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Week In The Life 2012 | Supplies & Design Plan

I'm definitely starting to get excited for Week In The Life 2012.

Next week (I start on Monday) I'll be documenting of our lives by taking lots of photos and writing down the details of what we do throughout the day for seven days in a row.

If this is your first time reading about or considering this project I recommend checking out The Basics Of Documenting A Week In Your Life. You can also check out my compilation page of resources from years past, including my completed album for each year, here.

This year, in addition to my base foundation (see below), I've given myself a little bit more room to play. Not sure exactly what form that will take just yet, but I'm setting myself up with a tactile middle portion of each day to contrast with the very graphic (and flat) first and last page of each day.

Here's a run down of how I aim to tackle the album this year:


I'll be using a We R Memory Keepers 8.5x11 album again. The vanilla color is becoming my go-to next to the black.

I've also got a second set of 8.5x11 page protectors ready to go.


I designed a new set of layered templates for 2012: Week In The Life Layered Template 8.5x11 Vol.4. The main brown graphic elements can be re-colored and the text layers are editable for inputting your own date, etc. in Photoshop Elements or Photoshop (these are layered PSD files). The set includes seven templates with the banners for each day of the week, seven templates for multiple photos and text (that you can mix and match) and one title page.

For those of you who want to do a 12x12 version I've got a layered template set available for that as well: Week In The Life Layered Template 12x12 Vol.4.

Both of those new template sets are on 20% off this week until 6am EST on Saturday.

Also, this coming weekend I will have the banners available as a stand-alone product at Designer Digitals for those of you that just want to be able to print them out and use them in your project. That package will include the individual banner PNG files (the text will not be editable) and a PDF file for easy printing.

Love this 12x12 example from Designer Digitals Creative Team Member Mollie:

If you want additional layered template cards to go inside the divided page protectors (like I have done in the past), you might be interested in these: Share Your Story Layered Template in 8.5x11 or 12x12. These are great for getting additional stories told.


Here's where I'd like to inject some room for more play within my content for each day.

This year I'll be using Hambly overlays + divided page protectors + a bit of sewing to create a single insert page for each day. In the past I've just used the divided page protectors but decided to switch it up just a bit.

In that example above I cut one strip from We R Memory Keepers 8.5x11 9-pocket divided page protectors and stitched it along the bottom of a Hambly Herringbone overlay. (I put that Memory Circle in there just so you could see where the pockets are located.)

I'm not sure exactly what I'll be putting on top of the Hambly just yet. I'm thinking letter stickers (emphasizing a phrase or sentiment) or potentially something cut with the Silhouette.

Here's four that I have put together so far:

The first one uses the bottom two rows of pockets (just trimmed off the top one) stitched onto a piece of the Hambly that I trimmed off.

Here's a look at one of the bottom rows of pockets - I cut them so they were right about 4 inches tall (and then did the same for the top row of pockets, measuring from the opening of the pocket down past the seam). I also trimmed off the portion of the page protector along the edge that has the binding holes.

I'm also not sure whether I'll be putting those Hambly + pockets inside a page protector or just punching holes to make it a page in the album. I'm leaning towards just punching holes.

And here's a look at the one with two rows of pockets:

If you are doing 12x12 you could use some of Becky's page protectors from the Big Variety Pack 1 for your middle page.

Have you seen what Julie Fei-Fan Balzer did to create her own custom-sized page protectors with washi tape (no sewing)? This might be a cool way to achieve a similar result as well without sewing (as long as you can keep the pockets intact).


I'll be using the same free set of Daily Sheets for 2012. Not sure how I'll incorporate them in just yet. Last year I just added them in as a page and I might do that same thing again this year.

You can download them again here.


A very big thank you to the following companies that have signed on to be sponsors of Week In The Life 2012:


Look for a great series of giveaways from all these companies next week:


Feel free to share this on your blog or site:

Please link to:


I hope you'll decide to join me next week in some form or another. It's always that much more exciting when there's a group of people working along at the same time - great for support and ideas.

As usual I'll be sharing my words and photos each day next week and I'll invite you to do the same with a blog link. The following week I'll be putting me album together and will share more of that process along the way.

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97 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Thanks for sharing this Ali, looks great. I always love how your album looks when it's done. Can't wait to start!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Colleen says…

    Excited to try out this project for the first time. Love what you've been doing with the Hambly transparencies. Have a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Cinnibonbon says…

    Totally love how you always "set up" your projects first!! Looks like lots of fun!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Susan Anderson says…

    So excited to get started with this project. It reminds there is nothing mundane about my everyday life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. audra says…

    Hi Ali,
    I have quite the collection of older Hambly transparancies, if I wanted to set up an album with your similiar format, can you tell me about how many transparancies I may need? Just wondering how many you ended up using... I'm looking forward to this! THANKS!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You'll need at least seven, unless you are going to use smaller strips (like the example where I have two rows of pockets below).

  6. Becky M. says…

    This is my first time doing this and I am so excited about it! I got the same album to the color!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Marie-Pierre says…

    the design is AWESOME!! Way to go Ali!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jen N says…

    Looks great the way you have things ready to go.
    I will definitely be joining in, but doing on digitally :)
    Can't wait to see the end project!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Newfie Princess says…

    Thanks so much Ali! This looks great - it's going to be a crazy busy week for me next week - moving!- so lots of pics lol.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Cecilia says…

    I am nervous and excited about diving in next week. I loved day in the life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jessica B says…

    I was thinking about not doing WITL this year, but I just can't stay away from it! I always end up loving the results. I am super excited. I'm going to try doing some of it with your templates this year. I am so not good with PSE.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Ellie A. says…

    Count me in! Love the process of it all.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. elinjanne says…

    I am so looking forward to do this again this year! Thank you so much for the inspiration to do this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Melanie says…

    Ali, I'm doing a very pared down version of WITL with a 6x8 album. Any chance we can purchase those day of the week banners separately? I love them, but the larger templates won't work for my album, unless I can resize them somehow.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - I actually mentioned in the post above (no worries - I miss stuff like that all the time) that they will be available this weekend (on Friday when new things are released).

  15. Melanie says…

    Well, that will teach me to read through thoroughly next time. ;p Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Vanessa Babin says…

    So excited to get started on this project! Thanks for sharing your process of getting started with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Juanita says…

    Not doining WITL this time around, but I LOVE the way your album is coming along. Can't wait to see the finished album!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Valerie says…

    I mentioned you on my Post today! I love your Blog!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Cutting them up is totally the way to go - love doing that in Project Life too - makes total sense if that's the number of photos or stuff you want to share!

  19. Lori says…

    I LOVE Hambly transparencies, and plan to use this technique in my OLW book, too. It would look great with your pattern paper covered transparencies. This is going to be fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. jennifer says…

    Excited and nervous for next week. I know I'll capture the words and pictures...its just bringing it all together that I have trouble with. Have a few months of pictures and words for my PL which I just can't seem to find the time to get into the binder. Big deep breath...thank you Ali for your continued inspiration and helping me to capture these memories!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. jen says…

    these templates are great!! i'm going to be doing my week in the life this summer as we are all getting together for my mom's 60th in new york and i want to make keepsakes for question - can you change the dates on your templates from the april week to the week i want? are they customizable that way?
    thanks so much! inspiring as always!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Jen - yes - on the layered template sets those layers are editable.

  22. ali gitt says…

    are the templates adaptable to edit size in Photoshop? I was going to do a 9x9 album in July for my vacation. Thanks

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Totally. Go with the 12x12 and then you can re-size before printing.

  23. Sharis says…

    I am finally going to participate this year. I am super pumped!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Debbie says…

    How many Hambly overlay's do you plan to use.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I have seven on hand Debbie but if I do a couple more with the two rows of pockets I should just need two more (I think that would make it 4 total).

  25. .:| Angela |:. says…

    Love the custom-sized page protectors with washi tape idea! Now I can use up all those washi tapes I've been hoarding! LOL

    Reply 0 Replies

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