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Photographing Project Life

One of the questions I often receive is about photographing projects - specifically photographing Project Life spreads inside the page protectors.

There are lots of different ways this can be accomplished. Through my own trial and error, here's how I'm currently getting the job done.

I have a room right off my office (second floor) that Katie and I are using as a space for photographing projects (and playing on creative Fridays). The room was painted white last January when my Mom and I and Katie painted the main office. Previously before purchasing the table from Ikea I laid my album on the floor - still near the window using natural light - and shot looking down.

One of the biggest things about this spot is that the sun does not shine directly into the windows. There's a nice, soft, diffused light in the room. On the day we took these photos it was overcast, about 33 degrees outside.

I turn off the lights so I'm just taking advantage of the natural light coming in from the windows. Turning off the lights reduces the overhead glare. I take photos during the day whenever possible - it's interesting to watch the light change in there throughout the day ranging from a warmer light in the morning to a cooler light in the afternoon.

I shoot in AV mode on my camera (Canon 5D) with a 24-70 lens (love this lens because it can get pretty wide). Most often I set the ISO at 400 but sometimes it's less than that depending on how bright it is outside and the time of day. I often adjust the exposure (to over-expose using the exposure compensation meter inside the viewfinder).

I move around quite a bit t0 reduce any glare and usually shoot from the side to capture close up images like this:

Often the position I used last time will have glare this time. Sometimes I need to be a little higher or a little lower to eliminate the glare.

To capture the full spread I shoot straight down while standing on a chair. Depending on your lens you might need to shoot your project laying on the ground so that you are able to get the full spread in the frame. Part of the reason I stand on the chair is that I want the white of the table as the background (vs. the carpet). You could also achieve the same white background by shooting down onto a piece of white posterboard.

Here's an example of a recent spread shot in this same situation:

I've found that I'm having to edit images less with this new set up. If I do much editing it is still usually to lighten things up just a bit more and for that I either adjust the levels or curves in photoshop.

Some things to consider:

LOCATION | Take a really good look around your house. Maybe it's your kitchen counter or in your bathtub or a spot in one of your kid's rooms. Most people have windows in their house and more likely than not you have a space in your house with light that will work. If you can't find any decent spots try walking outside your house - backyard, porch, sidewalk, etc. From the Creative Team at Studio Calico I've learned that many people are laying their projects on white poster board before photographing.

TIME OF DAY | This sort of photography is really not suited to be done in the evening. I know because I've done it many times and have always been disappointed with the results (and the resulting struggle to try to make it look better in Photoshop). Don't get me wrong, I love taking photos in low light - but for me those usually involve people with a light source illuminating them (like the photos I take peeking into Simon's room when he's reading before bed). I generally shoot my Project Life spreads in the mid-morning/early afternoon.

LOW LIGHT | If your absolutely only choice is to shoot in low light here's some tips:

Elise also had a great post called The Answers To All Your Project Life questions where she included an image of how she photographs her pages (bottom of the post). Jenni showed where she shoots her pages on her back porch here via Elle's Studio.

View my Project Life archives here.

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37 thoughts

  1. Pink Ronnie says…

    Hi Ali,
    I saw the trackback for this and almost couldn't believe my eyes. Thanks so much for linking up, but more importantly, for visiting my little corner and for reading. It means so much!
    Anyway, this is a wonderful post - I'm sure everyone will find this incredibly helpful.
    Ronnie xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. ChrisyC says…

    How did you know this was my one burning Project Life question ;) Thanks heaps Ali.

    PS - totally agree about Pink Ronnie's blog - so much good stuff going on there.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Alida says…

    Thanks Ali, I'm defnitely going to try out your tips, and hopefully more joy! I think my biggest problem is that my shortest lens is 50mm (kit lens broke).. so I'm climbing on a table iso a chair!(Therefor less sharp).

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Alida says…

      Ali, happy to say that thanks to your tips I tried a different room in the house with a bay window and good light, and I'm far more happy with the results. Thanks so much!

  4. Kristine V says…

    Thanks so much for sharing that information! I've been marveling at how clear and beautiful the shots of your pages always look and wondered how you achieved those glare-less photos.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Christine says…

    Love seeing the way you take your photos. I just recently painted my own piece of extra plywood white with some extra paint we had lying around. This is the same effect as the posterboard option but ended up doing it completely for free. I completely agree that natural light is a must. I just retook pictures of ALL my layouts posted on my TwoPeas gallery and the difference is amazing. Thanks for the extra tips as always <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jen Wright says…

    Thank you for this post. I just got my first DSLR a week ago and have so much to learn. This has helped so much already. I thought I was the only one getting the glare when I took pics of PL spread. Whew! Thanks Ali!
    Hugs! Jen

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Annette says…

    Wonderful post Ali! Love the windows and the gorgeous light! Could be a photo studio! One thing I do is take photos for Instagram with my iphone and I love the look on Instagram, but have found for the blog I like them better with my DSLR. Agree--I may or may not have been late for work caught up on Ronnie's blog! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Michelle says…

    I love the Ikea table! Do you happen to remember the name? I'd love that in my craft room. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I don't Michelle - but it was one where you get the legs + the table top separately if I remember right.

  9. Project Life &#8211; Week 3 &laquo; In the Making says…

    [...] photography and/or a DIY light box and/or taking pictures by a window during the daytime (check out Ali Edwards’ post about [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Audrey says…

    Hi Ali, Thanks for the tips! Wondering if you shoot in RAW or jpeg format.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…


  11. Patti L says…

    I just love the natural light you have, keeping this in mind when looking for a new place to live. I also prefer to photograph the same way, but hate that usually the time I have for this stuff is at night. Can't wait for more daylight!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Suz says…

    Thanks for sharing these tips. And yet another reason I love my 24-70mm wide angle lens--for Project Life spreads. Really happy I invested in it. :)
    Have a great week!
    Take care you,

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Kelli W says…

    I always go on our covered back porch and either use a white posterboard or just lay the pages themselves right onto the deck boards (they are grayed out and it looks nice). I am glad I read this because I never thought to just use the top of my white Expedit that is in here with me! Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Noga says…

    Hi, this is an awesome post! thanks!

    Question: don't you have a problem of having your own shadow in the photo, when you're "above" the layout? (sorry if that's sounds dumb, I hope you understood what I meant...)

    Thanks again :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Noga - I don't if there is no direct light overhead (that's part of the reason why I turn off the overhead lights and just use the light coming in from the window).

  15. Melissa says…

    Thanks for sharing, Ali! Pretty much what I do as far as using the natural light, but it's interesting to note your camera settings, and since I'm using my carpet I like the idea of putting the white poster board underneath. I've done that for other shots in the past, but not when I have the album open. I also liked reading your point of view on morning vs. afternoon lighting. Great tips, and an excellently written post!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. susan garner says…

    I shoot in flash or no flash ha ha. I have a super fancy Nikon D90 and still cant figure out the settings.Its ok though I have managed to finish 2 albums of Project Life this way so if I can do it anyone can. Keep up the good work Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Trina says…

    Hey Ali--thanks for this great post! I have a sort of off-topic question re: shooting in low light. You always capture such clear images in low light situations. Do you use your tripod for these? If not, how do you avoid blur?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I don't usually use a tripod. My camera has a really high ISO capability (6400) and a lens that goes down to 2.8.

  18. mel says…

    Thanks for this post it is so helpful. Wish I had that lens though......

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. J3SS1C4 says…

    Thank you for your tips! Photographing my pages is one area I strugge with... I'm in a 3rd floor apartment where every window faces west, so we get direct sun in the afternoon, but nothing the rest of the day, and the yard is all shade too, but thankfully we're moving at the end of the year once we finish building, so I'm excited to get to find somewhere for pics.

    Thanks for pointing out that you over expose most of the shots... I find since I've started playing around shooting only on manual on my DSLR that I overexpose lots too... I like the results way more!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Becky says…

    Lots of great information here! Thanks for the links, too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Trary Ubarri says…

    I know you mentioned the fiskars procision trimmer was on your wish list. has a special 40% off coupon until Friday, or while supplies last. I grabbed one for myself after your endorsement - they should give you a free one. Love reading your blog and following your projects.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. ARC says…

    I think the IKEA table is in the VIKA series. IIRC the legs are only $5 each and the top can be pretty cheap depending on what material you get.

    You are so right about this not being an evening activity. I can't tell you how many times I finished pages late and wanted to blog about them, only to realize I couldn't get a glare-free photo AT ALL.

    Thanks also for the tip on the 24-70 lens. I'm adding it to my wish list :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. The &#8220;Deep Thoughts&#8221; of a Rookie Project Lifer &laquo; thejensspin says…

    [...] picture is actually from a post that Ali did just the other day which was all about HOW TO PHOTOGRAPH PROJECT LIFE LOs and she does a great job going into detail about her process and what works for her.  There is a [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Prairie Jill says…

    Great tips, Ali - thank you! One problem I have is a lot of barrel distortion (I think that's the right term - the edges of the page tilt toward the centre). Is there a way to avoid that? (My camera is a point-and-shoot.)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi! I'm not familiar with that term - I'd suggest googling to see what you come up with. Maybe just shooting farther away and then cropping in your computer program?

  25. Behind the scenes. | Tokeloshe says…

    [...] Photographing project life by Ali Edwards. [...]

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