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Project Life® 2017 | Week Thirty-Seven

Here's that missing 2017 Project Life® spread that I talked about in the video recently. 

So now I'm officially done. For real. 

Here's a look at Week 37: 

For this spread I used cards from the Seasons Of Fall Journal Card Set

My simple design formula for my 4x6 photos includes using the 1/2 circle paper pad from the Travel Collection Main Kit (2018) + Deschutes Crafters InkSee & Stamp Transparent Alphabet

Embracing the words that don't really fit with some messy stamping. 

I used my Brother Sewing Machine to stitch the 1/2 circles onto my photos. 

Cut those label stickers in half (or less than half) and use them on more than one title card. 

I used a couple of the oval shapes from the September Stories By The Month™ Chipboard Set on two of the 3x4 photos. 

Remember, not all spreads need to have a ton of words. Bring on the balance and bring on the ability to finish up your projects. 


You can see all my past Project Life® blog posts here. For more information about my overall process make sure to check out my self-paced Storytelling With Project Life® workshop

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Season of Fall Journal Cards
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Deschutes Crafter's Ink Pad
Travel Collection Main Kit
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2 thoughts

  1. Kimberly_White says…

    Thanks for sharing it! I loved that you went with snuggle and how you fit it in :)

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  2. Mpasquini12 says…

    That is a lovely picture of you!!!! ❤️

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