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Week In The Life™ 2014 | Sunday Words & Photos

Thank you so much for playing along this past week for my annual Week In The Life™ adventure. 

I hope that you enjoyed the process. I hope that you took some images that tell the story of your life right now in just the way you want to communicate it. I hope that you learned something about yourself in the process of documenting via photos and words. 

As you will see below, I took the least amount of photos of any day this week yesterday. I embrace that fully. What I did capture is very much what most of my day entailed. 

Sometimes when I don't pick up the camera, for this reason or that, I like to approach the story by writing about the photos I didn't take. It's a different way to capture the story that's a nice option for those days and times when you might have simply take photos with your mind. I'll add that writing below my photos. 

Later this week I'll be back to share my process for putting this all together into a tangible album. Bring on the next phase of this project! 

PS | In case you've been wondering all week I've been using my Daily Stories And Photos word art on my main photos. If you like that look and want to add it to your own photos you can purchase it here


About 30 DSLR + 18 iphone. 

The story of today is that the clocks fell back an hour as part of Daylight Savings time. 

Sundays are for sleeping in. 

The story of today is that my parents stopped by on their way to Tacoma. I love when they stop by, even for just a short visit. Stopping by usually entails lots of hugs and conversation and kids yelling with excitement and a hot cup of coffee. 

The story of today includes conversations around my table. I love Sundays for lingering table conversations. I love that some of my favorite people were all together in one spot. You can read more about the story of this table here. It's a great example of the power of repetitive photography in storytelling.

The story of today includes noticing shapes as I look through the lens. And dishes. Always dishes. 

The story of today is that I spent a lot of time at my desk from early afternoon into the late evening catching up on work and getting ready for my Lens Of Joy workshop to begin today (registration is open until November 8th). The truth is this is a place I'm very comfortable. 

One of these days I'd love to do a time-lapse in this space. I like how these three shots show the changing light outside over the course of the day. 


  • Dropping Simon and Anna off at Chris' house for the night to help celebrate his birthday. Stopping at Taco Bell because they really wanted to get him a burrito and a taco - it goes along with a song they sing with him (or something he says to them - need to get clarification on that). Simon was really excited to take lunch to him. 
  • The egg scramble my sister made for breakfast that was delicious. 
  • My cup of coffee at 7pm to help me get through my evening workload. 
  • More photos of the girls (Anna and her cousin Gabrielle) playing and arguing, playing and arguing. 
  • Me eating leftover Halloween candy. 
  • Me hugging my sister as we said goodbye before she and Gabrielle leave early tomorrow morning. I'm so thankful to have her visit. 


I'd love to have you share a link to your SUNDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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35 thoughts

  1. petrac says…

    Thank You Ali. I have enjoyed the process more than I can say really. It's not been just a process, it's been a really wonderful journey and on a personal note it has reignited my love of taking photos. I could not ask for more. Now I'm even more excited about the Lens of Joy project!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. sunnybrook494 says…

    Happy Monday! This was the first time I participated in Week in the Life. Did a final wrap up last night and ordered some pictures. But as I went through my morning routine today, I found myself wanting to continue taking pictures and documenting this new day.. Maybe that's the take away... Look and remember the little (and big) things! Thanks for a great experience!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. ktber says…

      I felt the same way! It made me feel more present and aware. This documenting part of this project was awesome--thanks Ali!

  3. hgauvin says…

    I had a great time playing along this week. I can't wait to see your album and complete mine. Thanks Ali, it's been fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. krystyn says…

    I love this project so much...I tend to do "better" with it than even the December Daily...not sure why, but I do. I still strive to take MORE pics every year...somehow I always fall a bit short. Thank you for the inspiration, I'm always looking at your pics for ideas for angles/shots etc. Can't wait to see your album come together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Cookingmylife says…

    Your 1st photo is pure tenderness. Totally frameable.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. desilei says…

    Love the 1st picture too! Very sweet.

    My first WITL was a great experience for me. I also told some family about what I was doing and they thought it was really cool. As I like to tell everyone, I (my life) matter too. So even the mundane, routine aspects of my life are important because they define me and my family. This project resulted in over 1100 pictures! I still haven't started the album building because I want to see what you come up with, Ali :) I need your inspirations. Now off to see what you have going on in the Lens of Joy class! --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. soonermama says…

    Totally love the first picture for so many reasons. Not a picture I've ever taken, but so much a moment like the ones I want to capture and this project is "for." Love your story and approach.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. RobynLynn says…

    I only took 1 picture lol.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. pamela123d says…

    Ali, I know that this may be an impossible request, but I would love to know the exposure info on your photos. Your house has great light so I'm sure that's one of the reasons that your photos have that ethereal quality, but I'm curious if you do anything to boost the light in your images. BTW, I didn't participate this time; just wanted to follow along and see what a "week in the life" looks like. I loved it and look forward to joining you next time.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I'd be happy to share that with you - is there any easy way to do that?

    2. AliEdwards says…

      I do boost light with RadLab in post-processing (not all but some).

    3. pamela123d says…

      Ali, I use Aperture and I think you do as well. There's the Info tab that lists each photos specifics but I think that would be much too tedious for you to look at each photo. Maybe I could identify a couple of your photos and you could let me know if you used RadLab (I have considered getting that but it seems pricey) and if not, then just give me the info from Aperture? I don't know of an easy way to dump that info en masse. Thanks for your reply!

  10. patowle says…

    I participated for the first time this year, and LOVED both capturing pictures of my life and seeing your daily pictures as well. I'm not sure of the reality of this, but your pictures portray a calmness about your life. I love your style in general. Thanks for sharing this process with us! Look forward to seeing your finished product as well.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you - I think I crave calm and I look for it though the lens :). Lately definitely not feeling calm on the inside (just work busy), but I definitely do things on the outside in an attempt to create calm!

  11. funkylindsay says…

    Thanks for a fun week Ali! I am a long-time follower of your blog (and user of your font!) and thought I'd try WITL this year for the first time!


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome - so glad you jumped in!

  12. Pinkpea14 says…

    I can't believe the WITL is over. This is year 5 for me and this was the first year I didn't get the mid week low, the need to take every picture possible and didn't mind forgetting to document things. It was the most relaxed WITL ever! :) Maybe it had to do with the fact that I had a kit available and didn't have to worry about the gathering process upfront/during the week. I am not freaking out about the fact that I am not getting my pictures until the end of the week. I took each of your posts as an inspiration and not a "OMG, I didn't do this or that".
    Thank you for all your inspiration throughout the process! :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome - love your attitude.

  13. CathG says…

    It was not a perfect week and it won't be a perfect album, but I'm happy I did it. It's kind of refreshing to say that I'll just collage all these photos and thoughts together like a little time capsule.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Ah, it's never perfect!

  14. justme824 says…

    I've enjoyed following along with your week. I am excited that I documented as much as I did this past week. I was a little nervous heading into it with a newborn (this was her second week of life that I documented) but I gave it a go. I captured a lot more than I expected to Mon-Fri, but the weekend was a lot less, though enough. There was a lot that was just simply written down & remembered without a photo. It was fun to capture the small little things - like her new button after her umbilical stump fell off or how she curled up in our arms to sleep or us carving pumpkins together with her sitting in her chair right there with us or the little guy jumping into almost every photo I tried to take of just her or she & I snuggled into the corner of the couch to cluster feed while my hubby & I watched Breaking Bad late into the night. I can't wait to bring it all together into a book now! My 10-year-old loved this project and is excited to tackle his own next time. We homeschool and I think I might make this a writing project for him early in 2015. He captured a lot of things for me that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to. I also have a 3-year-old and he started telling me things to capture near the end of the week too. I can see that next time, without a newborn, we will all have a blast documenting our week together :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. anniebeagle says…

    Ali, I started placing my photos in the 8.5x11 templates today (just the title pages), and I have to tell you that these are my favorite WITL templates so far! I've purchased them the past 4 out of 5 years I've done this project, and I've always loved them, but this year is just awesome. The combination of the big photo and the smaller horizontal one is working out so perfectly for my photos. Thank you! :) -Jenny B.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      So happy to read that!

    2. anniebeagle says…

      Yay! I actually got ALL the title pages finished AND the entire 4-page spread for Monday! I am so excited! :) I posted Monday here:

  16. PolkaDotCreative says…

    We did it!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Now for the really fun stuff….. x

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. cliebel says…

    perfect Sunday... this WITL project seem to go by super fast compared the previous ones, but always so fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Untiedt says…

    Though I followed the WITL in your blog over the years I never joined. I felt my days were the same thing everyday & that would be boring. I listened to you. I did it anyway. After taking hundreds of photos over this week I'm reminded these are the things that really matter. My mom died 13 years ago and its the everyday moments I miss the most. Not the vacations or holidays but enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning together, watching a movie marathon together, or just having a conversation about how our day was. Our routines bond us together & where the special memories are built. Thanks Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You are welcome - I'm so glad you joined in.

  19. JayKay60 says…

    Is it from 8 Simple Rules? "Taco burrito conversation... nachos". Said when someone buts in to a conversation? Anyway thank you for WITL. I have been sick all of October and signed off from work so I nearly didn't join in, because I thought I wouldn't have anything to say or photograph. I'm so glad I did and can't believe just many pictures I took of my life this week! I'm really looking forward to putting it all in my Project Life album.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Anne82 says…

    I would love to hear how you approach... the order photos of one day in your album. Chronological, thematical? My mind works in a chronological way, but I can't figure out how to get my photos in the templates that way... I hope you will talk about how you tackle that in your album!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hey! Just starting to work on that now. Generally my approach has been chronological.

  21. k10morris says…

    As a first time scrapbooking, I am so confused about how to think about resizing all of these photos without photoshop or a Mac. Should I print them in normal sizes and cut or try to use something to resize them and then can a store print them that way. I am so excited to start but just can't seem to think this through. Any help WITL community?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I'm getting started on my album today and will share my process in the next few days. That should help you in thinking/planning/tackling your own album.

  22. greeblehaus says…

    Nice office. ;)

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