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Hello Story | A Whole Week Of Content For Free

6a00d83451b9ea69e201a51189b1dc970c-800wi Are you thinking about joining my 12-week workshop Hello Story but not quite sure if it's the class for you?

To help with that decision Big Picture Classes has set up a free preview for you to check out an entire week of content. Click here to check out the classroom and gain access to the handout, videos, digital/printable elements, etc. for one of my favorite weeks of the class.

My hope in sharing this week is that you'll have a better understanding of the content-rich inspiration and education that will come in the other eleven weeks of the workshop (all weeks follow a model similar to what you'll see in this sample week). It's totally worth it!

In addition, here's a coupon code for 15% off the class registration fee: TIMEWITHALI (code expires 4/10)

PS | This is the same class that ran last year.

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14 thoughts

  1. Ann E. Ford says…

    Planned on doing the class at full price, so this is such an extra added bonus. I appreciate the sneak peek (+downloads) as well; it was wonderful. ;) @*

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  2. dawn says…

    I did take this class and LOVED IT!! Ali did such a great job on the videos, downloads, inspiration, message boards, everything. I love that you got to see her do the pages and share her thoughts while working on them, we don't usually get to see this part and it was like a bonus to this class. If you are a project lifer, especially if you've been doing it for years like myself then you will love the PL layout ideas, new ways to add fun back into the routine of PL.
    The community was awesome as always at BPS, love that no matter what class you take there, the community is so friendly and helpful. The best part is you will have this class forever, you can come back to it anytime and you can go at your own pace with it too.
    I hope this helped for anyone of you needing that extra nudge, I am very picky about my classes and this one is right up there!!

    Thanks Ali for sharing so much with us in the class and being a wonderful teacher.

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  3. Felicia Young says…

    I have to agree! Ali's class was awesome and if anyone is thinking about it, stop thinking and do it. I had a lot of fun with this class and Ali talked her way through the classes and gave great ideas for the layouts and PL. For a person who does both layouts and PL, this was very inspiring and I loved each week and I too am very picky about my classes, but this is the best. Thanks Ali for all you do! I am doing it again this year!

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  4. Patti L says…

    Another vote to take this class if you haven't already! I took it the first time around. It gave me so many page ideas and is a resource I constantly refer to for inspiration. I never even got around to viewing all the videos, but I did print out all of the class handouts and it filled up a 1 inch binder that I flip through when I'm looking for a jump start. The different ways of telling stories also has refreshed some of my normal LO styles.

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  5. Debbie says…

    This also was one of my favorite classes ever!

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  6. iHanna says…

    It was so inspiring watching you teach/create your layouts and think out loud with the process! Thank you so much for sharing this week of the class!

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  7. Bonney says…

    Took the class; loved it. I still refer back to the overall principles/theme ideas when constructing pages. This is a class that provides vision and tools for the future.

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  8. Cassidy says…

    I enjoyed watching these videos so much but I don't have this type of class in my budget. I would love to take a lower cost, lower content class if anyone has any suggestions??

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  9. Online Scrapbook Class: FREE 1-Week Preview of “Hello Story” by Ali Edwards | Scrapbook OBSESSION says…

    […] this out: Did you know you can get a FREE PREVIEW of Ali Edwards’ upcoming “Hello Story” class?!?! It comes with videos, a very […]

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  10. Jo-Anne says…

    Did this class last year and man oh man did i ENJOY it TREMENDOUSLY!!!!

    Step by step DETAILED handouts and video clips. EVERYTHING you need to do this class is there! Very professional work. Would do any of Ali's workshops in a heart beat:-)


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  11. Leanne says…

    Loved this class! Loved it so much I signed up to take it again. This class inspired me to get the layouts done, to tell stories that I wouldn't normally tell, to enjoy the process.... The content is phenomenal. Cannot wait to start again:)

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  12. Danielle says…

    I checked this out and you totally rock! I wish I could afford to take your class right now...but even though I can't you still offer up a TON of inspiration here :) Just previewing this class made me want to focus on what stories I want to tell, then using/ taking the photos from there instead of trying to just tell about the actual photo. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Mary Hunt says…

    I am just a beginner. Is there a class offered for someone who has never created a scaprbook?

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