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New Self-Paced Workshop | FIVE

I'm excited to introduce you to a new self-paced album workshop called FIVE.

I taught this workshop last fall at Creative Escape and finally had a chance to get it formatted into a self-paced workshop this past weekend.

My original idea behind this class was to create an album that included enlarged photos, enough room to actually get stories told, and a chance to play with some "messy" stuff. I used my Love You Because layered template set as a jumping off point for the design and played through the process of figuring out how to translate that idea to paper.

The cool thing about this workshop is that you can really make your album any theme you want: favorite photos from a specific year, photos of a loved one who has passed on, favorite photos from a travel adventure, a collection of photos that celebrate your life right now, etc.

You can also take the basics I present within the workshop and really take it to a whole different level - adding in textures and layers and lots of other good stuff.

This self-paced workshop includes:

  • PROJECT OVERVIEW VIDEOS | Two videos that walk you through my thoughts about creating this album (the why) and a walk-through of the completed album (beginning with the end in mind).

  • PROJECT HOW TO | A full-color, 15-page PDF handout that includes how-to information and completed images of my album.

  • TECHNIQUE VIDEOS | Seven specific video tutorials that demonstrate techniques included in my album: scoring, working with beeswax, spray ink, stamping + embossing, fabric patterns + gel or matte medium, painting over die-cut cardstock, creating the covers.

  • BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER | A 10-minute video that walks you through the process of bringing all the pieces of the album into one cohesive unit.

Get all the details and purchase this self-paced class here.

Other self-paced workshops I have available include Scrapbook On The Road, Storyology, and a Halloween Mini-Book.

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24 thoughts

  1. Queen Mary says…

    Also an excellent idea for kids no longer at home -- five photos of them growing up with excellent stories of what they were like as kids! This comes to mind as my DD sets out on her own -- new city, no roommate! I never did that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Mel says…

    Always happy and inspired to see your projects Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Cynthia says…

    I bought the workshop last night and I am really excited about the possibilities and ideas I have.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the awesome videos accompanying the workshop basics - I haven't watched them but wow, they are truly incredible!

    This workshop really has limitless creativity. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Alichar Smith says…

    Oh Ali,
    I love the idea of being in one of your work shops but I am scrapping on a tight budget and I never seem to have money for your fabulous classes. And interestingly I never seem to win a give away matter how much I wish for it! But I do enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you do with what you have. It is quite inspirational to me!
    Ali Smith

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jennifer L. says…

    I'm signed up, and I can't wait!! I am thinking that this may be a great gift to give someone you love, too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Teri Hartman says…

    Oooh..I've been looking for another mean reason to use my Cinch! I'm thinking of making a "coffee table book" - 5 things about our household.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Katie Scott says…

    Any connection to the Compendium book called Five?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Nope :). Was just a nice number for the size of the book and the number of techniques I could do in an in-person class.

  8. Naomi says…

    This looks stunning and wonderful! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Angela Polzin says…

    $14.00 doesn't even seem enough for this great class! Really looking forward to work with everything!!! Thanks Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. ale says…

    i've just signed up!!! i think i'll make lots of mini books like this one to give to my loved ones.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jill B says…

    Purchased mine last night. I have already hunted and gathered the supplies, looked at the first video and now I am looking for the perfect pictures. Thank you for making this available and priced right too. You are the best!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. patty says…

    A*W*E*S*O*M*E project... i had this class taught by ali at the last c.e., it was one of "the favorites" by many many of the students... LOVE IT!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Diane Kirtley says…

    I love love loved Scrapbook on the Road! It motivated me to get in my art room and create. I've been creating ever since and I owe it all to this class. Loved this book and I made one for everybody in my family. I can't wait to start Five!
    thanks Ali

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Diane - I really appreciate that!

  14. Judy g says…

    Hi Ali,
    Signed up for this class and have already ordered pictures to start the project. A little off topic, I remember that you had once mentioned a class about creating an album for your Italy trip. My husband and I have traveled all over Europe the last few years and I am looking for an exciting way to record these unbelievable memories. Thanks.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Judy - it's on my to-do list :)

  15. Vanessa Babin says…

    Just signed up & so excited to do this workshop. I also love queen Mary's idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Noteworthy | 3.2.2012 says…

    [...] Edwards released a new self-paced online class on her website this week. “Five” is based off of her workshop from Creative Escape last year and is now [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Amy Coose says…

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Karen Keiper says…

    looks great, off to have a better look now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. debra ford says…

    Love this, what a great give away! Good luck to everyone.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Melissa Jones says…

    i so loved this class at CE... glad to see an old friend again :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Creative Photo Albums says…

    Ali I've been following you round for a while and would say that I really admired your talent. How much would this workshop cost me?

    Annabella MErlin

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