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Seattle Danskin Triathlon 2011

Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity to complete my second Seattle Danskin Triathlon. I can't tell you enough how much I love this event. You can read my detailed post about my first adventure last year (2010) here.


This year I had a couple friends join me. Say hello to Doris and Anna. The three of us were together at an event this past January and the topic of the triathlon came up. I invited them to come stay with me at my parents house and participate in the race. They showed up.

I loved, loved, loved having them here.


We met up on Saturday and took care of the pre-race details including registration at Seattle Center and racking our bikes at the event location.

There was lots of chit chat, lots of laughing, lots of eating really good Thai food near Greenlake, and then more chatting.


On Sunday morning we were up bright and early - around 4:45am or to make the drive up to Seattle.

One of the best parts of the weekend was that my parents came along too and took all the photos you see below. It is so much more fun at an event like this when you have someone cheering you on - the support is awesome.


We met up with my cousin's wife Cristina again. She's the one that got me into this in the first place.


This year there were a little over 2000 participants.



It was definitely colder this year than last. Like 20 degrees colder. We were all a bit nervous about the temperature of Lake Washington (lots of people wore wet suits but none of us wore one) but it all ended up being just fine.


This event is so inspirational just to witness. The number of volunteers is amazing. From the lifeguards and swim angels (people who are there to bring support to anyone who might need it during the swim) to all the people along the race route - it's just the coolest experience. These are the lifeguards paddling out on their boats getting ready for the swim portion to begin.


Anna and I before putting on our caps. We were in the same wave at 7:38am.


Doris was a couple waves ahead of us. It was both of their first time. They both beat me.


Love this one of me and Cristina.


Anna and I heading into the water for our wave to begin. We were right up in the front.


That's me out in front with my head up. I ended up doing a lot of breaststroke again after my fast sprint at the start. I totally know if I trained even a little more regularly I could easily shave time swimming freestyle the whole way (even though I can do a pretty fast breaststroke).


Making the run from the water to the transition area to grab my bike.


And here we are at the finish. There's a lot going on in between - a 12 mile bike ride and a 3.1 mile run but there's not a lot of great places to get photos. The bike portion felt much faster to me this year and I was able to run all but just the one main hill on the run portion. Loved coming in and having a big group hug.


I ran into one of my childhood friends - she's also an Ali. I saw her last year and I was so glad to run into her again this year.


The best part this year, besides lower my time by 8 minutes, was having Anna & Doris stay with me at my parents house.

Looking back through the photos tonight the number one thing that stands out to me are the smiles. Huge smiles. I love that about photography - how I can look back at an event or a series of images and see a common thread. The thread from the last couple of days was definitely smiles.


  • Did I train more this past year? No. Overall I think I trained less this year compared to last year.

  • Did my time improve? Yes, by about 8 mins. I'll chalk that one up to being more comfortable with the event and that it was about 20 degrees cooler. In 2010 my overall time was 1:57:o2. This year it was 1:49:28.

  • Did doing it again make me want to train more again (just like I said last year)? Yes. Totally. I just need to make it happen.

  • My transition times were still slow - especially the bike to run (mainly because I had to go to the bathroom). There's lots of places where I could take more time off - especially if I can learn how to run faster (which is totally possible if I were to really put in some effort at training).

Here's my details:

Totally signing up to do it again next year. And maybe I'll do a couple more...

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65 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    So happy for you and that you had friends with you. I noticed all these big smiles before reading your part on smiles. It just shows how happy and enthused all of you were. Love that your parents were there to take these pictures for you. Way to go on doing this again and on your time.

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  2. Amy says…

    you rock!! i took anna's album magic class at big picture and recognized her right away. because of the class i feel like i know how wonderful she is too! such a great experience with friends :O) very inspirational.

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  3. Tami says…

    if you ever get the chance to go and watch (or volunteer) at an Ironman event, I highly recommend it. We went up to watch 11 friends in lake Placid NY a few weeks ago and it was an awesome experience and (thankfully) they ALL finished.

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  4. Sue says…

    Congratulations to you and your friends!

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  5. Lisa W. says…

    WOW thats the best word I can think of. You have ALLOT to be proud of with all you do. AND to train for something like this. Way to go, and kudo's to all your friends:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. wendy says…

    absolutely love seeing the 3 of you complete this event. you are all such inspirations. well done!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Tracy says…

    Congratulations Ali!!! I can't wait to show this post to my husband. He ran his first marathon last year and qualified for Boston, which will be April 2012. You go girl!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Wendy says…

    Congratulations! You are a rockstar!

    Your race last year inspired me to begin my triathlete training (even though I didn't know how to ride a bike or to hardly swim) this past December. I'll have my first race next Summer. The training is challenging yet fantastic. I never would have had the guts to go for it had I not seen your example. So thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Suzie Perrie says…

    Congratulations! You did an awesome thing for yourself and should be super proud.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Liz says…

    wow that is just amazing...congrats to you!!! and your week in the life looks just great too!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. MaryAnn says…

    Awesome, Ali! You are so-o lucky to have friends and family that will support you in your adventures.

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  12. Laura S. says…

    Ali, How wonderful to race with friends and what a bonus to run into a childhood friend. I think it is so great to have a yearly goal. It makes exercise have a purpose. Congrats!!!! I admire you for swimming in the cold water!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. NatalieSpring says…

    What a great post for a Monday morning! So happy that you were able to do this with your friends. Go Girl Power!

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  14. Ellen Coker says…

    Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story about year two. I am again training for the November Seattle Marathon. You inspired my first one last year.
    Enjoy the day!

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  15. Darla says…

    That is so awesome. I can't imagine ever doing anything so amazing. Way to go!

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  16. Kim says…

    awesome! totally awesome!! nicely done! :)

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  17. heidig says…

    Congratulations on shaving time off this year! Great accomplishment!

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  18. Maribeth says…

    How wonderful to wake up and read your blog post this morning, Ali! I am competing in my first race ever this weekend, the Danskin Tri in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. I have heard so many positive, fabulous things about this race. Having never done it before, I am definitely a little nervous, but very excited, as well. Somehow I missed your earlier post about your race last year...I'm off to read that one now. Congrats to you on a great race!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Angie Menegay says…

    You ROCK!! This is so inspirational and motivational!!!! And of course the pictures of y'all are gorgeous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Ellie A. says…

    Love this post! Its so awesome and inspiring to read.I actually am working on doing my 1st marathon as a love of running has entered my life its just so freeing and I never knew it inside me so it makes it that much more fun. Thank you for sharing your amazing experience & Congrats!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Thinkie says…

    yay, you did it!

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  22. Amy Correa says…

    I lost my Mom to cancer last year and decided I wanted to do the Tri to honor her. So at our packet pick up I told my niece (who I was doing the tri with) and my husband to keep an eye out for you because I would love to meet Ali Edwards. We were almost finished and my husband tells me that they called out that you can hear Ali Edwards talk. I was so happy and surprised because this sure wasn't a scrapbooking event:) but I went over to the info booth to ask. I was a little embarrassed when the man said to me "you mean Sally Edwards the famous tri-athelete?" hahaha. Oh well maybe I will run into you next year:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Peg says…

    Congratulations Ali! Brings tears to my eyes to see you smiling so broadly and so proud. Always happens when I watch the Olympics too. :) I wanted to throw out there that I don't know if you are aware of indoor triathlons that clubs and whatnot put on through the year that you might be able to use as incremental training goals. Once upon a time I was dreaming about doing the Tri for the Cure and this was something I discovered.

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  24. Jill S. says…

    Congrats on this year's faster time! I'm doing the Danskin Tri this weekend in Wisconsin. It's my first tri, so I'm a bit nervous but also very excited.

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  25. Lorna Mackinnon says…

    Ali, it was lovely to meet you in person on Saturday at the registration. My time was 1:55, which I was delighted with. Congratulations on improving your time this year!

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