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The Way I Start My Day | Favorite Morning Reads


I like to start my day reading something positive and uplifting.

Below I've compiled a list of the things I read most weekday mornings. They all come to my inbox (and I'm pretty picky about what I invite in there) - some are newsletters, some are blog posts, and some are a daily auto-generated emails.

I actually often read these before I get out of bed. I'm not sure it's a habit I want to keep or one I want to promote. I sometimes feel like it's too much technology first thing and I should wait longer before I go directly to my screen. That said, I appreciate the daily shot of positive thinking that comes from these sources. I often read them quickly first thing and then come back to them again once I'm at my desk a few hours later after the morning routine of kids and breakfast and driving to school is completed to actually soak up their wisdom.

These people inspire me to live more fully in alignment with my own personal values and I'm thankful for their contribution to my life.

I have quite a few other blogs and inspiring sites in Feedly that I read occasionally when I have time or am looking for inspiration, but these are the ones (at least right now) that I actually invite into my inbox.

What are your daily reads? Do you read first thing in the AM or later in the day?

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39 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Ali, this was so great to read!! I was going to actually ask you to share something like this with us after the busyness of WITL died down a bit.

    LOVE LOVE this so much!! This came at the perfect timing for me too. I've been rethinking my morning routine and wondering if too much screen time first thing is good or not. I sit here with my hot tea and just read my favorite blogs and it inspires me for the day. I always think of certain parts thru my day or incorporate a word or feeling into my idea list.

    I know some that go straight to the bible, yoga, journaling, painting before screen time. These ideas sound good to me also, might try a break from the screen time till after the kids leave and my run at the track is done. One thing I LOVE is the quiet time each morning by getting up early. Wanting to make sure to use this time wisely is what's making me rethink my routine.

    For my list to read each am..
    I have Simple Mom too and LOVE IT!
    Your blog always something good here and teaches me so much!
    Cathy Z can make me laugh till I cry at times and I love that. Because of her I run outside, forever grateful for that alone!

    Alisa Burke, amazing art and art with her family!
    Julie Balzaer ??? Name spelling tricks me up? she is so awesome!
    Karen Grunberg..Karenika is like my soul person, LOVE HER and all she does.

    I'm probably forgetting a few here but those are my favorites of people we all know. Then I have at least 20 of my blog readers that I read daily or whenever they post.

    Thanks so much for your list, can't wait to check them out! Looking forward to seeing what others will share too.

    Would love to hear what their routines are too, screen time, quiet time or maybe some that aren't a morning person???

    Happy fall now too Ali!!!
    p.s. Thanks for the great 12 weeks of Hello Story, loved it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Maureen says…

    Thank you for this post. I have recently been on the hunt for new blogs to check out. My morning routine after I get to work - I start my morning reports and why those are running/processing, I first come to your website, then Becky Higgins, Cathy Zielske, and finish it off with a dose of news from Foxnews. By the time I finish visiting those places, my reports are usually done processing and I just have to finish them off and send them on their way and then it's on to the rest of my work day. I don't get back around to visiting any websites that are not work related until late each night. Thank you again for the lists! I'm looking for something new to read as my last thing each night (as the morning blogs have already been read!).

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Stephanie Howell says…

    Awesome choices, Ali. I have a tendency to check my phone the first thing in the morning, too. It's the military wife in me. Bad habit from when J was deployed.

    My favorite time to read blogs is first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee in my little Italian kitchen. It's the only moments of silence I get all day.

    My favorites?
    Yours, Atlantic Pacific, Cathy Z's, Design Editor, The Fresh Exchange, Oh Joy!, How About Orange, and Ann-Marie Loves. xoxo

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. melissa deakin says…

    Thanks so much for sharing these, Ali! I look forward to checking them out. You are always such an inspiration and I love this photo of you on your computer. I love the bling on your shirt and would love to know where it is from. Have a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lindsey says…

    I love this! Rachel at Hands Free Mama is among my most-loved sites, too.
    I read your blog every day ... as well as those of Dani Shapiro and Katrina Kenison (more like weekly), which almost move me, usually to tears. I also read A First Sip, which always shares beautiful quotes and poems to get my day started right.

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  6. {vicki} says…

    I too do mornings.
    Almost all my daily reads are scrapbooking related blogs.
    Also visit The Pioneer Woman often.

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  7. kelly barton says…

    love elise! and the rest of the list will have to be explored!
    now to just find a way to keep them housed all together. google killed me when they got rid of reader!


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  8. Lacey Meyers says…

    Yours! :) I've read yours for years and I could easily say it has impacted my life greatly. You led me through scrapbooking and into digital scraping and toward Project Life. You led me to Clickin Moms years ago when you posted a coupon code... I now work there, teaching photography and loving it! I adore your site, Ali, and you inspire me to document my life in a very special way!

    {I also love and ;) }

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Cathy L. says…

    Love to see your list. My favorite part of the morning is drinking my coffee, going through my "go-to" blogs. Yours is one I enjoy the most.

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  10. Mye says…

    Thanks for sharing your list, Ali! I love Elise's blog and I read it all the time. She's very inspirational like you :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. AmberCA says…

    Thanks for introducing me to 'Simple Mom' love it! My daily or so sites are always and I love the serene photos and inspiration on both.

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  12. Myriam says…

    Oh, yes. Elise Blaha. She's the cutest. Love her!
    Thanks for sharing. Always fun to check out other blogs.
    Have a great day,

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Mel says…

    My daily reads are scrapbooking related, but that's going to change. Thank you for these links. I found a few of them fascinating and will continue to read.

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  14. Jeff Goins says…

    Honored to be in this list! Thanks for the mention, Ali, and for reading!

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  15. Jodi says…

    my top 5-6 daily blogs are:
    elise blaha
    kelly purkey
    young house love
    yellow brick home
    making it lovely
    and you. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Kim says…

    Thank you! I love to start my day reading something positive. My dad died unnaturally young of alzheimer's. Prior to that he was a very successful salesman. One of my cherished memories of him was that he was up early every day reading either the Bible, some success/motivational literature, or often both! He was very disciplined about that.

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  17. Paula says…

    Love your morning list! Mine is a mix of this and that...I don't think I ever miss your blog. Then I am typically check out Two Peas In A Bucket to see what's new in the store/Gallery - and often end up in the forum too. Next up is typically Facebook..then I let my newsfeed guide me...typcially to various scrapbook manufacturer blogs or something food up if there's time - Pinterest. I have an evening routine online too - usually after 11pm because I work late - CNN, my daughter's school websiet and her online school website.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Lauri says…

    Tut is my all time favorite; he and Neale Donald Walsch on the two I read prior to journaling and meditation...followed by my daily dose of Deepak Chopra. Tons of others in my reader (including your that I check every day, usually in the evening when I do my blog tour) but these are the three I have to do every day when I set my intentions. Perhaps part of getting older, I find myself changing what inspires me now that I have an adult daughter.

    So amazing how different we all are, and how a year ago I was being inspired by very different blogs! All change, all good....

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Amy says…

    Thanks Ali!!! I always say I found some of my favorite things through you - Paperclipping and DigiShow PodCasts; Big Picture Classes; and Cathy Zielske :O) Looking forward to checking out these new to me places.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Kimberly Kalil says…

    All great suggestions. Many already on my list (thanks in part to you). Have you checked out the Accidental Creative podcast? I listen to that daily and love it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - it's great!

  21. Debra Lois says…

    I like to start my day by getting out of bed (5:45 AM), making coffee, and walking directly into my studio. I do some of my best stamping and papercrafting before anyone else is awake. A reading/computer break comes at about 9.

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  22. Carmel Keane says…

    Thank you for the links... loving Hands Free Mama - can't stop reading and I am at work Shhhh.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Hands Free Mama says…

      Your secret is safe with us! So glad you are enjoying my blog!

  23. Hands Free Mama says…

    Oh, you just made my day -- or perhaps my entire week! I am honored be on your list, Ali! And I cannot thank you for all the lovely people you brought to my site today! Some of them left the sweetest messages too! You continue to be such a bright spot along my journey. xoxo


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You are awesome!

  24. Marc says…

    Thanks for the love. :) And for pointing out some amazing sites to explore, including yours.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You are so welcome. And seriously, thank you for inspiring me in so many different ways to live a fuller life.

  25. Lindsay says…

    Great post Ali! Love your blog, love Elise and will have to check out the others.

    I really enjoy Soulemama, Lisa Leonard and the photos over at Habit. They always make me reflect and appreciate the little things.

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