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Project Life® 2017 | Week Thirty-Five

Today I'm sharing the last of the six Project Life® spreads I put together last weekend. I hope this series of posts helps you get motivated to fill in those pockets with the images and stories of your life. 

Here's a look at Week Thirty-Five:

My "bring-it-all-together" embellishment this week was a set of cork shapes from a past Story Kit™ (I love these shapes and have used them in other spreads in the past). I did include one circle chipboard piece ("weekend stories") from the Summer Embellishment Variety Pack.

The main "beautiful" card is from the Season Of Fall Journal Card Set. The "we do" card is from the new Family Journal Cards Set (such a great, universal set for all kinds of stories that pop up in Project Life®). 

The "true friendship" card is from the Friends Journal Card Set (available digitally here).


You can see all my past Project Life® blog posts here. For more information about my overall process make sure to check out my self-paced Storytelling With Project Life® workshop

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Summer Embellishment Variety Pack
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Originally $12.99, on sale for $5.00
Season of Fall Journal Cards
Season of Fall Journal Cards is Sold Out
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Family Journal Cards
Family Journal Cards is Sold Out
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Friends Digital Journal Cards

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7 thoughts

  1. lindalovescreating says…

    Thanks for sharing these spreads, it really helps motivate me to get my own album completed!

    I do have a question though. In the beginning of this year you were including a gratitude card every week and then I noticed you stopped in mid-May. Any reason behind stopping? I thought it was a neat idea to include the same element each week, but could also see how it could be restrictive if you’re trying different themes for specific weeks.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I honestly forgot the last time I was working on them!

  2. minkaclark says…

    How do you get photos of yourself at yoga? Do you ask others to take a photo or do you set up your camera on a remote? I am asking as I don't think my yoga place would appreciate the camera intrusion but I would like to do the same.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I get there early in order to take a shot of myself - I just set my phone against my water bottle and use the self timer.

  3. Jgk04 says…

    Have really enjoyed these simply beautiful spreads. I’m still enjoying PL, six years in, and your very doable approah continues to inspire. Thank you!

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  4. kathyb says…

    Thank you for sharing these Ali.

    I am keen to know how you will approach Project Life in 2018. Will you be following the same format or something different? I'm looking for ideas myself. @aliedwards

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I'm planning on following a similar format.

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