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The Pulse Of Mixed Media Blog Tour

The Pulse Of Mixed Media

Today I'm participating in a blog book tour for Seth Apter's new book: The Pulse Of Mixed Media: Secrets And Passions of 100 Artists Revealed.

From the intro:

“This book is not your typical how-to guide. Instead, you will be taken on a journey deep within the soul of the artist. Imagine you have been invited to have an intimate discussion with all of your favorite artists; a one-on-one show-and-tell. You can ask them anything, no holds barred. You can learn their secrets, feel their passions, and experience their vulnerability. You can hear firsthand the personal stories behind their artwork. This is what you will find in the pages of this book.”

A couple initial thoughts on this book:

1. I like that there’s “meat” to it – and by meat I mean words and not just cool stuff to view (there’s definitely that too). This is a book that inspires your mind and gets you thinking and most likely will then get you to creating.

2. I like that Seth includes a variety of mixed media artists, a good combination of people who I was familiar with and who were totally new to me. I jumped online while reading to check out a few blogs and websites to learn more.

3. Reading the responses by the artists to Seth’s questions was definitely my favorite part. Loved this one (I feel I can read these now and come back to them again and see something totally different and inspiring):

Mixed media is the kind of stuff I’d like to do more of when I have a chance. For all my clean-lined scrapbook layouts, I love the immersion in paint and texture and layers. I love getting lost in it and I don’t give myself the chance to do it nearly enough. With all the changes in my life I’m hoping to create a space for this kind of play and exploration.

Seth’s book is just the kind of jump-start I need to remind me that everyone begins somewhere and we all come to the creative table with our own hesitations, fears and abilities. Thanks Seth!

As part of the blog tour Seth asked us each to answer three questions from the list he asked of contributors to the book:

ONE | What is your secret dream as an artist?

My current secret dream is to create some mixed-media canvases and have a local show.

TWO | How has the Internet changed your artistic practice?

For me the internet has really been a place of education and possibility and growth. It has opened doors, shown me new ways of creating, and introduced me to the work of people I probably wouldn’t have come across otherwise. It’s so much a part of my life – for better or worse.

THREE | Do you enjoy working more intuitively or by carefully thinking through your process?

Both, definitely a mix of both for me.

When I think a little longer about it, much of what I do is intuitive. I like getting lost in the process, even if it’s a fairly streamlined and structured and thoughtful process (and maybe that’s just because I favor grids and geometry). I find once I start (a layout or a mixed media canvas) a part of me takes over and makes things happen, a little like I’m on auto-pilot. I like being in that intuitive flow. It doesn’t mean I don’t mess up or make mistakes or that everything comes out perfect – all of those things happen. But it’s different than other work I do – and boy do I love being in that state.

Other times my process is more carefully thought out. Creating classes, writing, editing – those tasks are often more rigid and I don’t experience the same kind of “zone” as I do when I’m in the process of creating a layout or a canvas.

Here's a list of all the people participating in Seth's blog tour:

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21 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    I'm excited about this post Ali!! Having this new art journey in my life has opened up a whole new world to me and everyday I create something with my hands and paint brings me such JOY!! It was just about a year ago that I started thinking of this new way of telling my story and now it's my DAILY!! Would love love to see you create and get messy, it will bring a new feeling of peace to you.
    Just like you some of these names are favortes and some are new, can't wait to check them out. I will have to come back to answer the question parts, time to hit the shower and get kids up.
    Thanks Ali for sharing this with us!

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  2. Lisa W. says…

    I only recognize Ali Edwards...LOL This should be interesting to check out all the others. Again thank you for always showing us some other "stuff" around the world. There is nothing like a book full of eye candy and good "reads" :)

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  3. Tiffani says…

    Sounds like a great book! Looking forward to discovering some new sites and artists, too.

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  4. elle says…

    I'm totally agreeing with you!

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  5. Kathryn Dyche Dechairo says…

    I loved Seth's book and you describe it perfectly when you said "it has meat to it". So many great questions, so many great artists and incredible creations. It's inspiring.

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  6. Susan says…

    I checked out many on the blog list and there are some amazing artists out there. This was a wonderful tour - it's not the usual 'scrapbooking' world tour (not that those aren't amazing too!)- but i was very inspired!!! thanks Ali. so neat you were among the list selected by Seth.

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  7. Robert says…

    Hi, Ali- I stopped by your blog as a part of Seth Apter's blog tour for The Pulse of Mixed Media. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts, here, particularly what you had to say in response to his question: "Do you enjoy working more intuitively, or by carefully thinking through your process?" I work in mixed media (a piece of mine is on page 131 in the book), and I definitely fall into the 'intuitive' camp, when I work, or as i call it 'play'. There are parts of the creative process for me that do involve planning, and I frequently stop while in-process a number of times, and look at a given piece from a distance, frequently gaining a new perspective on what, exactly, needs to happen next, from doing so. There is an excellent book about the 'intuitive state of mind' that I would recommend if you haven't already read it. It's called "Flow," and is by the noted researcher in this field, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. It does not just deal with artists, but with people from numerous disciplines, but shows how many people are able to do their best work when they are "in the zone" (what he calls being in 'flow'), because they make connections in that state that they otherwise would never have made. Anyway, it is recommended reading for anyone interested in this subject. Thanks, again, for your comments about Seth's book, and for being a part of his 'blog hop!' He is certainly providing all of us with some wonderful (online) introductions!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Melissa Y says…

    Hi Ali,
    I enjoyed using your "A Date with Ali" stamp set for 2011. I was wondering if you were thinking of a stamp set with words for 2012. Sorry, I didn't make that clear in my question yesterday. Thanks for all the stamp sets you have created thus far. I use mine quite often in my project life book.

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  9. Missus Wookie says…

    Thanks for joining in I'm looking forward to reading through the rest of the blog hop.

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  10. madcapangel says…

    This is wonderful, but I too only recognize Ali's work. But with this blog tour, we will see a perfect example of how the internet can expose us to so much creativity and inspiration. I am examining my own heart and mind for the answers to Seth's questions.

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  11. Stephanie says…

    Just brilliant...this book blog tour that Seth organized. Loved reading your take on this wonderful book!

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  12. Cindy says…

    Sounds very interesting! I'm gettin ready to enjoy the blog hop; thanks for sharing this and I hope you can find more time to "PLAY"!!

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  13. Jane says…

    Ali hi,

    The experience you describe is one I love. To describe it the term "flow" was coined by Csikszentmihalyi. I came across the book in a few ways over the last year via Brene Brown and a course on creativity, innovation and change I am doing. I think it is a bit like those things you need come your way. I enjoyed the book too although I should say it is not light. He has a TED talk too.



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  14. Chris says…

    Yes, the answers are so insightful and often surprising!

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  15. Darlene K Campbell says…

    Hi, I followed you here from Seth's blog. Greta to meet you in cyberspace. Your "guest blog posts" are cool & them. And your giveaways look fabulous. Will have to stop back by.

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  16. Bleubeard and Elizabeth says…

    My first time visiting your blog. Since I'm not a scrapbooker, I am being introduced to an entirely new world through Seth's book. I'm off to read more.

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  17. chel says…

    This book looks great- thanks for the heads up!

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  18. christy comstock says…

    The book looks like lots of fun!!

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  19. I is for Intuition « shanjeniah says…

    [...] The Pulse Of Mixed Media Blog Tour ( Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Writing in Freedom, Writing Samples, Flash Fiction Pieces, Life Writing, Blogging from A toZ April Challenge, 500 Words On... and tagged childhood, claiming my passions, Blood and Breath, fantasy, creative writing, flash fiction, nature, Kirana, Seth, Tisira, Rachyl.Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment [...]

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  20. elle says…

    Such a great blog hop. I've so enjoyed the variety and the insight. Great input by all involved.

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  21. jill zaheer says…

    Love meeting you and your blog through the blog hop! And you are so right about the book being a journey deep within the soul of the artist. Could not have said it better.

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