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Around The Yard Via Instax

Instax | Early June

A little peek around the yard via my Instax Mini 7S camera.

I'm thinking I'll add this to Project Life for this week and take a few more around the yard to fill in the other side (if it's hard to see, I scanned these images inside a baseball card divided page protector). I also think I'll stitch across the top of each row to keep the photos inside the pockets.

Technically the strawberries and the peonies aren't from my yard right now, but you get the idea.

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27 thoughts

  1. Susie Leggett says…

    Love this Ali. What an awesome insert for project life. You are making this instax camera look so tempting. I love the variety that it adds to your album.

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  2. Susanne says…

    LOVE these instax photos since I saw them in your "Scrapbook on the road" project. Unfortunately they are pretty expensive over here in Germany.
    Do you have any suggestions/ ideas on how to create this whimsy look without having an instax camera?

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. diane says…

    Hi Ali
    We are travelling from Australia to Canada and USA at the end of the year. I was thinking of getting one of these cameras for the kids to take some photos each day to paste in their journal...figure we need to do it each day and not wait to we get home and get the photos developed. So my question is...Are you happy with this camera? Thanks so much.

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  4. lisa truesdell says…

    this makes me smile - i just took a roll of instax at our last ball games this weekend and was planning to do something similar. love the look. =)

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  5. Karin says…

    Going to have to save my money to get one of those cameras, I had never heard of before, looks awesome! It' the new polaroid right?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kohls says…

      Very cool !

      I’m considering buying one of those cameras for our vacation. My daughter loves her Barbie Polaroid even though she doesn’t use it anymore. Thanks for your posting

  6. cinback says…

    Hi Ali. I have the Instax Mini 7S as well, but I am having trouble with the exposure on outdoor shots. Anything I take outside is just a white out and I have tried all of the settings offered! Have you found the same, and have made adjustments somehow? Are you willing to share some tips for outdoor shots with this camera?

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Megan Beverly says…

    Lovely. But I'm glad you put in the note about the strawberries. I was going to be really jealous because ours are looking terrible! Love the instax pix!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Diane says…

    Love this! Just another reason why I NEED that camera! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lisa says…

    Wonderful idea! I have got to move this camera up on my wish list. . .maybe next month :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. .:| Angela |:. says…

    I found a lot of these Instax photos popping up everywhere and I caved. I just ordered a Mini 25 on eBay and it's on its way. So excited!! I'm going to take it with us on our vacation to Hawaii this year. Yay!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    Thanks Ali, love the idea capture and recording my daily surroundings.I kind of been one to photograph the special events and
    portrait type but I love this fact took picture of my house yesterday...

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Libbi M. says…

    please tell me how you did the "E" instax. so creative! would like to do this with mine sometime.

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  13. Jude says…

    These are great! I have this camera and have yet to figure out how to keep the flash from firing outside - even on a bright, sunny day. I even went so far as to put gaffer's tape over the flash, but that didn't help. If you or your readers have any suggestions I'd be most happy to hear them.

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  14. Christa says…

    Lovely photos! How are you enjoying your vegetable garden? We planted our first one this year and I can't wait to taste all the yummy food!

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  15. Kathy says…

    great pics, I did the same thing yesterday but with my DSLR.

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  16. Barbara says…

    Very cool! I'm considering buying one of those cameras for our vacation. My daughter loves her Barbie Polaroid even though she doesn't use it anymore.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. slmnontec says…

    I was reading Shimelle's blog about 10 on the 10th and decided to take vertical photos of 10 things I love about my yard in June. So I was happy to see you had been thinking about your yard also. We are going to have a gazillion raspberries!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Autumn says…

    I love this.

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  19. JennC says…

    The Instax is by far my most favorite 'just for play' camera. I love it!!

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  20. Debbie P says…

    I love doing this once a yard to show the trees and shrubs growth. Would love to try a Instax as it looks like fun! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jill says…

    Hey Ali - I love this idea :) I just tucked some misc. Instax from last summer and this summer into a pocket protector. I've been trying to think of display + storage ideas for all that I've taken over the past 1+ year - this works. Question for you: do you plan to cover the backs with paper? The black sorta bugs me. Oh - maybe I'll do some canvases, ala OLW-June ;)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm thinking I will just put another round of images on the back :)

  22. Project Life | Week Twenty-Four | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] page protector that holds mini Instax photos on both sides. The front side was shown previously in this post and includes images from around my [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Prachi Wicks says…

    Hi Ali,

    I really want to buy a fuji instax and I am having trouble figuring out which size to buy. I know you say you use the mini the most. Does the regular size instax (the 210) pictures fit in the 3x4 journaling card pockets in your project life page protectors or is itonly the mini instax picts that fit in the 3x4 inch pockets?


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Prachi - the 210's do not fit in the journaling pockets (they are too big). The mini's do fit. Also, the 210 camera is really, really big. Nice to keep in mind if you are wanting one for travel and such.

  24. Ramona says…

    As always,
    very cool. Another great idea to try at home. :)

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