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Packing For Peru

In just a little over a week I'll be heading off on another crazy world adventure with Jim West of  Scrapmap and a group of like-minded memory keepers to Peru. 

This is the fourth year in a row I've traveled with Jim and a crew of really fun people in the fall. The last three trips have taken us to Italy, Ireland, and China. 

This year we're heading to the Amazon jungle, Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands. 

Seriously, there is no way I could have imagined twelve years ago when I first started scrapbooking that it would lead to stuff like this. 

This trip has felt a little tougher to pack for - it feels like there's more adventure involved (because there is) and I think my clothing options are going to be more casual than in the past as well. I spent some time tonight looking at other's people's packing lists online, writing up my own list, ordering a few things, and trying to simplify my packing process. 

Here's some of the things that will be coming along with me this trip (seen in the image above): 

I've got a list of work-related things to get through before I leave - lots of product design happening around here the last couple of weeks. 

PS | A million thanks for all the wonderful feedback on the Story Stamps™. I can't thank you enough for the positive response. There is still time to jump on board for this first month (the theme is "prompts") and gain access to the subscriber-only education content. 

Also, the Week In The Life kits are available for those of you who'd like to play along next month. In reality you can use these kits any time you want (they are not date specific - expect for one small 2014 perforated word). The grey album + kit is close to selling out so if that's the one you were thinking about ordering I'd jump on that soon. I'll be documenting my week from October 27th through November 2nd - you can get more information and watch a video about this project here. 

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34 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Best wishes for an awesome trip. Sounds absolutely amazing. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. SewingBella says…

    Wow! Have a wonderful trip! I was in the Galapagos and Macchu Picchu last year with my family and it was a truly incredible experience. You will take *a lot* of photos. Just make sure you have plenty of memory cards and a spare battery. I accidentally left my camera on the night before we went to Macchu Picchu and had a dead camera as a result! You can buy 'authentic' supplies there but they cost a fortune and are far from authentic :) It was an expensive lesson for me to learn!!

    Edited to add: I also recommend a waterproof camera for Galapagos and camera/phone that takes panoramic photos.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. edillow says…

    Wow, what a great trip. I can't recommend the Anker iPhone charger enough for travel, too! Little bigger than a tube of lipstick and super easy to use on the move (no flat surface required, uses a cable) and you get pretty close to a full charge.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jana_NJ says…

    I use the logitech bluetooth keyboard for the ipad and it's the best thing ever you really don't need a laptop anymore with this I take to school and take my notes on evernote it's awesome and super light than traveling around with a laptop.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Robin_W_ says…

    Another good book along the lines of Globejotting is Writing Away by Lavinia Spalding. I've read and used both of them for my travel journals and scrapbook pages. Have fun!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. sunnychick says…

    Ali, I hope you do another "Scrapbook on the Road" type kit, like the one you did with Cocoa Daisy. I still love that class and reference the print outs all the time. I love looking back at those mini albums. They are some of my favorites. Enjoy your trip! I can't wait to see the pictures!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. saubry718 says…

    Ali, my entire family is Peruvian and I am absolutely certain you will really enjoy yourself! Peruvian food is some of the best in the world (really, the best IMO, lol!). I cannot wait to see your photographs and to read about your experience. We go every other year to see my family, and I never want to leave. Safe travels!! :-)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. raskinner says…

      :-) Ali has a Peruvian fan base. I am Peruvian too.

    2. desilei says…

      I'm part Ecuadorian which is close enough to Peru so... :)

      And to clarify, the Galapagos belong to Ecuador.

  8. Drenaudli says…

    I didn't realize you went to China. Did you blog about it? I didn't see anything in the archives except for Italy and Ireland. Just curious as I'm in Beijing right now and would love to see some of the sites you visited.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I kept meaning to share photos and it never happened. I have a post started - might try to share that before I leave.

  9. papergoddess says…

    Sounds awesome! Have a great trip!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. raskinner says…

    Ali, I so wish it had been possible to join the group on this trip. I am Peruvian, and I am telling you, you will love it. Peruvian food is the best there is. I can't to read about your experiences there. It is truly a beautiful country, rich culture, and genuine people. Have fun and safe travels!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Thumper says…


    Curious if you Dec Daily sign up will be before or after you go on your trip?

    Have fun!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It will happen around the first of the month.

  12. lizeaton says…

    Love this list of traveling stuff. I am a sucker for knowing what other people travel with! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Me too. I spent way too much time last night browsing people's packing lists via Pinterest.

  13. ciahansen says…

    I remember when you first announced this trip, I couldn't believe it, since Peru is where I do my research, and I thought my two worlds are colliding! I hope you have an amazing time and I can't wait to hear about your experiences!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. celinenavarro says…

    I told Damien I would go on our honeymoon with YOU in Peru - he didn't seem happy. So I'd better pass on this one, but will be waiting for ya in the South of France soon :D mwah! ENJOY. EVERY. MINUTE. OF. IT.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'll forgive you this time!

  15. teamjohnson says…

    Ali- I traveled to Peru this summer on a trip very similar to your upcoming trip. You will have an absolute blast! It can be challenging climbing around at the high altitude but WOW- so amazingly fantastic!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Carolly says…

    Totally awesome where scrapbooking can take someone! Hope you have many adventures in Peru. My Dad traveled there when I was a little girl. I don't think he has any photos (obviously pre-iPhone). Have soooo much fun....inspire others...and can't wait to see your pics/hear your stories!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Raylene says…

    Whoohoo! I will be traveling with you this time! Trying to make a last minute list of things . . . Been wanting to join you for three years!! This is the year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. 1Lynn says…

    Ali, I tried to report this through the Contact Us section below but I kind of got a non-answer. I ordered the Story Stamp (it actually came today!!) but it doesn't show on my account (Week in the Life kit shows which I ordered after the Story Stamp) and I can't access the subscriber only content. I reported that and was basically told I hadn't ordered the Story Stamp. I'm sorry to bother you in the Comment section but wasn't sure what else to do. Thanks for any help you can provide. Lynn Wigren

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Any chance you could have used a different user name/account (such as one for Studio Calico when purchasing the subscription)? There have been a few cases where people have more than one account set up with different names. If not, I would continue with that conversation and have them look up your account a different way, letting them know that you did in fact receive a stamp set today.

  19. becab says…

    I've just spent six months volunteering overseas, and loved having the Globejotting book with me. Definitely helped me to improve my writing and was great while I couldn't scrapbook! I've just ordered your stamps and looking forward to getting access to your class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. jrharless says…

    Wow, that sounds like an awesome trip, Ali! We've been to Peru, and we loved our stay there. If you are a meat eater, try the alpaca (it's really delicious). I'd also recommend trying cuy (guinea pig), if only to experience what the Peruvians consider to be a delicacy. On a total side note, can you tell me how you created the image at the top of your post? I'm starting a new blog and I'd like to be able to make a collage of items, but I'm not sure how to do it. Did you use Photoshop? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I did use Photoshop. I created a new canvas - for my blog I set the new image size to 900 px wide at 72 dpi. Then I find the images online I'd like to use, save them to my desktop and then add them to my canvas (often dragging and dropping). Sometimes I need to erase some white around the edges of the product or size the image down. Save as a jpg.

  21. DD18 says…

    Hi Ali, I am also joining you on this trip!! This is my first trip w/ you and ScrapMap and I am soooo excited!! My question is re: December Daily. Since registration will open while we are away is their a way that I can sign up before hand? Should I just try to sign up while we are in Peru? Thanks!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Good question. Let me see about that (I think there should be enough to meet the demand, but let me check).

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Will you send me an email?

  22. karenhamad says…

    Just got back this summer from Galapagos, I was very pleased with some of the clothing I ordered from Prana, their stuff was versatile, a little more feminine than a lot of the gear out there, wore well, washed in the sink , no wrinkle, and always looked fresh. An underwater camera option is also good as there are many snorkeling options in the Galapagos as well

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Definitely thinking about my underwater options!

  23. Dcorder says…

    I ordered that GLOBEJOTTING book because I'm headed out for a two week vacation. I read it this weekend! FUNNY! Insightful. And full of some great suggestion I'm going to incorporate in my trip journaling. Thanks for the suggestion!

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