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The Weekend Lens

The kids and I headed over to the coast on Friday afternoon to spend a couple of days at the beach for the beginning of their spring break. They are actually hanging out there for a few days more while the new office floors are installed.

All photos taken with my iphone and most were edited using RadLab (pretty much my new favorite thing).

I love how much my kids get excited to go see my parents.

I love how much effort my Dad puts into getting the wood ready for morning and evening enjoyment.

I love that my parents are collectors. Of shells and driftwood and plants and photos and myrtlewood and memories.

I love that this beach is our beach.

I love that this window will be a frame for photos for many years to come.

I love how this is also his place. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

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23 thoughts

  1. Rina says…

    Awesome. I love my family memories too. Same beach, same place, same wonderful! Thanks for sharing yours.

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  2. Anne-Marie says…

    The beach is my favorite place in the world.

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  3. ChrisyC says…

    Hi Ali
    Always love your weekend lens series. I really enjoy how your photos perfectly capture the weekend, including all the little details. It's almost like l am standing beside you, as you show me different things around your parent’s house. Gives me loads of inspiration for how l take my own photos.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Kelsey McEvoy says…

    Oh, the lovely, beautiful, COLD Oregon Coast! I grew up just outside of Portland and we used to make trips to the coast All. The. Time. My grandparents lived in Coos Bay and Lincoln City before moving up to Tigard when I hit middle school. And by the time high school rolled around, my friends and I made day trips out to Seaside on the regular. So beautiful, and oh so cold. Awesome photos, Ali. Looks like you guys had a really great trip :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lisa W. says…

    Love your their LOVE for their Grandparents. Love seeing how your parents "do" the same little things to love your kids back. There home looks amazing. You always seem to "see" the beach as hot, bathing suits everywhere. I enjoy the beauty of the water, the sand and wind even when its not hot!!! This looks like quite an amazing place to see someday!!! OH can't wait to see your new floors!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. alida says…

    I always love posts about your trips to your parents and the beach. Awesome people and photo's.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jenell says…

    Love the photos, Ali. You and your lens capture the coolest things. And by doing so, that makes me so much more aware of what my lens captures. Thank you always for your inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Jenell says…

      I forgot to say that my lens captured many many sites of the Midwest snowstorm. Very beautiful snow, but so ready for Spring!

  8. Kimmy says…

    Your parents are a dream... love these photos and memories. What a gift. Inspired.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Tinka says…

    Love that your kids have such an amazing relationship with their grandparents. The joy of having each of my nieces and nephews come into our family has always been tempered by the regret that they have never had the chance to know my parents and that my parents never had the chance to really be the grandparents I know they looked forward to being. On the other hand, it did make the decisions about which family to spend what holiday with a little easier!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. JennE says…

    What a beautiful and fulfilling life you have been able to provide your children. They are very lucky to have a place to explore and enjoy some solitude. This looks like it was an amazing weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. wendi says…

    What amazing blessings!

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  12. April says…

    Oh, how I love the Oregon Coast! We are heading to Portland and the coast this week....I can't wait. As a kid, we spent 2 weeks every summer on the Oregon coast, so many memories! There really is no other place I'd rather venture to. My husband and I talk about when he retires we will find a little cottage near Bandon (he loves golfing Bandon Dunes) and live out the rest of our days on the ocean. A dream I'd love to see come true. Thanks for sharing these moments of your life, a happy life you are creating for your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Cathy L. says…

    Beautiful! p.s. I love fresh strawberries on peanut butter toast too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Marie says…

    Beautiful pictures for a beauiful week-end.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Joy Deaton says…

    Ahhhh! family's favorite getaway. We escape to Face Rock Beach at least twice a year. Thanks for your inspiring posts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Jenny says…

    I love your admiration for your dad and his routine of chopping the wood and how that is one way he shows love for his family. Acts of service is definitely my love language, so I get that.
    And I know I said it on instagram, but your hat is so cool.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Paula says…

    Loving your photos and how obvious it is that a good time is always had by all! I'd love to be on the Oregon coast someday to experience it's beauty. I am lucky to live 10 minutes from Flagler Beach here in Florida, but certainly each piece of ocean is wondrous and mysterious and beautiful in its own special way!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. J3SS1C4 says…

    Sounds like such an amazing little break! I love the photos you've shared, looks like you all enjoyed it there! Hope your kids are having fun with your parents :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Trina says…

    Such awesome memories, Ali! I love how happy Simon is there spending time with your parents. He will cherish those memories all his life. You all seem so relaxed there. Glad you got a little break!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jennifer says…

    Simon looks so small next to the big ocean and waves!

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  21. Ruth G says…

    So wonderful that you and the kids have such a fabulous place to build memories with your parents! It's so important to see the blessings that surround us! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Project Life 2013 | Week Twelve | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] You can see the post that went along with these beach images here. [...]

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