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Around The Yard | Early Spring Part Two

And just like that things are really blossoming.

The beds are in, the dirt is ready.

Last week I picked up a couple thins to get started: sweet peas (flowers), sugar snap peas, and strawberries.

Clematis along the porch.

Seeing these wisteria sprouts literally took my breath away.

A giant clematis that covers a good portion of our back fence is just about ready to pop.

I took these shots the other day and it's rained just about every day since then. So goes spring in the Pacific Northwest.

Here's to a wonderful weekend.

Thanks for all the questions added to the comments of this post. I'll leave the comments open until today at noon Pacific.

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14 thoughts

  1. Leora Henkin says…

    Beautiful! Good luck with your garden. Our vegetable garden went in last week. My son is really excited about it. He plans to use the garden to raise money for charity. Fun!

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  2. Cheyne says…

    Nature is gorgeous :) Happy Spring :)

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  3. Catherine Denton says…

    So much promise.
    My Blog

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  4. Nicky from Canada says…

    Thank you for sharing - still dreaming for spring here in Calgary, AB - We woke up to snow overnight - still dreaming.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Sarah says…

      Am also in Calgary. Did notice five brave shoots coming up in my partially snow covered garden. Photographed but not nearly as nice as Ali's photos!!

  5. margaretarelene says…

    Ali, can I move in with you?! I live in Northern Alberta, and right now, April 29, 8:00 am, it is dumping SNOW:(. The winter snow had pretty much melted, just little mounds along the north sides of buildings, trees, etc. and now we are seeing snowball size flakes with 1" accumulation so far! Visibilitiy is less than a quarter mile. Seeing your trees blooming with pink flowers is a sight for frozen eyes!! Thank you for sending pictures of hope:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. nerdgrl says…

    We've been waiting six years for our wisteria to bloom. It finally covers our small pergola at the entrance to our vege garden. I'm hoping this year will be the year for it to bloom. Ever since I saw Tiffany's wisteria stained glass at the Corning Glass Museum, I've wanted to have wisteria.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. sarah says…

    that IS a giant clematis! please share a photo when it blooms, so pretty! hope your lilac is also blooming nicely. i thought of it the other day when i clipped a tiny bloom off mine to brighten my desk at work.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Candy says…

    you are brave! Also living in the PNW I have decided this year is good for planting bushes but is just not going to be a good year in general. It's even been too cold to put out my geraniums! Sheesh!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I know - probably not brave...maybe more like not smart :). I'm holding off on most things until it gets warmer.

  9. Lisa Walters says…

    Wow...I just love to see the "new" growth, it is simply beautiful. All your stuff looks so nice. Can't wait to see it in full bloom. So thankful we all shoud be.

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  10. Emma in Aus says…

    Hi Ali! We are heading into Winter in my part of the world ( a little town 4hours west of Brisbane, Queensland)so I love to see you pic of spring arriving as I cant wait for this in about 4 months here.Winter is short here though so will do my best to enjoy it also! Looking forward to WEek in Life!

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  11. denise says…

    I feel like I like in the Pacific Northwest this spring. It's raining just about everyday here too. It wet and warm which is producing lots of spring flowers and the perennials are sprouting to life again.

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  12. Jules says…

    We are also heading into winter here in the Pilbara in Western Australia - however, this is also garden planting time as it is just too hot in the summer. We have beans, peas, tomatoes and also sweet peas in as well as all our salad veges and it is so exciting every day to go home and see how much everything has grown. It is unlikely we will have any more rain now until October at the earliest. I do miss wisteria, lilac and roses as we cannot grow them here. I have just put some hyacinth bulbs in the fridge to chill them down and am going to try them in pots. Floral frangrance is very hard to get in this climate. Thank you for sharing you photographs which remind me of what we left behind in NZ :)

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