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Project Life 2013 | Week Four

Welcome to Project Life | Week Four.

Birthday week means inserts. This week I included an 8.5x11 layout (shown in this post) and a Project Life Small Envelope Pages (looks like these will be available again in May) to hold a couple of Simon's cards.

The journal card with the movie tickets is from Project Life Childhood Mini Kit Bridgeport.

The "geotag" was included with the Studio Calico Block Party Scrapbook Kit and the chipboard heart is Studio Calico Darling Dear Hearts Printed Chipboard Dimensional Stickers (used on both pages of the spread).

I used the Silhouette to cut "hello 11" from American Crafts Pow Gold Glitter Paper.

The "11" came from this set of Rounded Corner 3x4 Number Cards. There's also a set that includes numbers 32 through 52 if you wanted to document weeks using these cards.

I decided to incorporate both pieces cut from the Silhouette this time - the number card in it's own pocket and then the cut pieces were placed inside the front of the Project Life Small Envelope Page.

That envelope was perfect for a couple of his birthday cards.

Here's a shot of the 8.5x11 layout I shared last week using Cathy's Story Guide Layered Template No. 01. Excited to do one of these for Anna after her birthday next week.

On the back I slipped in a story that Simon had written recently (from one of the programs he likes on tv).

I'm really liking writing right on the photos.

"Make your own magic" is from my Hello Magic word art set. You can learn how to add digital word art files to your photos here.

And this 4x6 card from Pebbles Seen & Noted 3x4 Journal Cards (this set includes 4x6 as well) was perfect for documenting a bit about my weekend. I added BasicGrey Red 6X12 Micro Monogram Stickers to the 4x6 card ("weekend").


Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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13 thoughts

  1. Marie says…

    You always have this little "thing" that makes your layouts beautiful. Love it, as usual!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lisa W. says…

    SHE does have this "little touch" does she not...LOVE all your work and this blog really makes my day!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Marie says…

      Oh yeah! In French, we say litteraly "petite touche" (touch in english) but I was not sure I could translate "touche" in touch. So YES, Ali definitely has this little touch! :-)

  3. Cheryl says…

    What pen(s) do you use to write on them? Do you have a black and a lighter one for dark photos?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      The black pens I use are both from American Crafts. Either a Precision Pen (.03 is my favorite size) or a Slick Writer. The white pen I use from time to time is a Sharpie Poster Paint pen. The Precision Pens are linked above in the supply list.

  4. Kay Gregory-Clark says…

    I'm a numbers and letters addict (translation: fonts). I'm wondering which font you use for numbers that appear frequently in your products—like the "12" in this new release and some of the recent ones (I'm thinking "memories of 2013." I also love the way you combine typefaces, providing a totally different appearance.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Paula says…

    Love this, and please let Simon know that his story rocks! He could add a little magic to some upcoming Adventure Time episodes with his cool story!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Megan @ The Nerd Nest says…

    I love that you used the positive and the negative space from the "Hello 11" cut out! The layers this week are just perfect.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. susan garner says…

    If there was a perfect person Ali then it would be you. I get so many ideas when I read your blog and it is a must read every morning with my coffee. I have just ordered the pepples seen and noted cards as they would be perfect for my project life. Have a good week.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks for those kind words Susan but please know for certain that I am far, far from perfect. So happy that you get ideas here - that's my goal!

  8. Autumn says…

    Your PL pages are always so beautiful ... and inspiring!

    How do you make those perfect cut on the silhouette? I tried to cut a "day in the life" but could not get it to cut without snags!

    When you cut on bazzill cardstock, what do you have it set on?


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hey Autumn - always love seeing you on here. You know, I just use the "heavy cardstock" standard setting - I don't change anything. I think the blade is set on 6.

  9. Alida says…

    Apart from your pages, that really are a visual fix for me, and the person we know through your blog, what I'm admiring a lot about you right now, is your ability to leave out photo's that are beautiful, but doesn't neccesarily work with your page. I'm just thinking about the one you had on your blog of Simon with the balloons, that I don't see here. It really is my challenge to leave out photo's or even have a grip on the amount of colour that goes into a spread.

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