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Project Life 2012 | Week Eight (With A Video Overview)

Welcome to Project Life 2012 | Week Eight.

This week I decided to mix-it-up a bit and do a short video (8 min) overview of my week. For some reason the first 45 seconds has a strange scratch on the audio but it goes away and doesn't come back.

PL2012 WK8 from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

Here's a look at our week via photos:

This week I added a few more digital elements to my photos and included a bit more typed journaling.

The "Today" journal card (and "email" and "she said" as you'll see below) is from my new set of 3x4 Life Sentiment Cards Vol. 1. These are also available as customizable PNG cards (meaning you can change the color and place them on any background you want) - those are called Life Sentiment Cards Vol.2. Word art on the top photo is from my Go Outside set.

Loved using a Design G page protector as an insert this week for stories and photos that came from the kids' weekend with Chris. I cut the page protector down to fit the content that I had on hand and added a plastic tab on top of the vertical photo.

The bottom card with all the journaling is a 4x6 Story Overlay printed on photo paper.

The backside of the insert includes more photos from their weekend.

I did something really fun on Friday night which was go to two movies in one night. Katie and I saw both The Artist and Wanderlust. Enjoyed both of them but The Artist was such a delightful surprise - for some reason I imagined it was going to be something I'd endure though but it was absolutely delightful (really happy it got Best Picture).

You can see more examples of the Life Sentiment Cards Vol. 1 on this page. "Today" on top of the photo is from Life Sentiment Cards Vol.2 (that's the one I mentioned above that can be re-colored or added on top of photos).

The "love this" circle is part of a new set of Memory Circles.

SUPPLIES | 2012 | WEEK 8

Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life (including all the spreads from my completed 2011 album) here.

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56 thoughts

  1. Jan from Canada says…

    Loved the video Ali, I think that is the way to go to view your project life week in review. Thanks for that .. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Becky M. says…

    Love the video. Thanks for showing how you do project life. Great ideas!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Janette says…

    LOVE the video format Ali! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. dawn says…

    Happy Tuesday Ali, this was so fun to read. I really enjoyed the video, what a nice surprise for us. It really explained so much for us and was helpful. Thanks for all the little tips that you did.

    Every time you include something from Chris it just makes me smile, this will be so important for the kids to see when they are older. They will know you two worked on keeping their memories and telling their stories from both sides. Not to many divorced couples would do that so I just had to say how neat it is. My parents weren't like that thru their divorce or my childhood and my sister's ex-husband would never think to send her pictures or share anything with her about their weekends there. So keep including these little bits, it matters!!

    I also am so thrilled when Katie also helps out and takes pictures/journals or whatever to help fill in the days from her view. This is one amazing alubm full of people who love your kids.

    I enjoyed the pictures and as always any of Simon outside is my favorite and any photos from your parents house is a favorite as well. Just shows more love being told in your week. Great job on all your new digital products, they look good. How fun that you sat thru 2 good movies. I'm so tired after just one I'd fall asleep at the second one, lol glad you enjoyed your night out.

    Thanks for sharing Ali, love seeing this each week.

    p.s. I was inspired by your last l/o and finally scrapped 2 layouts and might even squeeze in another one. So keep scrapping if you can so it will motivate me.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. jen says…

      As a child of divorced parents I want to tell you how inspiring it is to see you and Chris work together. I know it is hard - I know there are days I am sure it doesn't seem worth it - but for your two very blessed children the gift you are giving them is huge. It is being mindful of them above yourselves and that is amazing. It will evolve and change as the years go forward but this foundation you are building will allow for that and keep your children sane. (trust me!) Another way you amaze me Ms. Ali! Thanks again for sharing your journey - I learn something each time I stop by!

    2. dawn says…

      Thank you for adding this to my comment it's perfect. That's why I had to tell Ali !! It makes a huge difference in a child's life.

  5. Carrie O says…

    Love all the ideas and the video. I like hearing your thoughts about how you go about arranging you Project Life, Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Rhonda says…

    Thanks for the video. Wonder if you could put it on a DVD and add it into your Project Life? Maybe make a small page protector (or buy one for CDs) and slip it between the pages for Week 8? That might be fun to look back on later.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sheila Miller says…

    Thanks Ali! I loved how you shared on video. It makes it much more interesting and inspirational. Beautiful memories.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. TaraMcK says…

    love how you used that page protector, just love.

    I need to try some of the new styles and cutting them down makes them so much more flexible.

    Also love the video, I like hearing your thoughts out loud on the process. Same with Becky's recent post about handling childhood items. Sometimes it just makes something else click when you hear out loud like that.

    Thanks for sharing as always Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Dawn Cheshire says…

    loved the video, thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Melissa says…

    I hesitated to cut down page protectors for awhile, but took the plunge two weeks ago and now it's just about one of my favorite things to have in our PL album. Tip: if you can't remember which page style you used, it's printed in fine gold print on the margin of each page. :)
    Love your videos. Thanks for taking the time to put it together this week.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Melissa!

  11. Paula G says…

    Wonderful video, love everything about what you've created. So happy to stop by here each day, going through some really rough times and this is my "me" time, it means more than I can express right now. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Camilla Blue says…

    I don't comment very often, but I stop here almost every day for inspiration. I appreciate the calmness in your design style. You've created a lovely space for inspiration. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lianna says…

    I've hesitated to cut down page protectors, but I keep seeing others doing it...and yours looks great! I like how you added the tab to the top of the page. Thanks for the ideas!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Helen says…

    Love your pages, Ali, love all the voices in them. You are such an inspiration, thank you :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Sonu says…

    So why can't I play the video on my iPad? Hmmmmm???

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Not sure. It's set to play on mobile devices through Vimeo.

    2. Barb in Edmonton says…

      On my iPad, I had to click on the link that says PL2012 WK8. Worked great from there.

      Great job, Ali.

  16. Wendy says…

    That was fun, Ali! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kim says…

    I've just started Project Life this past Janaury and I love it also.

    I really liked the video this week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jolynn says…

    I really enjoyed the video! It was great to see that! I am so inspired by your Project Life posts every week. Thank you!! =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Annette says…

    Love the video! It is great to really see your album and get "hands on" too! Love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Lucrecia says…

    I love the video, it was awesome hearing your thought process and thinking forward to the next week. LOVE the idea of cutting down the page protector!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Krys72599 says…

    I LOVED your idea last year of keeping the album on your kitchen counter but I have no space in my kitchen. We spend weekends at our lake house so I've been hauling "stuff" back and forth each week but I finally figured it out: after Christmas, when the house was still relatively clean and straightened out, I realized my library table was empty. It's a slightly-lower-than-counter-height table my husband made for the library and I put out my album, my bag'o'scrapping tools and my Becky Higgins PL box. And I have a place to go to record my day when I walk into the house after work - it's right there, waiting for me. And if I'm too busy to do it right at that moment, it's so easy to just drop the receipts, Post It notes, photos, or "stuff" on the table and just add them to the week the next day. And to keep track? I'm using Day One on my iPhone (I think Cathy Z recommended it). I just jot down a memory during the day. I still have to figure out a way to go back and either recreate them or upload them, but what an easy way to remember! And I put a clear envelope in the front of my planner/calendar to put "stuff" into during the day.
    I feel so organized!!!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Awesome! Having it out and accessible is a big piece of keeping up for me.

    2. Christina says…

      oh you have just reminded of another story to tell in my PL album. I too now have a corner in my living area. My son in law bought home a fabulous set of drawers with all different compartments to add all my scraping bits and pieces underneath. It was really meant for my daughter as she is a makeup artist and he thought it would be great for her but as they are living in a small apartment it didn't fit. Lucky me... anyway my point is that I should tell the story. I love it even though it doesn't match the rest of my furniture. I will take pictures today and add to my album.

    3. Jessica Poelma says…

      I love the idea of keeping it in the kitchen, but my kitchen is small and there is really no place for it. Right now it's on my dresser, better than hidden away upstairs in my craft room, but not quite as accessible as I want it to be. Still looking for a sport that is accessible to my daily routine, but not my 18 month old.

  22. Wendy T. says…

    Always inspired by your pages, Ali. Documenting the cost a latte with a photo of the coins is such a great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. slmnontec says…

    I'm trying to change my PL from taking a photo a day and journaling about that photo to....more of the old time scrapbooking like you are doing Ali --keeping bits and pieces. But my question is: how do you decide what to keep? Obviously it isn't a photo a day, but how do you decide what's important?

    You are so inspiring!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I keep what I love and what feels reasonable :). I've got a bunch more of Anna's artwork that I'm holding on to for now and am adding just enough to feel like it's a part of the album. I figure just a few is better than nothing :).

  24. Cele Schaffer says…

    Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated the video explaining your process! It adds SO MUCH USEFUL information to us newbies. Even just the little things like using the back of your title card instead of using another one-keep telling us even when you think we would have to know it.Loved the cuttting down the page protector and using Hambly transparencies. You are genious. Most of all I want to thank you just for sharing your most precious kids and parts of your life with us. I do pray that "things" in your reality are getting easier (maybe thats not the best word). I have 1 question-How did you pick your Instax camera? I keep looking at them and can't figure out which one to buy. Any hints-because again I value your opinion. Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Cele - I had a different version of the Instax before getting this one and it was just fine. What I love about this one is the size of the camera (sleeker) and that it has a self-timer.

  25. Cindy says…

    Always love your use of instagram photos, particularly in PL. However, I use an Android phone, not an iPhone. Does anyone know of an app for Droid phones, that works just like the instagram app?

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