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AE | The Weekend Lens via the Coburg Antique Fair

coburg antique fair 2011

One of my favorite annual adventures came around this past weekend: The Coburg Antique Fair.

For one day each year this great little town is taken-over (pretty literally) by over 300 dealers. This year my little group of five (Kim, Katie, Jackie and Liz) spent the night here and we headed over there at 5:30am. We go that early to find the "good" stuff and to escape the heat. We dress in layers as the mornings are often cool (definitely a warmer morning than last year). We were on our way home before noon.

coburg antique fair 2011

Had to take a photo of this sign. Love that.

coburg antique fair 2011

coburg antique fair 2011

coburg antique fair 2011

My annual mirror self-portrait.

coburg antique fair 2011

Katie found this great container for paper towels and wax paper - love the font used on there.

coburg antique fair 2011

My big purchase this year was a metal rolling cart with really deep shelves and awesome red wheels. It will be perfect for holding folders, canvases, notebooks and other supplies in my office if I can get it upstairs. It's really, really heavy. We got it in and out of the car and into the house but not up the stairs just yet.

A few other things that made their way home with me include:

coburg antique fair 2011

A book called The Story Teller. Loved it for the spine and cover at first. Loved it even more when I opened up and saw that the stories inside include Beauty And The Beast, Cinderella, and Jack And The Bean Stalk (among others).

coburg antique fair 2011

A couple bags of Fisher Price people (found at a really great price for this sort of event). Anna loves these guys.

coburg antique fair 2011

Two more match holders made it home with me to add to my collection.

coburg antique fair 2011

The northwest sign, a little table to go next to Anna's bed, and a pull down map of the northwest also all now live here in my house. I saw some maps last year and didn't act fast enough. Love that this one includes Oregon (where I live), Washington and Idaho. The Northwest sign is metal - possibly from the old Northwest Airlines.

Check out my past Coburg adventures in 2010, 2009 and 2008.


Today I want to introduce you to Creating For Causes. Founded by Stephanie Hackney, Creating For Causes designs, creates and executes charity events. They specialize in fun and inspiring art and craft events that benefit local charities.

Their next event, to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, takes place October 21-23, 2011 and benefits Autism Speaks. It's a two-day, non-stop extravaganza of scrapping, stamping and papercrafting. More information and registration available here.

When registering use code friendsofali to receive a $25 discount on the event (even off the early-bird pricing) through September 16th, 2011.

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48 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    great stuff you found again. how fun to do this with friends every year. my favorite is the rolling cart, would love love that for all my art journals and writing journals I've been using. The kids will love that map and the book of stories.

    p.s. Are you going to share any of the back to school pictures of the kids? I keep waiting but thought maybe your saving them for a project. Either way is good just wondering and anxious to see them. Thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. esther_a says…

    Trust you to admire a paper towel dispenser because of its font! I love how repurpose these things. Those Fisher Prices people are a real find.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Marsaille says…

    The match holders for me. I didn't remember the gorgeous dark blue metal one that was in our kitchen growing up until you posted this. Wow. Didn't remember that at all until now. Back when you could find "strike anywhere" matches a lot easier. The side was all scratched because, well, that is where we struck them! Would LOVE to have that in my kitchen now...

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lisa W. says…

    Ahhhhhhhhh Love those kind of yummy finds. AND looks like you did good girl. That metal cart is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Nicole says…

    Gasp! That cart is amazing and the Fisher Price people look like they are in perfect condition. I would love to go to an antique fair like this someday. It's probably a good thing I've never heard about one in my area. I'd go nuts. What great finds Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Amanda J. says…

    Good morning! I love all your finds. Just a quick note about the book, The Storyteller. There is a television series created by Jim Henson studios also called The Storyteller. When I first saw your book, I immediately thought of it. The stories are not quite as traditional as the ones you mention in the book, but if you like Jim Henson studios you might like the series. It is on Netflix for streaming. Enjoy your finds!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sarah says…

    I am always on the look out for the original little people, but rarely find them... that's a true score!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Susie Leggett says…

    Heart that metal cart Ali. What an awesome find. This looks like an incredible event.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Denise A. says…

    How in the world do you get all your stuff home - especially the big stuff!?! Do you and your group drive a uhaul there?

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Suz says…

    Great finds Ali! Wish we had a Coburg here! :) We definitely have a lot of flea markets and antique stores here thought. Just need to make it a priority to head out for some great finds!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Robyn says…

    How perfect is Katie's find for a paper arts studio....I always am using the wax paper in my dies and I don't use paper towels as much as I use to after taking a Tim Holtz class but they are always good to have around. Gotta keep my eye out for one of those!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Robyn says…

      Tim Holtz taught me in a class I took from him 3+ years ago to use flour sack towels instead of paper towels. The reasons were as follows

      1. They are environmentally better
      2. They don't have lint
      3. You can just throw them in the washer and dryer to clean(I wash mine with jeans)
      4. When they are so stained that you can't use them any more add them to your art work for texture.

      I purchased mine from Sam's Club when I lived on the east coast. I use to provide them to students in my classes when I taught. I provided them with one and they were expected to bring it to each class with them. Saved me on toting around rolls of paper towels. I also use them for rags at home too.

    2. Angel says…

      Your comment made me curious. Why don't you use paper towels anymore? What did the class teach you about this? Do tell, please. lol

  12. Beth Holmes says…

    Two cool things about your post
    1) Before reading the text below the photo of the cart I immediately said -- That is SO cool I'd love to have that! Reminded me of the old library file cabinet with card catalog drawers on top that I brought home in Grad school and made my husband drag around on several moves -- it was REALLY heavy too, but great storage
    2) The Story Teller book. Made me remember that when I was a kid we had this WHOLE SET OF BOOKS -- at least 10 titles bound like that with the cool font all on a shelf together in my sister's bedroom. We loved reading them, and before she could read she used to stack a few of them up by the light switch in order to reach to turn it off and on. I wonder where those books went? I have other books from my childhood. Sounds like a good scrapbook story to tell.
    THANKS for the inspiration as usual!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Charlene says…

    Love your finds. I still have two of those books from when I was a child. My Grandmother had one of those match holders in her kitchen--brings back memories:)!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Alexandra says…

    love it all!!
    so wish that I could go one year - it looks like so much fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Carolyn says…

    I can't believe I have lived in the Willamette Valley for 31 years and have never heard about the Coburg Antique Fair. I'm marking it on my calender to go next year! So much fun to search for treasures from the past...

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Trina says…

    LOVE all the stuff you found, sounds like such an awesome event & how cool that you've made a tradition of going every year with friends! My heart actually skipped a beat at your photo of all the old cameras! Would love to get my hands on a few of those since I collect old cameras. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. amberca says…

    I feel like I have gone with you every year....I look forward to this yearly post. Great finds this year! Please post a photo of the new metal card when you get it in place in your office.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. kelly X says…

    Love your finds, Ali! That map is AWESOME. I was at an estate sale a few weeks ago and a lady was walking out with one that caught my eye. They are so cool!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Stacy says…

    I love when you blog about your trips to the antique fair! Once again, you found some great stuff! So neat!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    love the antiques especially the cart and match holders...I can see you know just how to prepare to get the good stuff early in the much fun...thanks for sharing

    blessings and hugs

    Sharon Dryjanski

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Ruth says…

    I would love to go to NC, especially since it benefits Autism Speaks, but I just don't think it's in the budget even with a discount at the Ritz-Carlton...I hope that the event is a success anyway!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. lauren says…

    what great finds, ali!
    i don't know how i would ever go to this event and not want to buy EVERYTHING in sight! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Kate Burroughs says…

    What a glorious grouping of finds from the antique fair. Love that you found some more things for your collection and things your family will enjoy. Thanks for sharing your photos of the hunt!
    Aloha, Kate

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Dee says…

    MISSED YOU this year...sad not to see Come Play Eugene and was thankfully too busy with work...
    next year Coburg or Bust!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Alison says…

    Wow - so much fun! My heart nearly stopped when I saw the printer's tray in the rolling cart photo. I've been looking for one diligently around here ever since I saw your photo project. I'm starting the treks around here now that the kids are back in school. Sounds like a great day.

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