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Anna's First Soccer Practice

I grew up playing soccer.

Big-time, weekend-consuming competitive soccer until I entered high school. At that time I had to choose between swimming and soccer because they were the same season. Swimming won out.

I have great memories of playing soccer as a kid. Many a weekend and evening were spent on the field and often times in the Northwest, in the rain.

When I drove Anna to school yesterday we were talking about her going to soccer "practice" and that it might just be in the rain. I talked about how much fun it was to play in the rain and that my favorite part was that you got to come home and take a hot bath and get all clean again. She liked that part best.

Luckily it was just a bit windy and the rain held off.

This is what I call parents & kids & helpers & coaches all-over-the-place soccer.

It was a little chaotic but Anna was excited. It's just a fun, 4-week soccer introduction. A great chance to get outside and see if it's something she'd like to do more of in the future.

She got to run around, kick the ball into a net, try trapping, and run around some more.

She does pretty good waiting her turn too.

And as usual, there was some Simon chasing involved.

Looking forward to next week and maybe a bit-warmer weather.

Go Anna go!

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43 thoughts

  1. Katie Gelbaugh says…

    LOVE this! My girls do softball and the practices and games are one of my personal greatest childhood memories! I love sharing it with them!

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  2. Marsaille says…

    My daughter is in a similar program and really enjoys it. Go Anna Go!

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  3. abbeyviolet says…

    This has been my son's first year in soccer. (He started at age 4 1/2). After a very slow hesitant start he has ended up loving it and we happily fell into a really wonderful supportive group. I hope she has a lot of fun too!

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  4. Erika Beckwith says…

    Ali that is great! My daughter is about the same age as Anna and she plays soccer through this program called Lil' Kickers. I believe they are in the Northwest too (I believe they started in Washington). You might want to check them out as well. I hope you daughter enjoys it as much as my daughter does.

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  5. Michelle M says…

    Very cool! My son started playing soccer when he was 3 (he is 6 now) and has loved it! I LOVE Anna's soccer ball! So cute.

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  6. slmnontec says…

    My daughter started ice skating at 2 1/2 and now 22 years later she's a figure skating coach! Never know where sports will take you....

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  7. Nicky from Canada says…

    Yah Anna

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  8. Christine says…

    My daughter is playing select soccer up here in Puget Sound (WPFC) They play in rain, snow, and sunny weather. She never complains though. I am truely a "soccer mom" driving all over the state for games. My daughter has a passion for soccer but there are days when I wish she was on a swim team and where meets are nice and cozy for spectators. My older 2 girls were on a swim team.
    My daughter started playing when she was about Anna's age. The pictures you shared are adorable. Go Anna Go!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. terri says…

    Hi Ali...this might be a stupid question. If you play a sport in your city and it rains the game still goes on? I'm from from sunny California and my girls play softball. Any time it rains our games get canceled. I always wondered how other places do it with sports and the rain. Do they never play? How do the parents feel about having their kids play in the rain? Our parents are too sensitive and complain that they will get sick.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Pam S. says…

      I live in Southwestern Pennsylvania. If the kids are really young like 5 or 6, they cancel when it rains. However, the older kids play soccer unless it's lightning/thundering. It's pretty much the same for baseball. Of course, football is hardly ever canceled. I remember one football playoff game, it rained so hard we couldn't see them on the field. My son was probably around 11 years old. My husband has a saying, "Suck it up buttercup". Not always easy. :)

    2. Christine says…

      Here in the PNW weather rarely cancels games. My daughter had a soccer game while snowing. They couldn't even see the field lines. I thought the game would be canceled but they played anyway. She is 14 and has been playing year-round outdoor soccer for 4 years now and has never been sick due to playing in bad weather.

    3. dawn says…

      I live in Ohio and have had many soccer practices/games in the snow/wind/rain/pouring rain/ freezing temps. for the little ones they get canceled but 6 and up play! We as parents complain about the cold or weather but really the kids don't feel it, they are running around having fun. We dress in many layers and wrap in blankets and bringa thermos of hot chocolate. My son gets sick every year but I don't think it's from the weather.

  10. Cecilia says…

    awesome! i grew up playing softball and i cannot WAIT until my daughter is big enough to try it too.

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  11. Sandi says…

    She is so cute. I love how all the t-shirts come down to the knees of the children!

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  12. Jenny Meyerson says…

    Sports were such a big part of my childhood. But I enjoy them even more through the lives of my children. I love their zeal and the pictures just make me smile. Jeff and I compete over who is going to take them to practice and pick them up because we just love the swimming environment.
    Go Anna go! And Ali, soak it all up.

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  13. Allison M. says…

    Yay Anna! Lovely shots Ali. I especially love the one with Anna and Simon playing chase. Reminds me SO much of my girl right now. She is just a couple months older than Anna and she is big time into playing chase and pretending right now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Deb J says…

    How fun. I know that Anna will catch on quick and this will be a really fun thing for her. It will help her coordination too. I think all kids should take ballet and soccer when they are little. It gives them a whole different way of carrying themselves that will pay dividends later.

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  15. Lisa W. says…

    LOVE this!!! Soccor is not real big here. But my kiddo's played up until 7th grade. They loved it!!!!!!! She looks SO cute. Just adorable!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Laura Moegenburg says…

    She is a shining STAR!

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  17. bianca alonso says…

    She is so adorable and looks like had so much fun!

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  18. Claire says…

    I don't have children, but yours always amuse me :-)

    Thanks for sharing!

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  19. Sandra K. says…

    She is so cute!! Go Anna! It is so funny to see that soccer in the US is so much for girls, while in Europe it's a guy thing, so I had to choose between softball or ballet. I choose softball.

    Sandra :)

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  20. Teri H. says…

    What a cutie petutie. My girls start soccer this month as well.

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  21. Maria H. says…

    Hi Ali. Your little Anna is such a little cutie :-) My daughter is now 15 and has been playing soccer since she was 7. She absolutely LOVES it !!! Where we live in southern New Zealand the girls play in with the boys until they are 16 years old, but that is not a problem to her and she can more than hold her own against them. Up until this year her and my son (who is a year younger) have always played in the same team, but my son has chosen to play rugby instead this year so I am a bit sad that their soccer days together are now over. Anyway, I'm really hoping your little Anna will grow to love her soccer as much as my soccer-crazy 15 year old daughter does. Do you realise that it could potentially give you the opportunity to amass thousands and thousands of soccer photos like I have managed to do over the years :-)

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  22. Mandy Szeto says…

    how cute!

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  23. Jana says…

    Oh yes, little kids & soccer - I remember the days well! My daughter started in 4th grade, when the main concern was how the uniforms looked & most of their time was spent fiddling with their long sox!! Anna looks so tiny out there---I bet she learns to love it :) as you will too!

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  24. Leanne in CA says…

    Oh my gosh, how cute is she! Time does fly and they grow up fast. Love it and thanks for sharing. Have fun Anna!!

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  25. Cinnibonbon says…

    Fun fun

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