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Dear Fall,

Dear Fall,

I'm so excited to see you again.

I love the transition between seasons. What I think I'm really in love with is possibility.

Each season presents a new possibility; a new chance for something wonderful, magical, for growth and understanding.

I want to bottle it all up.

I've been saying hello to football and crisp apples (nothing compares) and pumpkins and parties and cooking (I come to love it again every fall) and travel (international travel tends to happen for me in the fall) and tall brown boots.

Be gentle on us, dear Fall, most especially Simon, as he re-adjusts to school and expectations and maneuvers through this world that doesn't always make sense.

Love, Ali

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34 thoughts

  1. Delia says…

    Beautiful as always. May it be all you hope for.

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  2. Shayne says…

    We're coming into spring now (in south africa) and i'm saying goodbye to my tall brown boots! Enjoy them whilst I say hello to flowering wisteria, rocket and tomatoes and the smell of jasmine whilst sitting in the garden sipping a drink in the evenings!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kelster Jean says…

    So lovely. I love fall too. It's a great time of year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jasmine says…

    Beautiful words :)
    I'm happy to be welcoming Spring here in Australia. Loving opening up all the windows to let spring in & the last of winter out - winter seems to be clinging on though! I'm ready for time with family at the beach and river, salads, bbq's, bare feet, gardening, the scent of frangipani (and jasmine ;) )...

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Emma says…

      Me too Jasmine! Very spring like here in my part of Aus today :)

  5. patty says…

    i just MELTED...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Sue P says…

    Fall is wonderful and so welcomed here especially after this summer! Will keep Simon in my thoughts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Lisa W. says…

    May Fall bring all your wishes and dreams true:) LOVE to decorate for fall, love the nice days and crisp evenings!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Toni From says…

    Oh how I miss crisp Washington apples in the fall...North Carolina apples are mushy and gross, but luckily I found a Whole Foods that carries organic Washington apples (kind of defeats the point of shopping locally, but for apples, I will make the ultimate sacrifice, LOL.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Nicky from Okotoks says…

    Love fall - love the changes that it brings, but miss summer slowly going away. Thinking of Simon as he transitions. We deal with the same thing with our boy also - Being 10 with Autism, even though high functioning always brings new adventures - most good, but some a little challenging. Saying extra prayers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Tracey Holdyk says…

    I totally loved reading these words. Here in Perth, Western Australia our days are getting warmer and feeling the warmth in the air makes me feel alive. I am sending extra prayers for Simon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Danielle says…

    Fall is my fav season too & my OLW is possibility!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Paulette says…
    09/18/2012 used to be my favouite time of year...until I married an apple farmer! (winkwink) The apples here are especially good this year Ali, you should travel here some fall :o) Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Betsy Diggs says…

    Wishing for fall as well. Thinking of your family as you make new transitions in your life, especially Simon. Hopefully each new obstacle for Simon will be easily navigated by all of you.

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  14. Paula says…

    Love your letter. Praying for Simon to "just keep swimming" and for everyone outside of your home to appreciate him just the way he is.

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  15. M says…

    Is Simon in 5th now? Is that the last year before changing to middle school, so that he is still mainly in one classroom? I think those years from 5th - 8th grade are the toughest on kids in general. So many different levels of maturity, both physical and social, and so many changes going on inside of each kid No doubt it will be challenging. Simon is so lucky to have such wonderful support from you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes, 5th grade.

  16. Amy says…

    I love Fall! I do believe it is my favorite time of year. But like you, I always seem to enjoy each season as it changes. Even Winter (yes, even though I know it will bring snow for us...sometimes lots). LOL! Hope you & your family have a wonderful season.

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  17. Jakki says…

    I LOVE fall... I had to do my own homage to it myself LOL....

    Happy Fall!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Suz says…

    Hello fall indeed! We finally got some much needed rain here and the grass is now back to its lovely lush color instead a form of brittle straw. I hope Simon begins to adjust and that his world begins to form a pattern again that he can comprehend and assimilate.
    Take care you! Enjoy Ireland! How exceptionally fun! Looking forward to your pics and posts regarding it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. dawn says…

    I've been saying hello to FALL also, pumpkins from our garden, leaves, apple orchard and warm cider. This is my favorite season of all. Sending hugs and prayers for Simon and easier days ahead. My Sam is adjusting to 5th grade and the independence they are striving for this year. Enjoy all the possibilities for you this fall Ali, happy for you!! I love your tall brown boots.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. krugthethinker says…

    This is so beautifully said, Ali. Fall is my favorite season too, and I am also besotted with possibilities! It is still really hot in southern California, but I know those cool breezes and gorgeous leaves are coming.

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  21. susan garner says…

    Why is it I get tongue tied and your words just flow like a mountain spring. ! I want to be an Ali Edwards one day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Susanne says…

    Be gentle on us, dear fall - I wish the same for all of us and you.
    Thanks for these beautiful thoughts!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Liz says…

    I'm looking forard to Autumn here in the UK too... I adore the colours as the leaves change... oh and spiced pumpkin soup :) I'm sure Simon will be just fine - especially with such a wonderful Mom as you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Janet White says…

    Thanks for this - love your perspective and how it helps me embrace the heart of fall we're in here out in Colorado just a bit more fully.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Lori says…

    Yes and Amen! Love this. Hugs to each of you!

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