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Week In The Life™ 2014 | Ready, Set, Go

And so it begins. 

Welcome to Week In The Life™ 2014.

My challenges to you this week: 

  • Look for the stories. Read this post for inspiration. As you go about your day, think to yourself about how you can capture those stories with your lens. How do all these different stories weave together to create the life you are living right now? 
  • Answer the question, "what is the truth of my day?" As you walk around your house, your office, your kids school, think about and document the truths that make up your day.
  • Remember that it's NOT about the products. It never has been and it never will be. Yes, they are fun and I love working with them to bring an album together, but the products are not the point. If they help get you going in the right direction then that's awesome - but don't let them detract from your experience. 
  • Remember that the best camera is the one you have with you. 
  • Get yourself in the photos - by whatever means necessary - at the very least once per day.
  • Without a doubt, this project often mirrors back to me many different things about my life. It is often a catalyst for change as I see things in front of me that really can't be ignored much longer. I challenge you to think about those things this week. 
  • Somehow I came across that quote in the image at the top of this post within the last week. What are the marvels of your everyday life
  • Or skip all that intentional stuff and just have fun taking a whole lot of photos of your daily life.  
  • Join the free Week In The Life™ community message board and gallery here

Bottom line, I challenge you to take this opportunity to celebrate and to write and to photograph your life as you are living it right now. No one can tell this story but you.

It's the stories people. The end. 

To get you going I suggest reading these posts if you haven't already: 

Also, for those of you wondering, there are some Week In The Life™ kits (without albums - those are all sold out) still available here

I'll be back tomorrow morning sharing my words and photos for today. 

I wish you an awesome story-aware day. Have fun looking through your lens. Have fun documenting your life. I can't wait to see what you capture. 

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14 thoughts

  1. PolkaDotCreative says…

    I am a single mum of four in Australia and I'm embarking on this project seriously for the first time. My life is busy. I also run a creative business. Your blog posts about Week in the Life to date have been invaluable to me. Thank you. Focusing on the capturing and writing. I love journaling and recording the stories of our lives. My children as super keen to be a part of this project. Looking forward to tomorrow. x

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. mste8096 says…

      Hello beautiful Jodie. So glad to be doing this project with you.

  2. ChrisyC says…

    Down here in Australia, we've just completed our first day of documentation.
    Happy to report my daily records sheets are complete and more than enough photos were taken today. Off to a flying start, now just to keep it up.
    AND...guess what arrived today? My Week In The Life kit, what perfect timing. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. zanysisters says…

    Here on the East Coast, it is 7:15 am! I was all ready for today -- charged the battery on my camera and everything. Got to work... I have the camera, but NO battery. That must be at home. So I am doing screen shots of the weather and since my work location LOOKS the same every day, I can use a generic picture for most of today. Using Monday's Daily Sheet just in case something exciting happens here at the office!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. mtercha says…

    Started here, too. Ali, have a great week. Enjoy. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. MariaElena says…

    Here Italy.
    I start my WITL with my new IPhone...
    Have a gret week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. jendcnguyen says…

    This is my 5th year doing Week in the Life. I just love it! Little snapshots of our lives over the past few years is fun to look back to and see all the little changes.

    Anyway, just a little tip for those iPhone users out there - in our Notes app you can now insert a photo. I've used the app over the past few years whenever I journalled WITL or a trip but this is the first time you can add a photo (that I've noticed). I had planned to use a journal book and pen but this may be easier as you can just email yourself all you've documented that day AND keeps the photos in chronological order (I like things kept orderly).

    Happy Documenting everyone! =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Vicky7622 says…

    My first year! I'm excited, but want to go into this in a calm and relaxed way. So what am I doing, sitting here without my camera! Not that relaxed, I say!
    Have fun everyone! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. carriecolbert says…

    You rock. Can't wait to see your week and, even more so, hear your thoughts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. meldarcy says…

    My first year doing AWITL and I'm onto day 2 of documenting!!! Not an 'ordinary' week in our lives but I figured there's never going to be a perfectly 'ordinary' week and it's just about a week, any week, in our lives so I'm embracing the imperfection in not having a boring routine week and documenting the fact that we have a close extended family and we have multiple birthdays in a week along with all that entails!! Thanks Ali for the inspiration!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. desilei says…

    "Without a doubt, this project often mirrors back to me many different things about my life. It is often a catalyst for change as I see things in front of me that really can't be ignored much longer. I challenge you to think about those things this week."

    Wow! You totally struck a chord in me with that one! I got myself in loads of pictures last week and I realized I can't ignore my added weight any longer. I really need to change my habits so that when I do think project again next year, I'll be happier with the image that is reflected back of me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Raylene says…

    Thanks so much for Annette's photos and video on preparation! I did my documenting last week and I was stumped at what to do to get started using the kit! I love that she used the little 2x2 pocket page for the title page!! I'm geared up now!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AnnetteH says…

      So happy it helped!!

  12. AnnetteH says…

    Thanks for the link up! Appreciate your support! And thank you for all your inspiration and for the amazing kit. Love it all! Thank you!

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