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Tackling Those Unfinished Projects


Over the last couple of months I've been thinking a lot about unfinished projects. Specifically unfinished memory keeping projects.

This year I'm going to make it a priority tackle them and I'm going to share the journey here on my blog.

Here are the steps I'm taking to make this happen:

STEP ONE | Make a conscious choice to make this is a priority this year.

We've set aside three hours per week (a block on Thursday mornings) for me to work through these projects. It doesn't feel like a lot of time, but it's dedicated time to only work on the projects on this list.

STEP TWO | Make a list of all the projects you have unfinished.

Most of my unfinished projects are travel albums. Some of them I started Scrapbook On The Road travel albums while I was on the adventure and others just have photos and stuff and no documentation was done along the way.

Here's what I would like to complete this year:

  • China 2013 Album

  • Paris 2013 Album

  • Ireland 2012 Album

  • Disneyland 2012 Album (see my start here)

  • Italy 2011 Album

  • Italy 2010 Family Album

  • Maui 2010 Album

STEP THREE | Decide which ones are worth finishing and which ones you can let go.

My encouragement to you is to get real about this. Some projects can be let go. Letting go frees you up to focus on the ones that are most important. Another option if you don't want to let go of a project is to change your approach. Instead of a mini-book you might choose to add the photos and words to a Project Life album or simply create a couple of traditional layouts that can be added to an annual album. Remember that there are lots of options and it's okay to change your mind even if you started out in a particular direction.

Be realistic with yourself and your time and your motivation.

STEP FOUR | Make a plan but don't make planning your project. Make completing the projects your project.

So often it's easy to spend all our time planning and not enough time doing. What's your personal procrastination? Shopping for the perfect items? Writing the perfect journaling? Editing your photos? Making decisions about the format or what supplies to use? There are a million and one different ways to procrastinate on these projects or spend all your time planning and then run out of steam.

Each one of us will have a different plan for actually completing these projects. Your plan might be to set aside a couple hours a week or month to devote to these projects that have been on your list for years.

The important part is to have some sort of plan and then make it happen. You can do this. I can do this and I'll share the first part of my plan and my first action steps below.

STEP FIVE | Get to work.

Throughout 2014 I'll share my journey and update you on my process here on my blog.


Here's a look at the specific steps I took this week to get things moving in the right direction:


When you enter my office there's a little room you walk through before you're technically in the office. This is the room that holds the white table which is where we photograph most of our projects. As you can see from the photo above it also includes a blue table (which is on it's way out) with a bunch of baskets and a large rolling baking rack (holding all the trays) that I purchased from a local restaurant supply store a few years back.

I first saw the idea of using a backing rack in one of the last issues of Better Homes & Gardens Scrapbooks Etc magazine. They had set one up in a common area for people to hold projects in-progress. I loved the idea and was able to locate one locally and have it delivered to my house.


When Katie and I started talking about tackling my unfinished projects in 2014 I knew I wanted to utilize these trays in a more intentional way. They've been holding projects and other miscellaneous stuff for the last couple of years with no specific purpose other than storage.


On Thursday we went through all the trays and removed all the random stuff and then assigned a tray to each of my unfinished albums. These trays are 19 inches wide x 26 inches long. We labeled each tray with the project name.

What I love about the trays is that I can simply pull one out and bring it to my work table (or down to the dining room if I wanted to work there) and then just put everything back on the tray to store it away until the next time I'm able to work on it. The trays rock.

Luckily for me most of the stuff for each project (photos, stuff collected while traveling, albums, some products, etc) was all already together. Most of the time I came home from a trip and put everything into a bag and then put it in a pile somewhere in the office. Ah, piles.

Here's what you'll find on each tray at this time:


ITALY 2010 | This is the only trip where all the photos are already printed. A couple years ago I had Katie go through all the photos from this trip (she came on this trip with us) and organize them into envelopes based on themes (vs. a chronological timeline of our adventures). I'm considering putting this trip into a Project Life album because of the sheer number of photos that are all already printed 4x6 and that I didn't start any sort of Scrapbook On The Road album in advance.


ITALY 2011 | This was my first Scrapmap adventure and I did great collecting stuff along the way. I have Instax photos but no other photos printed yet. This album has a kit to go along with it (the one I brought for the people who came on the trip) so I'll likely be using those supplies to bring the album together.


DISNEYLAND 2012 | You can read my recent post about starting the process for this album here.


IRELAND 2012 | My second travel adventure with Scrapmap. I actually did a bit more scrapbooking while we were traveling on this trip, but still nothing near done with no photos printed.


PARIS 2012 | For Paris I took along my own little set of supplies (including my Epson printer) but ended up doing very little (which I was totally fine with). No photos printed yet except for the Instax images. Inside the bigger bag were the supplies I brought along with me. Inside the album are all the pieces of paper and such I picked up along the way.


CHINA 2013 | Again, lots of stuff collected on the way. No photos printed. I can't wait to work with the photos from this trip.

The only one from my list that's missing is our family trip to Maui in 2010. I need to go back and take a look at what photos I have from that trip and figure out how I want to tackle it. It's the only one that I don't have anything from - no plane tickets, notes, etc.


As we were getting each project on it's own tray we made a couple of assessments:

  1. Did I have a format already in place/what album was I planning to use?

  2. Did I have any photos printed?

This was really more for my general information. Most already have albums that go along with them and I'm planning to continue using what I started with for each of those trips.

As I write this up today I actually feel really excited about tackling these projects. Having a plan in place and some time set aside feels good.


After your figure out your own list of projects you'd like to finish this year the next question will be which one to tackle first. I'm planning to do mine one at a time vs. batching my steps such as printing all the photos for all the projects at one time which would be something I'd consider if I didn't print at home.

Next week I'm going to decide which project to begin. Most likely I'll start with whichever one I feel most excited about on Thursday (the day I've set aside to work on these projects) and go from there!

Ready, set, go!

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91 thoughts

  1. Michelle t. says…

    Sounds like a great plan and you'll get a lot accomplished. Good luck with it. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Pink Ronnie says…

    Love this Ali! I am on a similar mission myself this year.
    Let's do this. :)
    Ronnie xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Alanna N says…

    Wow. Now that's a plan that'll work. Can't wait to see your progress as the year continues - I'm excited for you! I love the baking rack as well, wish I had some use for one...

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. P.J. says…

    Great idea. I'd been planning to use my "go-to" crops in 2014 as catchup time. I don't have to haul all my supplies to the crop, just what I'll be using for the one project. I tried this as the last big crop I attended with just my zoo photos. It worked marvelous. Glad I'm on the right track.

    Wish I had room for a baker's rack.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Brooke says…

    So loved reading this as I have my OLW stuff out in front of me. I too have many unfinished projects I want to complete this year. I'm working on them in batches to hopefully gently move forward on them step by step without forgetting too much info.

    I recently made the discovery that I waste so much time planning. Adjustments made I now plan hardly at all. Bringing it back in small bits where needed. Always love reading your posts!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. audra says…

    You've inspired me, big thanks:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Maureen says…

    This is one of my goals for 2014 too! I have started attending once a month all day crops and for each, I am pulling together things for those unfinished projects and thats what I take to work on. Pulling it all together ahead of time works so well in that the only things I have to take to the crop are the items for that project and when the crop is done, there is a great sense of accomplishment in having completed or come close to completing that project. I store all of my projects in individual 12x12 iris containers so all I have to do is grab the container, a couple of journaling pens and my ATG and off I go!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Alida says…

    I can see how this task could feel overwhelming, but with a great plan it actually looks do-able. My plan is to do one backdated PL album a year (along with a current one), to get all those photo's off my hard drive. Sometimes enjoy this project more than my current album as I can have a good trip down memory lane as I work on it. Have fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. kybarb says…

    This post came at the perfect time for me! As I was working on my prompts for OLW I made a list of the projects I have started and want to finish this year. Recently, I was inspired by Stacy Julian's class about people to change the focus of an album I've been struggling with which has got me started working on the album again. Also I have some projects started with supplies (photos,etc) stored in either Cropper Hopper plastic sleeves or clear plastic 12x12 boxes with lids. Both have been great for keeping stuff together. Some of these projects are trips from years ago that I pulled out of old sticky page albums:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Beatriz Pb. says…

    Ohh Ali, it's a great and inspiring post. You've given a great idea about my unfinish proyects and all minialbum without premiering. But first I have to print the photos :-). list rght now, out piles!!!

    thanks so much

    Beatriz Peñas

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jenny A says…

    Love this Ali! This is just what I needed. I have so many piles of "stuff" from all our family trips that I keep putting aside because it overwhelms me. Love the idea of doing a Project Life album due to the overwhelming number of photos that have been printed. Can't wait to see your progression with this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lisa W. says…

    OH I'm exhausted just reading this BECAUSE I have too have these "staches" all over my scraproom. May I GET the energy and organization like you did to accomplish this. Thanks for another great post Ali!!!!!! Your inspiration is always the best!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Susan says…

    Inspiring! I have a couple albums I need to finish. I'm a digital scrapbooker so my plan is a bit different but I still need a plan. Thanks for the motivational boost.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Paula says…

    I've really enjoyed this post. This line: "Be realistic with yourself and your time and your motivation." I am going to internalize it and also use it for my One Little Word Feb action prompt...I love when reading your blog just blends so well with your OLW class. I have all my many unscrapped vacations together and all my vacation supplies / holiday supplies together. My vacations tend to all be "beachy" (and often to the same resort in Sanibel, or "holiday-ish" (Disney at Christmas,etc.) Problem is they are ALL lumped into a huge supply bin and everything is just running together. You have given me the motivation today to sort sort sort - basically that if I sort what I had already considered "sorted" into more defined segments, it becomes alot more do-able to get started scrapping. Thanks :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. coffeebreakjackie says…

    Yea Ali! I am so glad you have these too!I have to thank you for this post! and for being real. Hope you make progress.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Stacy says…

    Awesome post. My favorite take-away was setting up the block of time to focus on this task....I am über organized regarding my unfinished projects but I can always find the time to work on something newer, more fresh. I just need to come to terms with the realization that these projects won't finish themselves!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Katie B says…

    This weekend I was trying to get the studioffice organized a bit so I had a good working system of stamps, die cutting and papers. While going through the piles I found numerous pages that never made it into books. My 11 y.o. son and I worked to get that stuff organized and we identified all the pages that needed to be created to make the books complete. My goal this year is to get those holes filled.
    So many great tips - especially don't make planning your project make your project your project. Good advice for me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sherry Eckblad says…

    I think we have the same mission this year Ali. I have made a list of all my unfinished projects and then went through and decided which ones I had to do and which I could walk away from. The hardest one for me was my nieces Dance mini album I was making. I love the album I made from scratch, the papers, but hated the photos due to quality issues with them and I hated the embellishments. I decided NOT to stress about it and decided not to make the album. The other big thing I did was take all those 1000's of photos that have been waiting for me to scrapbook them and I put them all in 12x12 binders PL style by year starting from when my parents where young. I am working on them backwards from now and am currently on 1985.
    Next I have several mini albums that are in the works and about 10 classes that I took online but never finished. Hoping to keep motivated to do this all year. So MOTIVATE away Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Katie Chapman says…

    You are an inspiration as always Ali! Great post! Love the trays!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Karen C says…

    I thrive when I block schedule! I know this and yet sometimes when life gets sticky I let it slip and then it takes a little while but I start to notice I'm floundering around. I've just started this month to get back in my block groove again and it feels good. I hope it works for you too.

    My problem with unfinished projects is I spend too much time setting up the system of storing them. (In a way that's planning, huh) I don't want to store them I just want to do them. You've made me realize I need the block of time to be specifically doing the unfinished projects.

    But my main goal for this year is scanning the most important pre-digital photos. Not all. As I get older I realize I don't need or want everything and that makes it a much more manageable task. And again your post has made me realize I need to break this down and have a specific block for it.

    Great post! Good luck with your projects!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. kelsey says…

    This has been the post I have been waiting for all year! You mentioned it end of last year/beginning of this year, and then....nothing! Until now. Just days before you mentioned it, I had set this as a goal for this year. The first project I wanted to finish was DD 2013. I am on day 16 (half way there!). But after that I didn't have a plan...until today. Thanks so much for sharing your plan. And please keep us posted on your progress.

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  22. Mary in IL says…

    I SO need (and want) to do this! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Laura says…

    I'm in finish-things-up mode this year, too. Love the baker's rack idea with the trays. I try to do that on a smaller scale with Iris cases (for 12x12 or Project Life) or small containers (for a minibook) where I can keep all the supplies together.

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  24. Nan C. says…

    Simply love this! Inspiring...

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. amy t schubert says…

    Thank you so much for this post! I have a ton of half-way finished memory keeping projects too and this post forced me to write them down and make a plan :)


    You're the best!

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