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Project Life 2012 | Week Thirty and Thirty-One

Welcome to Project Life 2012 | Week Thirty and Thirty-One.

Hello summer life.

This summer, more than any other I can remember, has been full of travel and adventures. I was pretty intentional about that. I wanted to create a summer that was a nice mix of home and way. Home enough to keep my vegetables and flowers alive and growing. Away enough to satisfy my desire to mix things up and be open to surprises.

I had such a great time with friends visiting Martha's Vineyard a few weeks ago.

For those of you who might be wondering, I'm planning to add another page when Chris shares photos with me from their trip to Orcas Island (he took the kids there while I was on the east coast). I like the idea that this album can include bits of all our lives, including the times I might not be with my kids.

I really like that whole Paper Cottage line from Basic Grey. The little bubble and the "happy" strip are both from the Title Stickers and the button is from the Flair set.

The journaling card for "year five" is from the Hello Days set and the letter stickers are Basic Grey.

I used one of the Basic Grey Paper Cottage Flags (with the stick removed) on top of one of the smaller photos.

Those Elle's Studio Summer Lovin pennants continue to get used too - so fun.

SUPPLIES | 2012 | WEEK 30

Click on the images to link to the products.

Here's a look at Week Thirty-One:

Week Thirty-One was the week between Martha's Vineyard and camping.

It felt like a blur.

"Life" is from my Hello Days story card set.

"Summer Fun" is from my Summer Outline Banners package.

Right above the flag in the pool photo is a digital brush from my So Totally Love set.

The "love it" and "Hello Sunshine" flaps are both from Bananafish Studio.

The "good times" journaling card is from my Remember This story card set.

The cool little "happiness right here" stamp is from Kelly Purkey's new shop.

Love this project.

SUPPLIES | 2012 | WEEK 31

Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life (including all the spreads from my completed 2011 album) here.

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23 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Great and full of life pages Ali, love them! I noticed that you traveled more this summer, glad your gardens still blossomed for you. How fun all your new stuff is, always like seeing what you create.
    The kids are so cute, love the one by Katie of Anna, should be framed.

    Good luck this weekend, forgot to put that in your YES post.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Marie says…

    Great layouts, as usual. They are full of little details that make everything so nice.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Paula says…

    Super Fantastic :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Nancy Flinn says…

    Ali-As always, these layouts are awesome. You've inspired me to start project life to document my daughter's first year of Kindergarten. I hope to document her Kindergarten year, her senior year of high school, and maybe a few years in between. I'm hoping it turns out as wonderful as I'm imagining.

    Question for you though: When you are printing your overlays and card sets (like the "life" card), how are you printing them onto the Becky Higgins grid cards? I'm imagining your adhering it onto printer paper and then printing, but I didn't know if you had another technique that I'd missed. Your layouts are awesome....YOU are awesome! :)

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Nancy Flinn says…

      Awesome! SO nice to know this product is out and ready to use! I ordered some this am and can't wait to use them. Thank you for continuing to inspire us!

    2. Ali says…

      Yep :) - you can purchase them through Technique Tuesday (, Two Peas (, ( and local retailers (I know Archivers is carrying them too).

    3. Nancy Flinn says…

      Oh WOW! I actually hadn't clicked on the link as I just assumed (bad idea lol) that it was her Designer Digitals overlays, but SO glad you said something. I had no idea this product was out there. Awesome! Heading over to TT to pick up some of these stat. And now I'm also wondering if I could also use her overlays that I have and somehow print them onto a Becky Higgins grid card? I'll have to do some trial and error on that to see if this is possible. Thanks for the help!

    4. kelly libby says…

      Hi...i'm certain that ali can answer better but the "life" card with the grid is a new product from ali edwards. There are a bunch of different themes/colors available that you can buy in a packet. They are awesome!!!

  5. Chris says…

    I'll get you the Orcas pics soon! ;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. slmnontec says…

    Are you planning to use the 6x6 size "album" of Summer you introduced when you did the Manifesto?

    I think making a determined plan really helped you (and me) to meet the goals set early in the summer.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - hoping to share an update on that soon.

  7. Kerry G. says…

    You looking amazing! I'm digging your style this summer, especially that great dress and all the red stripes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Michele H. says…

    Each time you post I get this super inspiring feeling inside to document my family's life too! Much happiness to you Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kristina says…

    Ali, I just love your pages. They are clean, simple, fun and tell your story. Lately I have been struggling with working on my album because I see so many wonderful gorgeous pages with loads of embellishing. I just don't have time or the creativity to do that so I have stalled in keeping up. My PL album at the beginning of the year was just our stories and I was happy with it and loved it. I know I shouldn't compare at all but sometimes it's just a natural reaction. So getting back to reading your blog and seeing your pages keeps what I intended to do, real. I love your little
    embellishings here and there and your little add ins but it's not all jazzed up and I LOVE IT. You may never know that just by you sharing your pages with us that it has reignited some of us to continue and do PL as it should be. To keep memory keeping simple. Thanks Ali. Warmest of hugs and sunshine to you.
    Kristina in Australia

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Kristina - I know how easy it is to get caught up in what other people are doing :). For me it's all about the words and photos + a few other things here and there - it's definitely allowed me to keep going.

  10. ShellyJ says…

    Wonderful! I totaly enjoy your updates :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. mel says…

    Two lovely weeks. I love all the little additions you make to your photos must try harder to do that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Dina Poulin says…

    Amazing and inspiring! Your kids are very lucky to have a mom who is so "present."

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. KarynS says…

    Wow Ali, looking through the photos from your last few weeks of project life I can't believe how radiant you look. Although of course I only know you through photos this is I think the happiest I have ever seen you look; you look amazing. Enjoy the rest of your summer, it obviously agreeing with you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. rossana says…

    what a beautiful summer you're passing!
    I wait for your album 6x6!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. slmnontec says…

    I don't have Facebook or Twitter so I can't respond there to your OLW question. I would like to see a change up of some kind, but do not want it part of PL. I can do that myself. However, I would probably do OLW again no matter how it's formatted.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Leslie says…

    This blog is very inspiring! I'm new to Project Life. Do you staple with the Tiny Attacher directly onto the photo or is it stapled to the page protector? Also, when using stickers do you stick them directly on a photo or stick it on top of the page protector?


    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Alicia says…

    I LOVE that you share all your personal journaling and become so vulnerable to us. I am constantly needing the reminder to scrap my life as it really is, to make room for the truth of all the ups and downs and the processes in between. Thanks for being so brave! You inspire me, both in scrapbooking and in character.

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