week! (And happy anniversary when it comes!)

  6. jchurch2 says…

    Loving the kit, and psyched about the project. You make me happy, Ali, and keep me busy!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. NatashaP says…

    My kit arrived today (Australia) and I love it. This is my first one - can't wait to get started.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. katie1980 says…

    My kits (I ordered both!) and divider pages have arrived, and it was so cool getting a parcel where I didn't know exactly what would be included in it! I *adore* those little days of the week woodcuts - I think they may take pride of place in my album and I am considering having a transparency for each day to really highlight the woodcuts and make them shine. Nothing else in the pocket, just them :)
    This will be my first time doing WITL - I did DITL earlier this year but have yet to put the pages/ album together (probably partly because I have not quite decided how I want to do it), but I am well on-board for this! I might actually use my second album (I think the Stories one) to record my DITL, and add further DITL days to it moving forwards.
    I do love the 6x8" albums for special projects - I adore having my December album on my sideboard and am DEFINITELY doing that again this year! Can't wait for my days of the week WITL album to join him :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lize says…

    Such a great looking kit. And I love that the journal cards are not back to back.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lize says…

    Just a question too: is there any chance of making the transparencies (or similar ones) available as an add on to the kit for those who missed the initial offer?

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. nailgirl says…

    I haven't done this project in several years but the kit this year really got me to jump on board and so I ordered a couple days ago! You've really done a top notch job with this project and I can't wait to play along, thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Inkfanatic says…

    OK!! So, I had totally planned on using supplies I already have on hand in participating with this, which is absolutely one of my FAVORITE EVER PROJECTS (EVER!!!)! BUT, as soon as I saw the video, and that there were kits still left, I immediately went and ordered one! SO EXCITED NOW!!! I SUPER LOVE the Story Kits & Stamps, seriously...can't put it into words how much I love your products & all that comes with the kits!!
    And a little side note...we cancelled our internet service at our house yesterday (ACK!!), for many reasons, but I'm CHOOSING (my OLW) to be positive about it, and use my evening time to get some serious creating done!!! (And, truth be told, I'm not upset about the lack of internet at home now, as we have it at our work-we own the business, so it's ok that I'm accessing it when I have downtime during the day). Otherwise, what would freak me out the most about lack of internet, is missing my access to this site, and the wonderful community, education, and inspiration it affords me! THANK YOU Ali, Katie, and your whole team!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. singergab says…

    @Ali... when you go to order the kit it states the free transparency dividers are sold out. Is that true because you just showed them in the video above. Either way I am ordering the kit but just wanted to know.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - they sold out quite awhile ago - they were an initial pre-order benefit - available for a limited time.

    2. Rhondaraz says…

      would you please consider getting more in as a separate add on purchase? Please please please ;) Thanks, Rhonda

  14. AmyHG says…

    If there were enough people who wanted the daily tabbed transparency dividers could they be ordered??? Now that I've seen them, I won't like the final project without them!!!

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