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December Daily™ 2011 | Studio Calico Kit

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

I'm very excited to announce that I've teamed up with Studio Calico and they will be offering a December Daily™ kit for 2011.

Similar to past years when a kit has been available, I'll be using pieces of the kit in addition to supplementing with products I have here at home and creating printable/digital products available through Designer Digitals. You do not need to have the kit to participate in December Daily™. There have been requests in years past for a kit option so I'm excited to be partnering with Studio Calico to fill that need for those who are interested in purchasing a group of supplies from one retailer.

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

The thing I'm most excited about this year is that the Studio Calico kit will include an album. (It's actually a jumping up and down kind of excitement.)

Many of you who played along last year (or in past years) have known the struggle of finding/making an album to fit all the pages we create over the 25 days (and even more than 25 for some of you). American Crafts has created an exclusive chipboard binder album that is 3 inches thick - perfect for holding all the good stuff that goes into this album.

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

The binder measures 9 inches wide x 9.5 inches tall and has a 3-inch spine. Inside the album you'll find 25 page protectors that hold 8.5 x 6 inch pages. In the image above you can see the size of my 2010 album placed inside this new ring binder album.

I'm super excited to see how people decided to decorate this album. So many possibilities on the outside, the inside, and in how you choose to work with (or without) the page protectors.

I'll be updating the December Daily™ printable pages to fit these page protectors and changing the dates for 2011. My hope is to have those available through Designer Digitals either this weekend or next.

Kits will go on sale to Studio Calico subscribers on October 27th at 12:00pm EST and to non-subscribers on October 28th at 12:00am EST.

december daily 2011 studio calico album sneak peek

My hope is to get all my foundation pages completed this week and be ready to share with you next week. Getting all the foundation pages done in advance has always been a big part of enjoying this project during December.

Wondering what a December Daily™ is all about? Check out my December Daily™ compilation page for all the details on this annual project, including links to all my past projects in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.

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136 thoughts

  1. amy tangerine says…

    so very excited!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Annette says…


    If the album only comes with 25 page protectors, Will additional page protectors be available for those of us who document 31 days or have lots of bonus material?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Great idea Diana - I forgot I did that last year - perfect solution!

    2. Diana says…

      You can also cut up baseball card protectors like Ali has done in the past. I usually do that for 2 pages in the album. And you can make your own page protectors.

    3. Ali says…

      I don't think so Annette. I've been thinking that I might be mixing things up - some page protectors and some pages just hole=punched and added into the album (like additional transparencies).

  3. Sarah says…

    Finally - December Daily! I feel like I have been looking forward to this since January, lol. I already have all of my papers purchased and put together in my own "kit". Gotta make myself stick with it instead of ordering the SC kit.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Brooke M says…

    I hope they don't run out, before us non-subscribers can buy it!! I can't wait!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Amanda says…

      They have a certain number that they sell to subscribers, once they are gone, they are gone, then even subscribers may have to order when they go on sale for everyone.

    2. Brooke M says…

      Amanda - Thank you for the tip! I shall be online at midnight to order it! :)

  5. cherona says…

    Can't wait to see what you do with it Ali!!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Angela W says…

    I am so very excited and can't wait for this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Amy says…

    Will there be a lot more than just the amount for subscribers? I imagine the subscribers will snatch them up quick!! I hope so! That album is perfection!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - there should be enough.

  8. Debbie S. says…

    So excited for that album and the kit! AND December! And seeing yours...yay December Daily! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Donna says…

    I have never done a December Daily but with the news of this awesome kit and your printables I am definitely in this year !
    Can't wait to see everything !

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Melissa says…

    I've been stalking your website and the SC messgae boards... so glad the time has finally come... I can't wait to see what you do this year Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. theresa says…

    This is just perfect!....Thanks, I'll pray there is enough for non subscribers! lol.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Denise KC says…

    How exciting! Can't wait to get one and CAN'T WAIT
    to see your foundation pages.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. jane says…

    it's awesome! I hope the popularity gets american crafts to offer this album size in the future. I can't justify $80 for a kit when I already have so much to use for DD but that album, wow it's perfect.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. laura g. says…

      i agree...$80 is a bit steep when i too have lot of product already i can assemble my own DD album with...i found a cute green felt 8x8 album on the making memories online website that i had planned on using and have been gathering my christmas products together...still, it will be fun to see what this kit looks like!

    2. diane says…

      yes $80 plus shipping to Australia...will be close to $160 for us Aussies :(

    3. Astrid says…

      Diana, Studio Calico ships to all internationals for a flat rate of $17.50 So that will be $97,50 total.

  14. Pam Abbott says…

    Woo Hoo! So glad to see a little peak! Ali, glad you are back. I've missed your posts! Cannot wait to get started on my DD album!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. amberca says…

    First glad that you are back safe and sound (can't wait to see the photos). Second, you've got me all excited about my december daily this year, ideas are swirling...i'm thinking red and tinsel blue theme this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Wahkuna says…

    Yeeeaaaayyyy! I'm so excited! I can't even believe it's already December Daily time soon! I feel like it was just yesterday when I was working on my first ever December Daily project (really it was last year). Unfortunately I didn't really get to finish last year's (smh), but I look forward to this year and finishing this time around! I also got my mom into it last year, and she actually got further than I did (and she's not even a scrapper!). Anyway, I'm being positive that I will get through it this year! Can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. tammy b says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Carrie says…

    Looks great - thanks for putting this all together for us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. rhonda says…

    Ali will we still be seeing you post on your blog in Dec. about your daily process or will that be exclusive to only the people who purchase the kit from SC?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'll be posting here the same as usual.

  20. Carolin says…

    Very excited to read about your 2011 December Daily! Will you be continuing Project Life during this time as well? I would think these two projects overlap a lot... I'm doing Project Life and was thinking about trying a DD this year, but I guess I won't manage both at the same time... What's your plan?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes, I'll be doing both. My December Daily is usually one story a day - maybe holiday related and maybe not. There's still lots of other bits of life going on that can be added to Project Life. I think the key for me is continuing to keep it (Project life) out and easily accessible.

  21. Jennifer L. says…

    THIS is the reason I put my budget aside and re-subscribed to Studio Calico (even though it's killing my budget...)!!!! MUST HAVE THIS!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Deirdre says…

    Ali, Doing the happy dance that a kit will be available. So difficult to get the range of products here in Ireland to do a DD with transparencies/ pockets etc. Thank you! Did one in 2009 and will definitely do one this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. MariClaudi says…

    Does anyone have the link to the sneak peek?

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Jane says…

      You'll need to let it scroll through the peeks - December Daily is the last (#4) add-on kit (not the main one).

    2. Sharon says…

      I can't find the sneak peek for December. I'm looking under kits/sneak peek, but I only see November and none of the add ons say December Daily or anything Christmasy. What am I overlooking?

    3. HeidiY says…

      Thanks Jane!! Got a cool sneak peek!!

    4. Astrid says…

      Sharon: you were in the right place it is in the november sneaks. And you have to wait untill the pictures of the 4th addon the December Daily.

  24. sophie says…

    so excited about this wonderful news! thanks Ali for sharing with us. i can't wait to get started planning all my pages out and adding all the little details that made last years book just fabulous. December can't come to soon for me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Steph.S says…

    I met you in Italy and am glad to see you made it home and are back to work. In regard to 'DD' I noticed that in a prior post you mentioned that you turn on Christmas music (as early as October!) in order to get you into the right mood. I turn on my music early too, so I'm glad I'm not the only one out there who "rushes the season". A couple of quick questions for you.... 1) is there a certain Christmas music album you like best? 2) do you continue to listen to Christmas music throughout the month of November? I am SUPER motivated to get back to scrapping and plan to do my very first DD album THIS YEAR! Love you and think you are the very best! Steph

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      First off I'm laughing at "I met you in Italy." Here's my answers: (1) one of my favorite Christmas album is a compilation that includes Sting singing "I Saw Three Ships." Can't locate the name of the album right now but it's a good one. (2) I usually listen to Christmas music only if I'm working on projects outside of December. When December 1 rolls around then I really get into it.

    2. Tinka says…

      A Very Special Christmas 3 as Sting singing " I Saw Three Ships".

    3. Tinka says…

      *has...not as!!

    4. kristina p says…

      you are not the alone steph. we here in our country, when the -ber months start, you will hear Christmas songs being played in most houses in the country.

      and that includes my home. i always start to play Christmas songs on September 1. :-D

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