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Week In The Life™ 2021 | Thursday Photos + Words

Today feels like my "usual" Sunday in Week In The Life™ - a whole lot less photos - which is 100% totally okay. 

As I sit here and write up this blog post I'm thinking about how often we judge our own stories vs. simply honoring them as they are without explanation. 

Our kids come back today (Friday) so I'm looking forward to including those characters in my story for the last few days of this project. 

Here's a look at my Thursday: 

Washing + chopping vegetables from yesterday's CSA box before heading up to my office. 

Drawing out some word art on my iPad for some One Little Word® products for next year. I followed that up with a bunch of video editing for the upcoming Story Kit classroom - that took up most of my working day. 

Moving the laundry around. 

Folding our kitchen towels. This is a job I actually enjoy. 

A walk around the neighborhood. The sun feels so darn good.

Folding more laundry. 

Photos I didn't take: 

  • More work at my desk. 
  • Thai leftovers for lunch + dinner. 
  • Aaron working out in the camper van putting up some "tile" around the kitchen area.
  • Showering after work. 
  • Hanging out with Aaron in our bedroom talking about moon landings.
  • Watching a new-to-us docuseries about The Comedy Store (loving it). 

Bring on Friday + the weekend. 

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3 thoughts

  1. Britta922 says…

    Really helpful to see that you end up with very different amounts of photos on each day. I love how much freedom there is in this project.

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  2. kjjennings says…

    I really love the 'photos I didn't take'. I am taking notes/journaling each day and looking back through the week I see several 'stories' that don't have photos but paint a more complete 'picture' of my week. So I am going to either include a journaling card with all of those 'stories' or, if it is a story that needs more than a bullet point, a journaling card for that story alone. Thank you for sharing your photos and story and giving me permission :) to honor my stories and not judge them.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. paulette1980 says…

      I loved this idea too & plan to make good use of it in my journalling!

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