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One Little Word 2012

Poster print via Poster Inspired.

My word for 2012 is up.

It came to me one day last month while I was working in the kitchen and the kids were watching the movie Up. My initial connection to the word stems from the part towards the end where the old man is looking at the scrapbook his wife made and a note she wrote to him at the end which says something along the lines of "Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one." (Found the clip here.)

That's the attitude I'd like to be working towards and embracing in 2012 - giving thanks for the things that were great about my marriage and then moving forward and welcoming whatever is coming next.

Up | ready, eager, open, awake, into a happy mood

There were so many words I could have chosen for what I want for myself in 2012. This one simply feels like a good starting place. I will also be carrying three of my past words close to my heart again in 2012: light, story, and peace.

Are you considering selecting a word for yourself (or letting one find you)? There's no right or wrong. The main thing to remember is that this is your word. It's not for your child, parent, partner, spouse, sister, etc.

And what do you do with this one little word?

You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities.

I'd love to read what word you've chosen or are considering for 2012. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. In a couple days I'll combine all the words into a single post - super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

In a couple of days I'll post a compilation of the words as an inspirational reminder to us all.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Above is an image of all my prompts from my album that I made for my One Little Word class at Big Picture in 2011.

Registration is open for 2012 and you're invited to join the journey.

Each month you'll receive a prompt with a simple creative, writing, or photography project and a gentle reminder to check back in with your word. By the end of the year you'll have compiled the contents of an 8.5x11 album that documents, defines, celebrates and generally makes your word more visible. Workshop materials include printable elements, full-color PDF handouts, and video presentations.

People have been asking me if you have to be a scrapbooker for this class. My answer is no. Even though we are making an album it's really more of a journaling/record keeping/thinking/exploring project. I'm excited to see how people interpret the prompts and make them meaningful for their own lives.

This is not complicated and it's not time-consuming. It's simply a way we can come together to share our experience with our words throughout the course of the year.

The One Little Word classroom opens on January 1, 2012.

TODAY'S POST SPONSORED BY | Simplify 101 Online Workshops

Regardless what word you select, choosing a word means you want to make your life even better than it is today. The very essence of One Little Word is improving your life, which is why this online workshop is perfect for you. It gives you the foundation, ideas and inspiration you need to dream about a life you love, plus concrete action steps to help you make it happen! Use code: ONELITTLEWORD through January 6, 2012 to take 15% off any simplify 101 workshop (may not be combined with other offers). ABOUT SIMPLIFY 101 | Founded by Aby Garvey, the co-author of The Organized and Inspired Scrapbooker, simplify 101’s mission is to make getting organized fun!

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986 thoughts

  1. Rebecca Lovell says…

    I have chosen the word "nourish" for my word next year. I want to try to focus on doing things that nourish myself or the world around me. To cut out the things that don't nourish (junk food, wasted time, clutter), and focus on the things that do (good foods, creativity, reading). I want to focus on nourishing my children with good foods, and the attention they need. And I want to focus on spend some time working on nourishing people I don't know, who need it. I've thought long and hard about this, and that is the word that really spoke to me.

    Reply 7 Replies
    1. Jennifer Robinson says…

      oops, didn't finish my reply. Wanted to share with you that the word "Nurture" kept coming to me yesterday, for so many reasons. Yet the word didn't feel exactly right. I knew I was close...So I decided to read posts on OLW this morning, and yours with the word "Nourish" was the first of the posts! This word is EXACTLY what I need! Serendipity? Very amazing how this nurturing community of Ali's blog, and your post, gave me just what I was looking for...Thank you! jennifer

    2. Tya says…

      I really like 'nourish' I hadn't picked my word yet, but upon seeing your comment it fits everything I'd like to do next year. THANK YOU for sharing your word and inspiring me at the same time! God Bless.

    3. Shelly says…

      i love this... beautiful... nourish just might be my word for 2012 as well. thanks for sharing.

    4. Jennifer says…

      Nourish. That's good.

    5. Kristin says…

      that is a lovely word, nourish.

    6. Tashia D says…

      I'm also using nourish! It has so many meanings for me and the coming year! I can't wait to get started!

    7. Blissmamaof3 says…

      That's my word too! I second all of the avoe, we could all use a little nourish in 2012! Great choice!

  2. Armalite says…

    My word for 2012 will be: Moderation. I wrote a post about it: (it's in french, though). And I wish you a very uplifting year. Love your positive attitude :-)

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Cherry says…

      I think that would also suit me for 2012 - MODERATION :) Thanks for sharing!

    2. Armalite says…

      Yes Tammie, that was exactly my point, to stop eating too much as it's not healthy, and buying too much stuff I don't really need or enjoy. Also, I want to work on moderating what I say, because I have a strong tendency to overreact and regret it later! I'm glad this word is inspirational to others, too :-)

    3. Tammie says…

      Great word Armalite.....moderation is something I ponder when I think about consuming food and spending money!

  3. dawn says…


    I loved my words from this year, TIME AND ART and gave a lot of time to my art which has taken me in so many exciting directions this year. So happy that I jumped in and gave it a shot and now I find myself having to art journal or paint everyday. I even made gifts for family and friends for Christmas and everyone loved them.

    So for 2012 my word is BELIEVE, which I need to do more of for myself and my family. I want them to truly believe they can do anything and deserve to BELIEVE in themselves. While sharing my art journey on my blog and having FULL SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT FROM MY READERS made me realize that I need to finally BELIEVE in myself more and in my art projects. Needing to believe it's ok to put me first sometimes instead of always being a mom and wife and me last.

    I'm also bringing back my word TIME and making better use of it and giving it more to my family and friends. I didn't do this during the year as planned and really want to bring this up front and use it everyday for 2012.

    Thanks so much for sharing this idea and journey with us Ali, looking forward to seeing where your word takes you. It will be fun to see the big collage of words again this year, love love seeing all the inspiring words from your readers.

    Sending you hugs, prayers, good luck with your new word and for the New Year.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Traci Brookes says…

      Reconstruction - the word came to me as I was working on my Project Life album. I am behind and was working on the month of November, and as I was journaling, recording, and placing photos..the theme of Reconstruction jumped out at me. Then as I have sat and pondered all that has happened in my life, my family this past year..and my hopes, dreams for 2012 I really felt Reconstruction was the word...

    2. Cindy N says…

      Just had to respond to your comments. My OLW for this past year was also "time", as I needed to learn to make time for myself again. As a mother of a special needs child that can often be difficult. I succeeded in carving out a very small niche for myself, and focused on an early morning workout that was not possible before.
      Now in looking forward to the next year I have also chosen "believe", or should I say it chose me a month or so ago. Learning to believe in myself again, when it seems as though no one else does, is going to be a challenge. But I know that with reminders and focusing on my goal, I will be able to succeed and move forward to the next level of bettering myself.
      Good luck to you and your OLW in the New Year!

    3. dawn says…

      I hope you see this, thank you for sharing your story with me. I love how you used the word time for yourself this year. It is hard being a mom and remembering that we need take care of ourselves. Early morning hours are the best. I feel the same way about my believe word too, I have others that believe in me but I still have doubts and want to work on that. My kids are going thru rough times and I want them to believe in themselves and what they can do.

      Good luck with your word and if you'd like to stay in touch and need a cheerleader for the new year, I could do that for you. Send me an email and let me know, would be great. Thanks again for sharing.

  4. Armalite says…

    My word for 2012 will be: Moderation. I wrote a post about it last week: (it's in french, though). And I wish you a very uplifting year. Love your positive attitude :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Mary-Lou says…

    My Thought for 2012 is Scarcity & Sufficient, to reflect on what the scar and the scares of what I think I have scarcity in my life and where I really have sufficient. Wishing you much joy and wonderment in 2012.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Ruth says…

    Last year my word was better and I found it so useful to have the monthly prompts. They helped to keep my word at the forefront of my mind.
    I asked my husband to choose our new word for 2012 last night and he picked 'enjoy' ~ not because he wants us to be frivolous with our lives, but because he wants us to grasp every opportunity, good or bad, that comes our way next year.
    Thank you, Ali, for a great great of inspiration and projects.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ruth says…

      Sorry, that last line should read 'a great year'!

  7. Celeste says…

    My word is gratitude!
    I really want to focus on the wonderful things that I do have! Being content with life!

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. jeanettesquiltin says…

      That is a great word to concentrate on gratitude for 2012. Looking forward to enjoying this class, thanks for the opportunity!

    2. Mrs. V says…

      Celeste, That is the word that I chose as well. It was funny because I noticed you had the same word and then I saw that your name is the same as my daughter's.

    3. Kara says…

      I love gratitude - it's always such an important value to cultivate in our lives. I hope it brings you great joy this year.

    4. Celeste says…

      I hope the word we have chosen will lead us to a more abundant life! Full of happiness, peace, and contentment!

    5. Celeste says…

      I really am looking forward to seeing life through this word!
      I wish everyone a wonderful journey with the word they have chosen!

  8. Alice says…

    Hi Ali. Thanks for sharing your word and being such an inspiration ! I love the graphic you chose to go with your word.
    One word came to me a few days ago, "Ose"/"Dare", and i think it's going to be my one little word this year. I think it fits perfectly with the work i'm doing on myself : trying to be more confident and proud of who i am and daring to be myself !
    I'd love to know a little more about the OWL class, i don't know if you have reviews of people who have taken this class and can share a little bit about their experience. I'd really like my word to accompany me throughout 2012, and not just forget it as march passes ! LOL
    Thanks again for sharing your word with us.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Pidgen says…

      I took the OLW class for 2011 {I also had a word for 2010 before Ali had a class}, and I would definitely recommend it!! The prompts were awesome and Ali has always given 110% in all she does -- it's so worth it!! {She probably gives more than 110%! lol.}

    2. Paula G says…

      I took this class last year too and will be signing up again - still selecting between a few words that are calling out :)

      I haven't kept up with the scrapbook, but I have journaled some each month and I have the photos/embellishments set aside that will soon complete my book. I love what my word, soul, did for me - it was a good year in some ways, heartbreaking and difficult in others, and I was "soul-centered" in ways I would not have been had I not read the monthly prompts. I also gained from the message boards.

      It's really a lovely class that helps me grow. The needs of my kids and job are tremendous, logistically I am one of those folks who start at 6am and don't stop with "must do's" until around 11pm. Part is due to long commutes, part due to a management position that is more than 40 hours a week, and part due to having two kids on the spectrum and a "different" family dynamic (my mom lives with us.) SO...most of my "me" time apart from family is found either lunching occasionally with friends at work, or doing thing around the house - WII fit, scrapbooking, chores. Participating in One Little Word helps me see the good in everything as I soul-search - and there is good in it all. My word also helped me reach down deeper within my feelings and work on what needs to be changed or looked at differently.

      I think it's well worth it!

    3. Sue says…

      I took the class last year and it made all the difference with my OLW by keeping it in front of me and helping me to take action. I'm not a scrapbooker but tweaked the assignments to fit my photography and journaling. As I reviewed my OLW book thought out the year I could see my progress and when things would start to drag with it I'd pull out my book and remind myself through the assignments what my OLW was all about. I'll be taking the class again this year. Through my OLW and photography and this class my life was truly changed this last year!

  9. EE K says…

    Fantastic word and fantastic movie!

    I have chosen the word "less" for this year. I want to make an effort to acquire less stuff so I can have more.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ginger says…

      "Less" is also my word. I am becoming a devout "less is more" believer. Less me will inspire some weight loss and improve my health; less possessions will lighten my load and enrich the lives of the recipients of donated goods; less want will curb greed; less need will help me live more simply; less negativity will allow me to see that I am truly blessed and share those blessings with the ones I love. My goal is to "live simply so that others may simply live.'

  10. Kristine S says…

    What a great word--and i love that part of the movie

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. elinjanne says…

    This year my word has been Balance and I love what it has done for me. I have sat so many goals for myself in 2012 and my first plan was to go with the word Change. Now I think I will use Focus because I will need to focus to a achive my goals.
    Looking forward to "One Little Word 2012".

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. kim says…

      My word for this coming year is BALANCE but my word for last year was FOCUS! good luck on your journey!

  12. Cathy S says…

    Mine just came to me last night, so this post is good timing: lighten.

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Cathy says…

      Well said ladies! I had a light bulb moment when I read these comments! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    2. Nora says…

      Hi Cathy...
      I was also totally inspired by the word "lighten". It was exactly the concept I had in mind over the last week, but hadn't found the perfect word for. Thank you so much for sharing it.

    3. Karen says…

      Lighten! I have been mulling over reduce. As in reduce my weight, reduce the clutter in my house, reduce the busyness of my days but wasn't sure it was quite right. I think lighten might just be it. I can also lighten others burdens with my volunteer work. I can lighten myself, my home....I think I like it!! thanks!!!

    4. Cathy S says…

      Karen - you expressed exactly what I was thinking about this word!

  13. Luciana says…

    Love your word Ali! First I want to say that my one little word for 2011, "start", when I needed to make myself start producing again after my baby was born, really worked for me! Now that I am active again, I feel I want to take one more step and not just start, but also plan carefully to reach my goals. So my word for 2012 is "planning". Thanks for all the inspiration and motivation!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. emily says…


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Nat Mardon says…

      'Thankful' or 'thanks' will be my word too. I'm reading a great book by an incredible writer by the name of Ann Voskamp, and I want to encorporate a lot more 'thankfulness' into my home, my life, my heart. God is so good and He gives so many wonderful things and I want to really start to live and see these for what they are. Having a heart of thanksgiving will bless me and those around me in every other aspect of my life.

  15. Katie says…

    My word for 2012 will be "be" I want to practice being present for the little moments of life and being content with the person that I am It has a lot of applications for me, and I am excited to explore them all this year.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kim says…

      My word is "Be". Be happy with who I am, be involved in life, be kind to others, and be open to change!

  16. Peggy K says…

    Truth - That's my OLW for 2012. And it chose me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. cate says…

    sounds like a beautiful word for you, I can't wait to see where the journey takes you in 2012.

    my word is DO - something that has been lacking in my life in recent years as I allowed myself to become complacent and lethargic. and I'll be DOing your class again next year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Marcie says…

    Love that 'up' is your word for the year. Mine is actually 'be brave' be my true and honest self every single day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Leslie says…

    My word for 2012 will be : Believe

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. dawn says…

      glad to see another BELIEVE in the list. good luck to both of us with our word.

  20. Theresa S. says…

    it's not so little--but my word for 2012 is limitless. Tired of putting limits on myself and my life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Claire says…


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  22. Sue says…

    My word for 2012 is Engage. Engage in living. Taking action and by it overcoming fear. Last year my word was Wholeness. I have truly found wholeness this last year through Ali's OLW class and self-portraits. I have found me...who I am and through my OLW I have come to truly like everything about myself. For probably the first time in my life I can say I am truly happy with who I am.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Julie says…

      Engage - I really like that. I have found that I'm allowing myself to do more things by myself at home (both because of both finances and it's too easy) and consequently I'm losing touch with those in-person relationships that e-mails and phone calls can't replace. Thanks for the inspiration!

    2. Debbie in AZ says…

      My 2012 word will be EMBRACE. It will be another year of transition personally and professionally and I want to both embrace the uncertainty and embrace the new relationships, career, and personal growth that will be taking place. I'll sign up for OLE again too. Great class for me!

  23. Kara M. says…

    This was the first time I followed the OLW journey. My word for this year was create - and I certainly embraced it - I have blogged about that here:

    I've followed your journey this year Ali and I didn't understand what you would say about the word choosing me until my word for 2012 chose me. The word is intention and I've already embraced it in big ways. I can't wait to see what this word and I will do together in the new year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. madeline St onge says…

    I have chosen the word "RELAX" for my word, "Calm,Tranquil,Placid, Peaceful" My husband always tells me I am to serious and need to relax a little so that is why my word picked me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Kristie says…

    My word for 2012 is IMPROVE. This will be my first OLW class and I'm looking forward to it helping me make my word front & center in my life. There are many areas where I feel my word can make an impact and I'm looking forward to it!

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