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What's Real Right Now

Here's a look at what's real around here right now:

1. I set my alarm for 5am this morning to get up early and get some stuff done before getting the kids up for school. I pushed the snooze button 8 times and ended up getting up after 6am. Waking up in the dark again seems to be a tough adjustment for me. Hello Fall

2. I'm currently working on content for next month's Story Stamp™. The reviews were really positive about this month, which is awesome. Thank you. There's still time to join the subscription and get this month's stamp set if you're interested

3. I have zero desire to cook anything. I did pin these muffins yesterday. I'm hoping after I get home from Peru I'll be back in the cooking mode, which usually amps up for me during this time of year. 

4. I'm still coughing. I've got one of those colds that just won't go away. I've been getting to bed early which has been good and smart, but it's making it so I have less consistent blog posts right now. Thanks for hanging in there while I make it through this phase. 

5. I'm feeling way too attached to my phone again and my kids are feeling way too attached to their screens again too. Time for a recalibration for all three of us. 

6. I really like Aaron. 

7. I did end up printing Project Life® photos last weekend which made me really happy (I had posted a message on Facebook that went something like this, "I will print Project Life® photos today. I will print Project Life® photos today.") I also did a whole lot of nothing this past weekend which made me really happy as well. 

8. I'm feeling that desire to do a major unloading of "stuff" again. It tends to happen to me when the seasons change and/or when I'm really busy and there is literally no time to make it happen. 

9. Emotionally, I feel really good. It's up and down for me and right now happens to feel pretty darn good. I'll take it. 

10. I want to scrapbook/make layouts. I'm in a place right now where a lot of my time is going into designing products and writing content, which is awesome and something I like, but it's funny how when I get really busy all I want to do is make layouts. 

11. Usually by this time of the year Chris and I have the holidays all figured out but this year we've both been busy and haven't had a chance to get it squared away. Which I'm totally okay with. This year I think I might just stay home and sink into this place a little more. I was thinking last weekend as I sat on the couch how much I love just being here. I like the concept of "sinking in" in a meaningful, be-present sort of way. Accepting it for what it is and letting it shelter me. I guess it's a little like letting it do it's own job for me (vs. me trying to make it into something else).

12. Time for me to take a shower. Have a great day. 

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43 thoughts

  1. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    We have alot of parallel stuff about our lives! LOL - our cats look alike and strike the same pose too!

    I am trying so hard to create, clean and be present. My OLW is WHOLE and I find that I don't have to be "doing everything" to feel that way - sinking in = laying around = taking it easy for at least a little while every day = a happier and more settled me. Feeling settled = feeling WHOLE. I am going to use the story stamps for some of my OLW prompts too - I saw that in the gallery and am going to shamelessly copy the idea.

    Here's to great things like hitting snooze, starting a good book, hugging our kids and special someone on the couch, getting some pumpkin spice burning on the warmer, teaching our kids to make soup, smiling at the gourds display at the grocery store...and hopefully finding a hundred other little fun things to weave between work and responsibilities!

    Paula (aka scrappinmyheartout before my Studio Calico log in was required :) )

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Paula - you can make it so your email doesn't show I think :). Start a conversation with customer service (click Contact Us at the bottom of the page) and they can help you with that.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Loved your comment by the way. Thank you.

    3. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

      Thank you very much too!

  2. avillagomez says…

    I love the title for this post, another good prompt that would go along well with your Story Stamp for this month. I used your "This is Real" messy line word art this year for an additional insert into my OLW album, and I loved how it turned out. It was more of a continuous narrative though, rather than a numbered list. Your post reminds me that it is another example of a prompt that can be used again and again in different ways (continuous narrative, a numbered list, a vignette...).

    I hope that you are feeling better, especially since you are getting ready to travel!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks! Next month's set will include something similar to this prompt - all about "getting real."

    2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

      Yay!! That sounds great!

  3. aprilch says…

    Number 6 made me smile. Happiness is contagious.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Emmaj says…

    I love that you listed number 6! I need to list my love for my husband and kids more in the things I write rather than just what we are doing. I loved your prompt this month about listing a fact and a feeling. I really need to work on that.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's so one of my go-to's for writing - really helps get more of the story told.

  5. Borcherding says…

    LOL.. #6 sounded like a school girl. <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. shersley says…

    Love #6. Happy for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. papergoddess says…

    Hang in! I was just emailing with my significant other how this time of year always gets me out of whack a bit. With cooler temps, darker days, etc, I can't get into a groove with what to wear to work or what to cook for dinner (it's easier in the summer with the garden flourishing). That and I also just got back from a long vacation, so it takes time to readjust.

    I am doing the same, just sort of letting it work itself out and hanging in for now! Looking forward to seeing pics from your trip!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. hgauvin says…

    #6 made me giggle!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Carolly says…

    #3. Totally been there...just keep pinning, you will get motivated ;)
    #4. Sleep is good...also adding 2 cups of Epsom salt to a bath with some Lavender Essential oil and soaking for a good 20-30 minutes before you go to bed is very benficial for respiratory health(not a doctor here, but I have found this very helpful for me and my little guys). Just make sure you have a cold drink by the bath to avoid dehydration (iced water or iced chamomile tea). Then go to bed. :) alright, I'm done playing Doctor
    #8. unloading stuff....always good....makes you love the things you keep and use them more...
    side note: I am loving being a part of the Story Stamps Sub. It has been REVOLUTIONARY.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  10. tinka323 says…

    I set my alarm for 7:45 and didn't finally get up until after 9...still not dressed but I did get my cruise for next March booked! Now I need to get to work on organizing my stuff for Peru! ;-)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I was thinking I should get out my suitcase today.

  11. mtercha says…

    Sleep's so important when you've been nursing a cold as long as you have been. Might be time to check in with the doc, make sure it's going away. Loved your list, and you're so good at calling yourself out on stuff too. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. claraogren says…

    Peru at the VERY top of my bucket list. So jealous!!! I can't wait to hear ALL about your trip so I can live vicariously through you!!

    PS - I ordered the Ikea Varde island for my new craft room, based solely on your recommendation and the pics I've seen in your studio tours. It comes in on Sunday and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It is the best table. We love having them here.

    2. maiaohe says…

      I bought the Varde based on Ali's recommendation. You will love it!

  13. desilei says…

    It's as if you and I share a brain but you are much, MUCH better at writing it down and actually DOING. OK, so maybe I just really appreciate how "real" your sentiments are because I totally relate with so many of them. I need to work out the holiday situation with my ex too and I'm so not looking forward to it because he and I are no where near where you and Chris are. But I'm working on it a little at a time {OLW: forgive}, as I'm sure you had to do. I love these posts, Ali! Enjoy "sinking in." :) --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. ciahansen says…

    "it's funny how when I get really busy all I want to do is make layouts" -- Story. Of. My. Life.

    Thanks for posting :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. simple says…

    No desire to cook. That's me. I have all grown ups here in my family and no one wants home cooking much more. Just cant be bothered.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Bellaa75 says…

    Love this Ali....can't wait to see the get real stamp sets next month now! I read number 6 and went 'ohhhh' as in 'that's so sweet'. Glad you are in a good place right now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Peppermint says…

    I had a lingering cough after a bout with the flu last year and it turned out it was acid reflux. I took Prilosec for three days and it went away. But it was a weird cough, like it was worse when I was upright, which usually isn't the case. And it flared up after I ate, which I didn't pay attention to until someone told me it was probably reflux.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. mrskaduncan says…

    I agree with the others! I was just happily reading along and then a huge smile upon reading #6. So glad you are happy!! Your happiness is contagious!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Kathie_Simmons says…

    I love your site. I especially love when you do lists. I'm a listmaker and it just fits with the way I think. I was wondering if you could say where you got your brown couch that Simon is sitting on in the first picture today? It is just like what i have been looking for. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. MeganR says…

    I really like no. 6 :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Conchi_Lo says…

    I like the sincerity of your list. I'll have to make one for me to realize what is real in my life now . Thanks for giving me so many ideas

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. mrstamtam says…

    I'm with you on #3....struggling to make meals again

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. k8scraps says…

    I love George's sleeping position......cats are so funny!


    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Lucia007 says…

    Totally felt you at number 1,3 and 5 and when I got to 6 it made me smile. Hope you feel better soon. Fall is one of my favorite seasons! Love everything about it. Too bad I don't get much of it in Southern Cali where I live.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. lizeaton says…

    Love posts like this. The real stuff going on in life! It makes it all seem ok. Thanks for always sharing!!

    Reply 0 Replies

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