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Project Life® 2013 | Week Thirty-One + Thirty-Two


Welcome to Project Life® 2013 | Week Thirty-One and Week Thirty-Two (July 22 - July 28).

There are so many different ways to tackle documenting a longer vacation.

For longer trips I usually like to create a small album (8x8 or 6x8) depending on the adventure, the number of photos, etc. That said, I actually have about four of these that need to be done from my last few international trips.

Yep. Hello piles of stuff.

Sometimes I wonder if just printing out highlights from the trip and adding them to Project Life would feel better than the albums in the pile that I plan/hope/intend to get to down the road. One of these days I need to try that.

For Project Life during our trip to Paris a few weeks back I'm choosing to simply add two 12x12 photos cut to fit the pockets to cover the two weeks we were away. I did the same thing for my trip to Ireland last year - it's a good option for me when I'm planning to put together a smaller album from the trip.


My process is simple:

1. Print 12x12 photo. I do this at home using an Epson R2000 and Epson Ultra Premium Photo Paper (13x19 inches).

2. Cut in half vertically to create 2, 6x12 images.

3. Take each half and cut into 3, 4x6 images.

4. Take the middle 4x6 image and cut into 2, 3x4 images (sometimes I have to make these a little less than 3 inches wide).


I want to do this same thing with an enlarged photo at the end and beginning pages of my second and third albums.

Here's what it looks like in the album:


We were actually gone for two weeks but rather than including 4 enlargements (or two spreads) I decided to just go with one spread.



I added just two small digital brushes onto the upper left 4x6 part of the photo.

Paris is from my International Cities set and the "twenty thirteen" box can be found in the Twenty Thirteen set.


These two pages make me pretty happy.

Project Life® is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life® here.

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32 thoughts

  1. Cristina Iniesta says…

    Hi Ali! I love the result! I always love your Project Life LOs and all your works, although I never comment on your posts, because my English is not very good... ;-)
    I usually like to create an album for documenting travels, I always take too many photos!! For this week in the PL I do a collage.
    Thanks for all the inspiration!
    Regards from Spain
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kelly Libby says…

      your english is great!! Keep practicing. : )

  2. Lida says…

    I liked how you illustrated your the start of your 2-week trip in pl

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Thea Sheila says…

    currently using project life to document my travels and this post (and related ones) has inspired me! was curious about the international cities set and was pleasantly surprised to see that my city, Manila, is part of it. thank you for that :-)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You are welcome!

  4. Mary Sara P. says…

    Ali, I love this idea and thank you so much for your clear directions on how to do this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Shaela says…

    I do the same thing when we go on trips/vacations. :) And although it's definitely simpler to cut up a 12x12 photo for the page protectors, I usually edit a 12x12 photo into 6, 4x6 photos in photoshop so it's cheaper to print them at my local store. Then I just cut the 2 middle images in half and slip them in!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lisa W. says…

    As always...LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It's just "Ali" style...made my day!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Patti L says…

    Can you tell me what quality these photos were? Like were they taken with DSLR or iPhone? i am wondering if an iPhone pic would hold up quality at this size?

    Def want to try this, but waiting for the right photo!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Beth says…

      I've enlarged an iphone pic to 6x12 and it turned out perfectly. I haven't enlarged any pics to 12x12 yet but I've seen others do 12x12 iphone pics and you wouldn't guess they were iphone because the quality is great.

    2. Ali says…

      I think these specific ones were with my DSLR but I can't remember. I have definitely enlarged the iphone photos (iphone 5) to 12x12 - they can be a bit grainy but they work for me.

    3. Karina K says…

      My iPhone is my only camera and I have used it for 12x12 as Ali did for our Hawaii Vacation and I have also printed 16x20 prints from Shutterfly as well.

  8. Teresa L. says…

    I was wondering something. Because you are THE scrapbook guru and get so many things through studio calico and your sponsors...what are you doing with the left overs? Do you donate them, let your kids use them, keep them? I was trying to figure out how to make my stash smaller/not let it explode... :)
    Thank you. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Mostly share with friends and donate to schools :).

  9. Nancy Nally says…

    When I travel I do a highlights spread in my Project Life album. So some basic stuff gets recorded as soon as possible! Well, sorta soon. I'm working right now on the ones from Las Vegas and the Scrapbook Soup taping LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jane says…

    Thanks for the 'Keeping it simple' post. This post also reminded me of a great talk I listened to on YouTube by Ariana Huffington talking about success, happiness and work at Inbound 2013. One of the many witty and useful things she said is that early on she realised s great way to get stuff done was to decide not to do it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Cara S says…

    When I go overseas I treat my PL as normal, and at the end of every day I choose a picture from that day that represents the day best. I note that down in the Travel Journal that I keep. When I get home I put the appropriate picture in its pocket and put something from the journal in the 3 x4 pocket and then call it good. It's still a week/month in my life so I record it as such. Then I start on a travel album which might not get completed for a long time. I did this last December when I spent a month in India and when I look back I'm entirely happy with this. I think you just have to make it simple - the photo and a related journaling card. I note the photo down each day because sometimes when you get home you might choose a different picture for all sorts of reasons but it might not be the one that summed up your day at the time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Barbara says…

    Love it! So beautiful - I love enlarging the photo yet cutting it to fit in the page slots.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. J3SS1C4 says…

    Love the look of enlarged photos... I actually did something similar for my trip to Thailand in Feb, although I still kept my title card and quotes cards in place, and just used the photos for the remaining spots. The full photos really do have more impact to signify the trip, I find! I'm going to do this for a few more photos in coming weeks as well, from some photography classes I've been doing :)

    Oh, and you're not alone with the piles of stuff for travel albums, I have 6 to do... I've never completed any of them! I am part way through a Thailand photo book though, so now I need to stay nuckled down and finish it :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Judith says…

    I can relate to the piles of stuff from previous trips! My travel albums have always been unsuccessful in being completed to date. Will be a new challenge for Beijing for both of us :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Emmy says…

    LOVE IT!!! I spent time in Paris during my college years, and it was so fun to look at your pics. Brought back great memories. I am an avid Project lifer, but usually do a spread of my vacation for my PL album, then make the rest into a shutterfly album. I can get it done quick, while all the memories are fresh, and they are all the same size (8x8) so they fit nicely on my shelf. They also make handy christmas gifts for my parents, who are usually with us on the trips. This has worked for me for years, and I love that it is done quick after I get home.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Arlie says…

    I love how the Eiffel Tower base reads as an "A".

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Bambou Orchidee says…

    This is gorgeous! I did exactly the same last week to catch up the past 3 weeks I spent in Island. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Kendra says…

    I have been using PL more as an "index" for our / my life. I put the highlights (usually 1 per day) of the trip in PL along with the narrative of our trip - what we did, where we went etc. Then, in a few years (since I am so far behind), I can come back to the story and document with more photos if I want. At least the story itself is somewhere....besides in my head :)

    Thanks for the tutorials on the larger photos. Something new to try!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. marcy says…

    I did this too this year... including a little insert labelled "Florida" and then the actual Florida vacation in a mini book.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cele Schaffer says…

    Love this tutorial! I was wondering if you are still loving the Epson Picturemate?? I am thinking about one for Christmas and wanted your input. I know it doesn't make these large pics but thinking of PL and December Daily (ordered the new kit-excited!!).

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Emily I says…


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  22. It’s Monday, Aug 26 – How did your day go? | says…

    […] Project Life 2013 | Week Thirty-One + Thirty-Two ( […]

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  23. lee says…

    The photos are beautiful!

    Like you, I tend to do separate albums for big things - like a long trip, a friend's wedding (especially when I'm in the wedding and there are lots of associated activities) - but include one or two photos on a simple scrapbook page in my regular albums...a way to acknowledge it happened, without taking up massive amounts of space in my regular album(s). I'd not thought to do the same thing in Project Life, though - so thanks for the idea. =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. emily says…

    Hi Ali-
    My family (hubby, me & 6 kids) just got back from a 4 month road trip across the USA. I have my entire2013 PL album done, but I am just staring at my 12,000 photos from the trip feeling paralyzed. Any suggestions?

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Katie’s Project Life® 2013 | Weeks 30 through 38 | Ali Edwards says…

    […] 31 | These weeks were during the time we were in Paris. I’m probably going to do something similar to Ali, and add two large photos to represent our two weeks there. I am hoping to print an Artifact […]

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