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One Little Word® 2014

Make your word visible: Order your own word from recycled matericals created by artist Colleen Attara here

My One Little Word for 2014 is thrive.

This year, more than any other I can remember, I'm starting off the year with questions. What does it mean for me to thrive? What does it look like? What does it fee like? Are there areas in which I'm already thriving? What's realistic vs. visions of what I have in my head of what it means to thrive?

Open was an awesome word for me last year. It was a touchstone as I navigated my way through growing pains and man oh man did it work in a million different ways I could not have imagined when I started 2013. More often than not when faced with a decision, I chose to open more rather than closing off which was my number one intention last year. That said, I feel like I've been spinning in circles a lot this past year. I've been reacting vs. being proactive and have been dealing with a variety of issues related to stress and growth (totally all part of my own life journey).

To me thriving is optimal living. It's being present and awake and stepping up to be my best self physically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively and within my relationships.

It's not a quest for perfection. It's an opportunity to continue choosing to let go of things outside of my control and to figure out who that best-me-right-now really is.

It will be a whole new journey and I'm here to tell you I welcome it wholeheartedly.

Bring on 2014.

This year I invited my friend Elise Blaha Cripe to film a little video about her experience with One Little Word. One of the reasons I admire Elise is that she is awesome at follow-through and documentation. I've loved reading about her experience with her words over the last few years on her blog and she inspires me consistently with her projects and her real-life reflections.

Here's Elise in her own words:

Thank you Elise for sharing about your own journey here.


Are you considering selecting a word for yourself (or letting one find you)? There's no right or wrong. The main thing to remember is that this is your word. It's not for your child, parent, partner, spouse, sister, etc.

And what do you do with this one little word?

You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities.

SHARE YOUR WORD THE COMMENTS | I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering for 2014. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. In a couple days I’ll combine all the words into a single post – super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

ONE LITTLE WORD® 2014 | To help keep your One Little Word® more visible throughout the year I offer a year-long workshop featuring one prompt per month. Read all the details and sign up here. Registration is $5 off until December 31.

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938 thoughts

  1. Heather W says…


    This is my 6th year doing One Little Word and my second year doing the workshop. I'm excited to SEE the things I love about my husband instead of the things that annoy me. To SEE my children's innocence and love in times when I'm frustrated with them. To SEE the options for my professional life instead of feeling trapped by the lack thereof. I have a lot to SEE in 2014.

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  2. Michelle says…

    STAND ..... it came and simply wouldn't leave

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  3. Leslie says…


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  4. lovingliferach says…

    Become. All you have to do is read Velveteen Rabbit to know why :)

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  5. Janet says…

    My 2012 word was ADAPT so I could consciously work at my post-retirement life. My amazing discovery was that I didn't have to adapt like I thought;I was ready to stop working. But without the distractions, alone with myself, I saw that I hadn't ever really dealt with my true self after years and years of a busy life. Life can be a series of opposites: I love being alone, but am lonely. Friends have become acquaintances. I have many interests and hobbies but no one to share them with. My 2014 work is EMBRACE--who I am, my introversion, take action with my hobbies and interests, acknowledge hurts and sadness instead of trying to convince myself I have to be strong.
    Thank you Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Isabel says…

    My words for 2014 are Release and Joy. I whant to release from the past, from emotional strain, to give up from everything that no longer help me to progress in life. Joy found me in the holidays in many ways and is perfect because through release I whant to put more joy in all areas of my life and evolve to a better me.

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  7. Amber says…

    This is my first time doing OLW and the word I have chosen for 2014 is HOME.

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  8. {vicki} says…


    I'm hoping to get MOTIVATED again to do a lot of things in 2014 that I just didn't do in 2013.
    One being to scrapbook ( I have really slacked off)
    Two is to just get up off that sofa (I've become a real couch potato this past year)
    Three is to keep my house clean (I do not like housework! and it shows)
    Four I hope to be more Motivated to do spur of the moment things instead of finding excuses to not do them.

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  9. amanda says…

    My word found me this time and am so excited, 2013 was a stressful year. As I bid it farewell I am looking forward to ENJOYing all that this new year will bring to all aspects of my life.

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  10. Ayesha says…


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  11. julie says…

    My word for 2014 is aim. I am aiming with intention toward some very important goals. I chose aim because there will be many paths to my goals but as long as my aim is always in the direction of my goals I think i will feel confident in what I am doing. I want to focus on where I am headed so my aim has to be pointed in the direction of my goals.

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  12. Kristy says…

    My OLW for 2014 is PHOTO.

    This encompasses a number of goals I want to achieve including learning how to use my DSLR I got for Christmas one year ago (haven't taken it out of auto mode) and learning how to use Photoshop Elements (just got this year for Christmas).

    It also includes implementing Stacy Julian's Library of Memories photo storage system, organizing 7 years of physical and digital prints, and participaing in Week in the Life and December Daily.

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  13. Megan says…

    My word is moment.

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  14. lee says…

    My brain and heart got together last week and decided that my word this year will be CREATE. I'm still processing what that means for me, but even though I don't know how it will unfold in my life, I do know that, every time I think the word CREATE, I get excited.

    That seems like affirmation enough for me. =)

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  15. SusanB says…


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  16. Chrisy@GoodNorthCoastLife says…

    2014 will be my third year of OLW - and like others, the experience has been....transformational.... My words have included nourish and soar.....which have both had such an impact on me.

    This year my word is SIMPLE.

    PS - still basking in the goodness of Ali and Elise together :) Love you both!

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  17. Cori says…


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  18. kara s. says…

    my word is inspire

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  19. Joanne C. says…

    This will be my first year doing this project and I am very excited.

    On February of this year, Ali shared her computer Wallpaper and it read "Action is the foundation of all success". I used that wallpaper everywhere I could and it helped me to accomplish a couple of things in the beginning of 2013. But then, I let the momentum go and I want to take it back.

    I had a list with words like FOCUS, ENGAGE, etc. and suddenly today the word came to me. ACTION. It's time I change a few things in the new year.

    Thanks Ali for the inspiration. Can't wait to see what this adventure brings!

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  20. Lexie says…


    Like the past years, this word has found clear it will be :-)

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  21. victoria says…


    i'm doing #abrightproject as well and had already chosen this word for that project, but i think it'll fit well for this as well. and it'll give me even more opportunities to think about how adventure is manifested in my life.

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  22. Marian says…

    My word is Simplify. I just need to simplify all aspects of my life

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  23. Shana says…

    my 2014 word is Control. so funny to see that I had Redken Control shampoo in my shower. and had also just purchased Redken Control Addict 28 hairspray. Really? ya, well I guess so. This is going to be more evident than I thought. It's like it's JUMPING out at me before I even get to it.

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  24. marlee says…


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  25. carrie wohlt says…

    EMBRACE-is my one little word for 2014. I choose EMBRACE because I want to EMBRACE all the NEW THINGS happening in my LIFE during 2014. I want to EMBRACE the ups and the downs in LIFE and be able to let go and TRUST in GOD.

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