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One Little Word® 2014

Make your word visible: Order your own word from recycled matericals created by artist Colleen Attara here

My One Little Word for 2014 is thrive.

This year, more than any other I can remember, I'm starting off the year with questions. What does it mean for me to thrive? What does it look like? What does it fee like? Are there areas in which I'm already thriving? What's realistic vs. visions of what I have in my head of what it means to thrive?

Open was an awesome word for me last year. It was a touchstone as I navigated my way through growing pains and man oh man did it work in a million different ways I could not have imagined when I started 2013. More often than not when faced with a decision, I chose to open more rather than closing off which was my number one intention last year. That said, I feel like I've been spinning in circles a lot this past year. I've been reacting vs. being proactive and have been dealing with a variety of issues related to stress and growth (totally all part of my own life journey).

To me thriving is optimal living. It's being present and awake and stepping up to be my best self physically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively and within my relationships.

It's not a quest for perfection. It's an opportunity to continue choosing to let go of things outside of my control and to figure out who that best-me-right-now really is.

It will be a whole new journey and I'm here to tell you I welcome it wholeheartedly.

Bring on 2014.

This year I invited my friend Elise Blaha Cripe to film a little video about her experience with One Little Word. One of the reasons I admire Elise is that she is awesome at follow-through and documentation. I've loved reading about her experience with her words over the last few years on her blog and she inspires me consistently with her projects and her real-life reflections.

Here's Elise in her own words:

Thank you Elise for sharing about your own journey here.


Are you considering selecting a word for yourself (or letting one find you)? There's no right or wrong. The main thing to remember is that this is your word. It's not for your child, parent, partner, spouse, sister, etc.

And what do you do with this one little word?

You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities.

SHARE YOUR WORD THE COMMENTS | I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering for 2014. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. In a couple days I’ll combine all the words into a single post – super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

ONE LITTLE WORD® 2014 | To help keep your One Little Word® more visible throughout the year I offer a year-long workshop featuring one prompt per month. Read all the details and sign up here. Registration is $5 off until December 31.

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938 thoughts

  1. Christine says…

    I can't decide between heal, patience and enough. I seem to have extremely low patience with those around me and it is something I really want to work on. I'm also a perfectionist about everything so I need to learn that I am enough. What I do is enough. As a mom I am enough. Then there's heal, which I'm not really sure I'm ready for. My mom died a little over a year ago, and she was my absolute favorite person ever. She could make me feel better, just be being there. I still hurt an unbelievable amount and I'm not really sure how to even begin healing or grieving from that. When she died I had my second daughter who was five weeks old, between the grief and postpartum depression, it's been a really hard year getting to heal from that too. I'm not really sure how I'll narrow it down because I need to work on all of this and so much more I feel.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Christine says…


      I thought I could have been writing your post when you talked about patience and perfectionism, especially since my name is Christine also. I struggle with that constantly.

      I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother, I can only hope she will live through you for your children.


    2. S says…

      How about:
      it implies that you are enough
      it asks you to simply just be yourself, not think about what others are not
      it gives you license to be with your feelings..
      whatever you choose, I hope you practice love and kindness on yourself.

  2. Dawn says…

    Balance.....In the new year I am going to work on the balancing act of life. Balance work, family, chores with creativity, self-love and relationships. As women we have so many things on our plates and my goal this year is to find balance with all of them. Looking forward to this journey with everyone!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jaymie says…

    I think my word is going to be "Roar." The song has been sticking with me lately and I like the idea of going for things in a more direct way.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Doreen Guilfoyle says…

    My 2014 OLW has yet to find me, but I am patiently anticipating its imminent arrival. :) I love the words I've read here already! Lots of great inspiration. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Joanne says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Amy says…

    My word for 2014 is self. With hectic schedules and life in general, I usually put myself last on the list. I don't think everyone else is more important, it's just easiest to cut myself from the list. This year I am going to be more cognizant of doing things for myself, remembering myself, finding myself. That doesn't make me selfish either. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Lauren Wolf says…

    Hi. A few days ago, I made a list of potential words for 2014. I really wasn't sure which one to choose. Then we went to my favorite Japanese restaurant. I opened my fortune cookie and it read "You are strong and brave." Brave was first on my list, so I took my fortune as a sign. Brave it is! Bring on 2014. Thank you Ali and Elise.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Sue says…

    I started off with "Story", but decided to turn this into a goal of recording a memory, or story a day in 2014. Following the onset of a painful frozen shoulder, I realise (once more) that I just don't take care of myself as well as I should, and the word NURTURE came to me. Its very fitting for where I am in my life right now, so bring it on …..

    Good luck everyone :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Amy J says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Karen Capern says…

    My word found me this year.
    Simplify ... my life, my thoughts, my actions.
    I am so looking forward to this journey!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kate says…

    My word for 2014 is CONTENT. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. stephanie says…


    (Focusing on both "intention" and "intentional" this year)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Michelle t. says…


    I am a fearful person. Afraid of change. New things. Doing something and failing. As some people may recognize from Ali's Dec 10 blog I am so not tech savvy. But I'm doing this. I need this. I cannot close anymore windows. My health is poor and I'm a mom. Originally I thought of deal. Put my big girl panties on. Make my appointments do what I need to do. But open came roaring me and I've spent the last 2 wks running from it. It found me and it must have something to teach me. And that's ok.

    You all are absolutely inspiring and I admire you all. I'm honored to take this journey with you. I look forward to this very special year and look forward to meeting you. Michelle t.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Nancy Hyland says…

    I fell a little off track last year, but still feel that just picking a word was helpful. This year about three months ago, my word kept poking me:


    1 a determination to act in a certain way: resolve 2 import, significance 3 what one intends to do or bring about b: the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offered 4: a process or manner of healing of incised wounds 5: concept; especially: a concept considered as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge

    It just really speaks to me on all these levels.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Krista says…

    My word is present. It found me. I recently read a wonderful book that really touched my soul & reminded me to be present so that will be my focus this coming year- being 'present'.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Elissa Postman says…

    My word this year is find. It's a word that has been popping into my head in the last two weeks or so. Mainly for 2014, I hope to find me, or at least the me I want to become.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Faith Mason says…

    Mine is Advance. This next year I hope to move forward professionally and I am excited to advance in my life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Megan W says…

    It seems an odd choice, but my word this year will be "clear." Looking around my life, I've realized there is a lot of clutter. Not just physically in my house (although boy howdy did we fill this space to beyond capacity!) but also in my thoughts. I'm having a hard time seeing what's next for me and for us as a family. Time to clear things out and figure out the next stage of my life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Jamie R. says…

    FOCUS. I live my life in reaction mode, taking things as they come. It feels like such a chaotic way to live. I want to live a deliberate life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Marci says…

    My one little word for 2014 is LISTEN. Listen to others, listen to myself, my intuition, my body, my heart. Listen to nature. Just be still and LISTEN.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. andrea gray says…

    strong. physically & mentally.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Sus N. says…

    My 2014 OLW woke me up last week. MINIMIZE.
    Lots of things came to mind so I grabbed my phone and started to jot down the following:
    -Waste (of money,food, time)
    -Waist-eat smart and exercise;
    -working mama guilt (fear of not doing enough with kids);
    -worry (more time spent lifting these up in prayer);
    -stuff (not just the physical, but events, stuff that keeps our minds so busy);
    -chaos (more consistent routines with kids; keep traditions with family) and finally,
    -disconnect (this feels more important/urgent to me at a time when there are so many things that get our attention). Planning game nights, movie nights, pizza nights... Gathering ideas for something that works and sticks in 2014.
    This is my 4th year with OLW. I am so enjoying this!
    Thank you Ali and Happy New Year!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Karen Capern says…

      LOVE your "word" for this year! It could very well flow into next year, for me as my word, from this year's word (simplify).
      Good Luck & and hope to hear how it works out for you! :-)

  23. Jennifer Monroe says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Heather H. says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Jennifer says…

    This word is a need in my life and I am looking forward to living it out in 2014!!

    Reply 0 Replies

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