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For The Love Of Laughing

Sometimes it can be painfully obvious to myself that I might be a little too serious.

Last night Anna I and climbed onto her bed to read some of her new library books.

The first one she picked out is called Walter The Farting Dog.

Okay, ha, ha. Sounds funny and silly and perfect for my three-year-old who loves nothing more than saying any number of phrases related to poop.

I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

And I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard with her.

And I know she liked that because I could see the surprise and delight on her face at seeing my laughing so effortlessly.

I bet we'll read it again tonight.

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109 thoughts

  1. char says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Toni From says…

    It is a great book, still makes me laugh just hearing the title.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Deborah says…

    My kids loved this book, too. There are more Walter books, so check them out!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Melodie says…

    Oh my goodness I have not seen that book in over 10 years!!! Hysterical!!! I bet you all laughed and laughed!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Linda says…

    Nothing like belly laughing with your little (or even bigger!) ones!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. MammaDoi says…

    Laughter is good for the soul!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sue says…

    One of the favorite books for my kiddos-many a year ago! Nothing like a child's laughter to lighten your soul!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Sarah H. says…

    That is a really funny book. My son loved it when we used to read it! (he probably still would!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Amy says…

    teriffic! will have to check this one out at our library.
    great idea to take a picture of the books we are reading with our kids. reading is such a part of our life and mine go through favorites.

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  10. Linda Baie says…

    It's a wonderful book, & in my family, made even better because there is a Walter, the dog, perhaps with a little bit of you know what!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Dawn Cheshire says…

    Thanks for sharing, one to add to my son's reading list!

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  12. Samantha VanArnhem says…

    We have a few Walter books and just love them too. Grandma was nice enough to buy our girls a little stuffed Walter that makes amazingly realistic fart noises so now he's kept close by for sound effects when we read. Really ups the level of laughter!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kim J says…

      The plush Walter the Farting Dog is a great addition to the books!

  13. Kimberly Loxtercamp says…

    Thanks for sharing...just added this to my library queue. Anything that has to do with poop or farting is funny around this house!

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  14. Lisa W. says…

    Im giggling reading your post...ahhhhh!!! Happy Weekend:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. MonicaB says…

    I'll have to get this from the library. Living with 3 small boys, I'm sure this book would be a hit. And we can all use more laughter in our life.. :)

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  16. Marcie says…

    Just reading the title made me laugh! Thank-you for that!

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  17. Sherry Ecklen says…

    I love times like that with my kids! So I have to recommend one of our favorite books. Parts by Tedd Arnold. Very cute and funny. And if you like that one, he has a second one called More Parts.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Carrie H. says…

      We LOVE those too!!!

  18. Nicky from Canada says…

    This one has brought much laughter to our house - you can get this one on the tag reader!! funny

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  19. {vicki} says…

    I busted out laughing just at the title!
    I've check out my library and put a hold on this book. There are a few more too.
    Walter at the Beach
    Walter goes on a cruise
    trouble at the yard sale

    Thanks for sharing with us Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. nicole says…

    After reading your blogpost I went looking for that book in the Netherlands and I found it. I Ordered it online and hope it gets here very soon. I have a four year old who laughs and giggles everytime he hears about "poop".

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  21. Carrie H. says…

    It is a fun set of books!!!! If you search on every page you can find a tiny spider... He adds a bit more fun to the book... Happy Reading!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Michelle L says…

    What is it with little people and poop jokes! That sounds like a book my boys would love! THanks for sharing!

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  23. Jonda says…

    I have 2 boys and this subject brings on neverending laughter in our home. Their father isn't much help. I just try to roll with it and let them see me laugh too and those have been the best memories.

    My 7-year-old is loving the humor of Junie B. Jones right now and the belly laugh is something I wish I could bottle up and keep forever!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Gypsy Chaos says…

      Jonda - You have doomed yourself. You will be rolling with laughter or rolling your eyes while groaning for years and years to come.

      I have a husband, a 25 yr old daughter, and twin 19 yr old sons. I really really missed my daughter while she was in college. I was me and ----THEM---- Shiver. Shudder.

      Just you wait. Blazing Saddles. Beans + campfire scene. Nuf said. sigh.

  24. madeline St onge says…

    Think I need to find this one for my grandchilren. Ali I am so like you as far as being serious. Guess we all need to remember to laugh once in a while

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  25. patty says…

    may more belly laughing & light-heartedness be in your future ali... (but remember: be kind to yourself!)

    happy weekend!

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