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Project Life® 2015 | Week Two

Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Keep it simple. 

When I worked on this spread what I kept trying to keep myself focused on the following questions, "What do I want to remember?" and "What do I care enough about from our week to include in here?"

In this format (divided pocket pages) it's usually the photos that lead my stories. That's not always the case with my traditional layouts and I like that differentiation between the two. Loving the one or two sentences right on top of the photos either printed or handwritten. I know that some of my weeks will be more embellished than others, but it feels good to just stick with the wonderfully basic words and photos. 

And here's a look at Week Two: 

For products in these spreads I'm really doing a lot of grabbing what is already out on my table. 

This time that includes products from some of the Studio Calico Project Life® kits from last year. I'm also including products from my Story Kits™ and Story Stamps™ when they fit the stories I'm including (like the "celebrate this first" card above). 

The letter stickers I used for "Go Ducks" are my new awesomely classic alphas. They are now available in my shop

Alphas at

They come in 11 different colors. 

Last summer Katie and Aaron and I had so much fun brainstorming the names for the colors in this first collection. I wanted all Northwest (Oregon and Washington) names and landmarks - places I love or have a connection to in one way or another: Astoria, Black Butte, Cannon Beach, Cascade, Columbia, Deschutes, Multnomah, Pendleton, St. Helens, Tillamook and Willamette. 

The awesome large plastic 4 is from this Tim Holtz set

That ridiculously inappropriate cat t-shirt is a gift from Aaron. It's one I can only wear when I'm at home by myself. It makes me laugh so hard and man there are times when I really, really need that. And I love cats. 

More thoughts running through my head as I worked on this spread: What do I care about? What makes a spread enough? Who's this really for? 

The "celebrate this story" stamp is from my Celebrate Stamp set available in my shop.


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45 thoughts

  1. Staki_Mama says…

    Love it! Love the questions you asked yourself, I was asking myself similar questions today too. I'm catching up on all the journaling I missed in 2014 & wondered what was the point, no one looks at my albums but me...then my youngest asked to see her baby photos & we pulled out 2010 Project Life, looked at the photos & read the stories. It was enough motivation to keep going. The stories are my focus this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. picki56 says…

    What does the rest of that t-shirt say? I have to know! :)

    Reply 12 Replies
    1. Taryn411 says…

      I know. Me too. You had me at " ridiculously inappropriate ". Please share :)

    2. Taryn411 says…

      Oh wait. Maybe "ridiculously inappropriate" is ridiculously inappropriate for the internet and a blog. The mystery remains.

    3. scrappychick says…

      Do a quick search on Google and you will find it. It's funny and true but not appropriate ;)

    4. picki56 says…

      thanks @scrappchick! Why didn't I think of that!
      Very true and very funny!

      I couldn't wear it becuase I swear I'd forget and walk out of the house to go grocery shopping or pick up my kids. People would be staring at me and I'd be wondering what the what they were looking at!

    5. Taryn411 says…

      The mystery is solved. Yep. Ridiculously inappropriate.

    6. Glangston23 says…

      ok call me crazy but i can;t find it on google!! i really want to know!;)

    7. Sarastella says…

      @Glangston23, I googled Cats Don't t-shirt, and it was right the in the image search.

    8. ktber says…

      My head filled that one right in and now I'm wondering about how easily it did ;)

    9. Mjsjackson says…

      LOVE that shirt!! I need one!! My cats would get a chuckle out of it. ;-)

    10. CasieGutierrez says…

      Cracking up!!! So need this shirt for my sister in law!

    11. jemi says…

      I think I need wgaf alphabet Pandora-type charms for "those" days, when I'm sinking and my mantra "It was what it was" doesn't work. ("It was what it was" was my first-ever One Little Word page in 2013.)

    12. krystyn says…

      Oh I SO need that shirt!!

  3. mtercha says…

    Awesome spreads. I'd wondered about the names of the alphas and thought maybe places near you or ones you love. Also very thought provoking post. I've been asking myself some of these questions too. Thanks for sharing that. Cool new car, congrats on that. Bring on your family adventures, good stuff. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. amorton63 says…

    Love everything about this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lize says…

    What a thrill to see another PL spread from you this week! Just realising I'm typing this before the photo's actually opened up. I'm also curious to know what went into that last column of you cover page that was empty.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Mindnic says…

    So glad you are doing PL again and posting your spreads!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. papergoddess says…

    You have a way of mastering simplicity that looks good. I wish you could teach it, but I think it's just one of those things you have or don't. I feel like my simplicity is boring, but sometimes I just gotta get it done! Love the flow of the bright blue in photos.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. abragg79 says…

    Yup. I need that shirt.

    So, any suggestions in getting out a photo taking slump? I've been in one since the beginning of the year - probably because of December Daily.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. ktber says…


    2. Staki_Mama says…

      Maybe do one of those photo a day lists (like fatmumslim on Instagram) that way you are taking different photos to what you normally would.

  9. P_J_ says…

    Your comment about "What do I want to remember?" really struck me. I'm seeing our lives becoming a rerun of last week and the week before. This week has seemed the longest. I haven't taken one photo since Sunday and concerned about what will go in this week's slots. I've even been wondering if I want to do PL this year. (I do, as this is the last full year we will be living here.) I'll have to be thinking a lot today and what I do want to include about my rerun week. Thanks for making me think.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. MonikaKnapp says…

      As you will move I would include the routines you have in that space, how your days roll, and also the routines of your family members, the stores where you are buying stuff, receipts, lists and stories about them, photos abou the decoration of your current home (inside and outside), the stories how you put everything together, what you love and don't love about your current home, the neigbourhood where you live now, you can make photos in every season and write about your favourites in each season, what and why you love about it. As it is your last year living there think about every little thing. I hope you like my suggestions and you can use them!

    2. Shannon_Primicerio says…

      P.J. I was in a slump not too long ago too and I went through my house room to room and photographed things I love/hate about our current house. You know, the things you take for granted and have become such a part of life that you don't notice them anymore--the junk drawer in the kitchen that is too small, the empty picture frame that is still hanging on the wall sans photos, the inside of the fridge and the foods we currently eat, etc...Maybe consider taking a "This is what our life looks like HERE" approach since you know you will be leaving soon...

  10. virginiegoujon says…

    Love it

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Evi13 says…

    Love this spread !! And I agree with this questions you asked to yourself. I have to do the same !!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. scrapfin1 says…

    I love to see your PL spreads, thank you for sharing. Personally, I find weekly easier than monthly, for me its more structured thus I do it. I love your reminder to "keep it simple" , that also keeps me humming along on PL.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Bellaa75 says…

    How cute is George doing yoga, that made me smile! Since taking your story classes I ask myself the same thing when doing project life....what stories do I care about the most and want to tell this week. So love seeing your PL spreads, oh and those alphas, super love them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. bookemper says…

    Love seeing a PL spread from you. Also, your date card of the sky was like a light bulb for me. I take a photo like this out my back door almost daily. I made a poster of the instagram prints of it from all different times of day and seasons. Seeing you use this for the title card..YES! I never thought to you it in this spot. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! You just made my day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. YolandaL says…

    I LOVE knowing that you wear that shirt. And I love all of the orange in this spread.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. marieterec says…

    Love week two. And no rounded corners :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. CasieGutierrez says…

    I am so happy you continued with weekly spreads that are simple & awesome!
    The mix of quick stories & writing on pics is just what makes you an inspiration to me!
    Thank you

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. kelfergie1803 says…

    I love your pages! they tell the story so brilliantly!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. desilei says…

    As I think about doing my Week 3 for PL (first year), I needed this. I spend way too much time worrying about making sure I write a little something and/or take a picture every day. But really, do I need to put something in the album for every single day? NO! Thank you for the reminder because really, it is about what's important. I need to stop stressing and if all that goes in there is about my weekend, then that's okay too. --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Shannon_Primicerio says…

    I LOVE seeing your Project Life layouts again. You always inspire me. I recently bought the OLW kit and really like the letter stickers that came with it. Are these the same size/font as the other letter stickers you now offer in your shop?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Shannon - no, the OLW letter stickers are bigger (and they are a serif font).

  21. jlasay says…

    Hey Ali! I am wondering what your approach is to scrapbooking your children individually. Is this something that you do or have done? I have always gone about their individual book traditionally and am wanting to get away from that. I like the Project Life approach but am not 100% sold on that idea. I don't want their individual books to look like our family books. Does this make sense? Do you have some advice you can share? Thank you in advance. :)

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - I don't do indvidual books :). I did a baby book for Anna with stories of her first year and Simon had many albums/stories told about him before she came along (they are 7 years apart). After Anna's first year I started simply doing "family" albums by year (layouts) + Project Life (2012, 2013, 2014, etc) that include both kids and/or stories about each one individually. I think there are some people out there that do a PL album for each child, but that's not my choice.

      Part of the reason I do this is because, in the end, these are my stories - they come from my perspective and my take on what's happening - and my take includes stories of them all mixed together.

      Someday down the road the two of them will figure it out and choose to separate them out or one of them will keep them.

    2. jlasay says…

      I think that is my concern in the long run is what they will do with them as time goes by? Thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate your time and helping in simplifying things for me a bit :)

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Sure. I know in my family my parents kept photo albums that were by year. I happen to have all of them here now - maybe 20 of them because I'm the one that tends to care about them the most (and use them for projects). My two siblings know where they are and I'm happy to scan them for them if/when they want access.

  22. sarahbluhm says…

    I think it is so rad, you choose to include the "whole" picture of Anna with the iPhone, sucker behind the back, & stranger vs. cropping. I need to zoom out more to get the "whole" picture.

    So happy you are doing PL again this year, such awesomeness.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. jenjohnson2 says…

    Oh my goodness, as a fellow Oregonian (now living in KC), I think I need every set of the letters just for the names!!!! ;) Always love seeing your PL!!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Mindnic says…

    What font did you use on your photos?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - it's called Sentinel.

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