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The Lens Of Joy | New 4-Week Workshop

What's your story with photography? 

What do you want to communicate? 

What do you see when you look through the lens? 

Designed with the storyteller in mind,  Lens Of Joy is a 4-week photography workshop (running November 3rd through November 30th) that covers processes related to capturing life through the lens of your camera. I'll walk you through my personal workflow from picking up the camera, looking through the lens, establishing the story, experiencing the moment, composing, uploading, organizing, editing, printing and pairing the end result with words to tell a more complete story. 

Lens Of Joy Workshop Overview from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

What you'll learn

  • Seeing through the lens/establishing your vision
  • Composition and design
  • Taking & choosing photos that support the stories you want to tell
  • Self-portraits and the importance of getting "you" in the story
  • Cultivating a present-moment mindset while photographing
  • Organization, workflow and editing
  • Developing confidence in your own photo voice

What you'll get

  • Full color PDF handouts each week
  • Weekly shooting and writing exercises to help you examine, reflect, and practice
  • A minimum of one video presentation each week (some will have more depending on the topic)
  • One live chat
  • Message board and gallery for sharing your thoughts and your photos

What you'll need

  • A willingness to think about the way you look through the lens
  • A willingness to think about the ways you use your photos to tell stories
  • A camera (can be any kind of camera - phone, film, DSLR)
  • A way to take notes/something to write with to complete the assignments

I'm looking forward to spending time with you guys focusing on the ways we each see through the lens of our cameras. Click on over to the class page here to sign up.

Paypal Update

Also just a heads up that Paypal is now available as a payment option for classes and digital products. I know some of you were asking and hoping for that update. We are working towards having that as an option for the subscriptions and pre-orders as well.  

Let me know if you have any questions!

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18 thoughts

  1. scraptician says…

    Ah-ha! I've been waiting for something like this! Ali's process - thought and workflow - to tell more meaningful stories. I'm in. Thanks, Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. spagirl says…

      I just wanted to say I love your user name!!

  2. ChrisyC says…

    I'm in too. :)
    I've been looking for something to give my memory keeping, journaling, photography a bit of a boost and this looks ideal.
    And Ali, l've always found your classes and projects a 'worth-it' investment. Thank you for always providing stella experiences and resources. You've got one happy customer here!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. gina200 says…

    Ditto here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. lidohdee says…

    Wow, excited about this opportunity for help in telling my story. I handle my camera pretty well and get some decent shots, but the ability to tell the story is something different. Sometimes I get it and sometimes I don't...can't wait to soak up your knowledge on this topic.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. papergoddess says…

    All signed up. This is the type of class I was hoping to see from you! Photography is def my first love and sometimes my process gets away from me when thinking about scrapbook or storytelling projects. I always love to take photography based classes and learn how others process to help me cultivate my techniques. Looking forward to it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. MaggieR says…

    I'm so excited for this workshop! YAY!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. finleydr says…

    This workshop sounds so interesting. Also, I'm so glad you set up Paypal. We don't have credit cards and it will make it much easier to purchase from your site. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. peanutshell says…

    Can you be a little more specific about what you mean when you say we'll learn about organizing our photos? I love photography and telling stories with pictures (though I'm looking forward to improving that) but what really overwhelms me is organizing all the photos I've got in some way that helps me find what I want later.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Sure - I'm basically going to walk you through how I organize them in Aperture (which would apply to most photo management programs).

    2. spagirl says…

      Curious... about aperture. Is that an editing program also? Do you like it for Apple products? Do you use photoshop? Lol... A million questions :}

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Aperture has some editing features but I still mainly use Photoshop. I may be making the switch to Lightroom in the near future because Apple is not going to be making any updates for Aperture. I mainly use it for photo management (folders for all my photos) but from time to time I do some editing in there as well.

  9. spagirl says…

    Cool!! How long is registration open? Thanks Ali!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's open until November 8th. Class begins on November 3rd.

    2. spagirl says…

      Perfect! Thanks!!

  10. lisaflorey says…

    I was just thinking that I need to be more organized with my photos, as they have become a large part of my life, and then this shows up in my feed. Perfect!
    One question: Would you have transcripts (or something similar) for the video presentation? I'm deaf & the videos are basically useless for me, unfortunately.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Sharondf says…

    All the above. Truly looking forward to this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Honore says…

    I am enjoying your presentation of Week in the Life this year; will Lens of Joy have a similar cadence, theme, approach?

    Reply 0 Replies

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