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December Daily® 2023 | Revisiting Ali's Pages 01

Hello friends! This is Lisa. Today I thought it might be fun to share some of my all-time favorite December Daily® pages created by Ali. My original thought was to put together my personal top ten favorites, but I quickly realized after looking through nearly 15 years of pages that she's shared here on the would be impossible to narrow it down. Instead I'm going to share some of my favorite page designs using circles and tags. Even narrowing those down was tricky! For those of you that are new to the community, Ali has been sharing her December Daily® pages on an almost daily basis since 2007. The inspiration available from her here is endless. You can find those posts by searching the tag "December Daily®". Each of her daily posts incudes a process video, her thoughts on the page and story, as well as multiple photos. Let's dive in! 

Circle Pages

December Daily® 2020 | Story Thirteen

December Daily® 2021 | Story 08December Daily® 2021 | Story 09

December Daily® 2021 | Story 11

December Daily® 2022 | Ali's Album Start

December Daily® 2023 | Ali's Start + Reason Why

Tag Pages

December Daily® 2018 | Day Twenty-Three

December Daily® 2022 | Story 20

December Daily® 2018 | Day Twenty

December Daily® 2018 | Tag Book Bonus Video

My December Daily® Reason Why

I had a lot of fun going back through Ali's pages and have lots of ideas I want to try and translate to my own albums. Do you have any favorite Ali circle or tag pages you think I should have included? Please share in the comments! Don't forget that each of these posts includes her process videos, thoughts on her stories, as well as additional photos. 

Looking for more? 

Shop the collection  here. Join a group of like-minded and passionate crafters in our December Daily® With Ali Edwards Design Inc Facebook group. Find inspiration and updates over on our official Instagram account: @decemberdaily. And check out our newest December Daily® classes for a wide variety of topics related to the project: 

  • 2023 DECEMBER DAILY® PREP DAY. Join the December Daily® community for a fun online December Daily® prep day on Saturday, November 18th, 2023. Use this opportunity to finish past December Daily® projects or start working on your project for 2023. The first live video will start on Saturday, November 18th at 10:00 am Eastern. Cost is $5.
  • DECEMBER DAILY® PRODUCT PLAY | TRY THIS. December Daily® Product Play is all about ideas and inspiration for working with physical products from the December Daily® Collection. For 30 days in November, you'll receive one idea per day from the contributors to this class (includes Ali). Ideas in this workshop will focus on physical products from our 2023 December Daily® collection. Whether you are preparing to document 2023 or finishing up telling stories from past years, we hope these fun, creative ideas help you use your products to get your stories told.
  • 2023 DECEMBER DAILY® HYBRID PRODUCT PLAY. Hybrid scrapbooking combines digital products with physical supplies to create paper (or printed) memory-keeping projects. For this class, our contributors will share with fun, creative ideas and inspiration for working with these digital products from the 2023 December Daily® Collection.

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