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I Want To Remember

I want to remember that Simon wore a long sleeved Angry Birds t-shirt, blue shorts and his "summer shoes" since the weather was still nice. He was super excited about the shirt.

I want to remember that Simon decided to keep using the same backpack he's had since kindergarten. A simple blue backpack from REI that's really a tad small for him but I know it's comfortable and familiar and it still fits what he needs to take back and forth.

I want to remember how excited Anna was to go to school. She bounded down the stairs way too early, before Simon had even left. She was ready to get in the car way too early after a breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast and milk.

I want to remember how awesome it is whenever my Mom visits, even more so on special days like this.

I want to remember how Anna's teacher whispered to her as she entered the classroom, "Anna you are going to be such a great helper this year."

I want to remember Simon bounding off the bus with a big smile on his face when he returned home. He was so happy that he got to eat cheese pizza for lunch.

I want to remember picking Anna up from school and getting to see her napping on her cot. Most of the time she's up and playing on the playground when I pick her up - it was a special treat to see her comfortable and peacefully asleep.

I want to remember how Simon told me at the dinner table that his most favorite part of the day was "switching groups" (like when they moved from painting to reading) and his least favorite part was that the bus was late in the morning.

I want to remember how Anna told me at the dinner table that her most favorite part of the day was "drawing" and that her least favorite was that she didn't get to paint.

I want to remember how Simon & Anna chose to watch a classic Shirley Temple movie "Bluebird" after dinner.

I want to remember that even when it feels tough sometimes there's so much love here and we end our days with hugs, kisses, prayers and I love you's.

The technique of using a repeated phrase such as "I want to remember..." as a journaling prompt is one of my favorite strategies for storytelling. No reason to re-invent the wheel when this one really helps me get my stories told.

Want more? Check out my 13 Everyday Life Journaling Prompts or learn more about my approach in my self-paced online workshop Storyology.

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70 thoughts

  1. Patti L says…

    I like the prompt strategy as well...I find it works the best to get things flowing. I wonder if you have a list of prompts somewhere on your blog? I will look...

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Here's a link to 13 Everyday Life journaling prompts:

  2. Kristin A. says…

    Truly a great journaling technique. Thank you for sharing your "want to remember" moments with us. Ending with "I want to remember that even when it feels tough sometimes there’s so much love here and we end our days with hugs, kisses, prayers and I love you’s" is so very beautiful. So many of us readers can relate to that very sentiment.

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  3. Jenni Hufford says…

    looks like it was a great first day! hooray!!! so happy for you all. and PS your entry sidewalk is beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Kathy says…

    I love all those sweet memories.....makes your heart flutter doesn't it. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Mandy says…

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful journaling!

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  6. Carrie says…

    I love this post so much, my friend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Helen says…

    Brilliant post, Ali. So inspirational, in fact, that I wrote my own, based on the idea, just now! Thank you so much. You are a constant inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. moncoff says…

    I LOVE this. Beautiful memories and not only a great way to prompt journaling but a great way to see all the joys in life when things get rough. Inspiring as always.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Danielle says…

    Ali, I just wanted to say how fantastic the photo is with Simon and the bus in the background. It definately shows the story of him going to school and I love how he is still trying to put on his backpack.

    And I also wanted to say that you are so right to want to remember these little snippets of their day because I know it has been said way too many times before, but it really does fly by. I just photographed my daughter backing out of the drive for college just a couple of weeks ago. It was both a moment of heartbreak and great pride. I say enjoy the ride while you can!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Peppermint says…

    We have quite the arsenal of Angry Birds t-shirts here, too. Love the repeated journaling prompt, I need to do that more often.

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  11. krugthethinker says…

    This is so sweet, and such a great idea for journaling. There is a lot of power in repetition, and it makes for a beautiful story. Happy first day of school!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Amy P. says…

    Wonderful post! Will have to try the prompts! Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jen says…

    Love, love, love this!! I think I will try this for my kiddos first day of Senior Kindergarten tomorrow :-) Thanks as always Ali!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Pam says…

    What a great journaling prompt ... that's exactly what we all want to do ... "remember". Thanks for reminding us that it can be just that simple!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Kristine V says…

    I love your style, Ali---thanks for sharing and for always providing such simple, brilliant inspiration.

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  16. Kathy C. says…

    This post just makes me smile!!! ;) I want to remember to do this myself and continue cherishing ALL the moments of our kiddos as they just grow-up way too quick!

    Happy Thursday Ali! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. young c says…

    Great post and prompts to remember the first day of school. Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Vada says…

    I just want to say, I love the "I want to Remember"
    I do not have small children anymore. But I do have 6 grandchildren that I cannot wait to do this when they all come to visit. Thank you for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Brooke says…

    I love that this approach is a great way to remember those things that we don't have photos for. I've been taking less photos lately but there is always so many precious memories.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. ale says…

    sweet words, ali. love reading them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. sara s. says…

    Thank you for helping me remember to pay attention to the great little things throughout my day.
    This Mom job is SO much work!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. patty says…

    spot on! (using something that "work")...thanks for the reminder!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Teresa says…

    What a great way to "remember". Will be trying this. I am bad with journaling. I have it in my head but it doesn't seem to come out on paper the same way. And I can never remember what I think I will.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Ann Marie says…

    I love this! At first I was kind of sad that I wasn't able to get the amount of photos I wanted on the first day of school due to the earlier (hence more rushed) schedule this year. But now I see that I don't need 25 first day of school photos of every little thing to tell our story. Thank you, once again, for your awesome inspiration! You rock Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Pam Abbott says…

    Love this. You are such an awesome mome with awesome kids!

    Reply 0 Replies

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