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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Getting Ready

Next Monday I'll be embarking on my annual  Week In The Life™ project. Seven days of daily life documentation. Seven days of photos and stories of my/our life right now. Seven days of content that will be placed into the album above in the coming weeks after focusing on the words and photos next week. 

I generally don't do a lot of album prep for this project, especially since for me it's so much about the photos and the words and that's what I want to focus on during the actual week. I did go through and put my page protectors in order and cut up the 3x4 cards  from the kit as you can see above. This will give me a nice flow when I start printing. 

I'm pretty sure I'm going to add my words via Photoshop again like I did last year (directly onto my photos before printing) - that enabled me to include so many more words which I'm really thankful to have now. 

As usual I'll be sharing my daily photos and words here each day (posted the day after) and you're invited to share yours.  

Here are a few posts to get you in the mood for documenting and telling stories next week: 

Also, I was a guest on a recent edition of the Paperclipping Roundtable podcast called Look For The Light. We talked about everyday life photography and some of our favorite ways of seeing through the lens - definitely applicable as you embark on this project. 


My personal intention with this project for 2015 is to simply capture who we are right now. 

I'm specifically interested in the who - what are the things that make each one of us who we are as we go about our everyday life. Obviously that will include our daily routines and some of the same themes I include every year, but that's where my head and heart is at for this project this year. What makes Anna, Anna? What makes Simon, Simon? What makes me, me. What are our individual strengths right now? What are our challenges? I'm not really sure what that's going to look like just yet, but that's what I'm most interested in capturing via my words this time around.

Most likely it might be less about the times of day, less about a recounting of exactly where we went and what time we ate and when we did such and such. Those things will be represented of course - maybe more on some days than on others - but my intention is to get to the heart of who we are right now in August 2015. 

As usual my photos will drive my stories. Obviously the photos are an integral part of this process, but when focusing on the concept of who they might be even more important. I'm excited to figure this out as I go along. 

Please keep in mind that everyone will have their own intentions going into this project. Some might be focusing totally on a chronological accounting of the day, others might be only about food, others might have tons of photos and some people might do a more limited number per day. Make this work for you. What do you most want to capture about your life right now? 


1. Think about what you'd really like to capture during this week. What photos do you really want to take? What stories are you on the lookout for? Are there specific stories you'd like to make sure to include this week based on the life you are living right now? 

2. Download and print the Daily Sheets.

PS | I didn't end up using these last year and I'm not sure if I will or not this year. They are a great way to track your day and I definitely recommend using them if this is your first time and you want a bit more of a path forward. Last year I mainly used my photos as a guide and worked hard to get my words into each blog post at the end of the day.

3. If you ordered  the kit, take some time to look through it and see which cards you might want to use during the week (vs. ones you'd fill in after). There's a couple in there that are good jumping off points for stories to tell during the week.

4. Consider purchasing the  Week In The Life™ layered templates (in 6x8 or 8.5x11) or the 4x6 printable cards/overlays (these are great if you just want to include pieces of this project in Project Life®). I'll be using some of the 6x8 templates (specifically the full page daily one with the days of the week). See below for more details on those sets.

5. Charge your camera battery. I tend to use my bigger camera vs. my phone during this week. I usually include a few phone photos but most tend to be with my 5D. If you print photos at home you might also want to check your ink levels to see if you need to order more ink.

6. Get your head in the right place. This isn't a competition. This isn't about who has the best or the most or crafting the perfect story of your perfect life, this is about documenting what is real in your life at this point in time via words and photos and intentional embellishments. You are not going to get in trouble if you forget to take photos or write things down. If you find you forgot at one point or another it's no big deal, just start where you left off. Every year someone leaves a comment that they woke up and forgot to take photos on Monday morning so they end up bagging the entire project. That is not what this is about. Start where you're at with what you have right in front of you. You can do this

7. Live your life. Next week just do your regular stuff of life and capture it along the way. I will absolutely take more photos next week than I do on a "normal" week because I have a specific intent to capture more. The photos I take during these weeks often end up being some of my favorites for the year simply because I'm focused and know, without a doubt, that the effort is worth it. 


For the last few years I've designed layered template/overlay sets that can be used as the foundation for your album or as a jumping off point. 

The new digital layered templates and printables are now available in my shop. I'll be using at least  the date portion in my album on my 6x8 full page photos

Here's a look at the new sets:  

First up is a  4x6 set of overlays that include both dated and non-dated versions (PNG and PDF for easy printing). These are also great for adding to Project Life® (anytime of the year) - either on top of photos or printed out as journal cards. 

The  6x8 layered template set includes 14 total pages for use in Photoshop/Photoshop Elements (daily pages + photo collage pages as shown above // not all pages are shown in this one preview).This set includes seven new pieces of word art on the collage pages. Additional preview images located here

If you are new to working with digital layered templates in Photoshop you can check out my post for working with the templates last year (the steps are basically the same). 

Also available is an  8.5x11 layered template set that includes the same number of pages and designs as the 6x8.


Let's tell stories together. I'm super excited to embark on this project again and I can't wait to see what kind of stories I end up telling over the course of the week. 

You can scroll through all my past Week In The Life™ posts here

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29 thoughts

  1. katie1980 says…

    I am loving these posts and am really excited to document my first WITL project. I really enjoyed DITL and have bought the kit for this one! My roots story kit arrived with me yesterday (new subscription) and that's gorgeous too.

    I love how you share your processes with us, as it helps us to get our heads in the space to do these projects, and for newbies it gives an insight into one option of how to actually make it happen. I love your albums, but know that the exact way you do yours just wouldn't work for me (different skills, different aged children, different life "season", etc.) but it is definitely inspirational and aspirational to take what you do that *will* work for me.

    This week is manic busy gearing up for my brother's wedding on Friday, so I have printed some extra daily sheets for that in case I want to include that in my album, but also it won't hurt to have extra details captured even if I just do some pages for my 12x12" album or a seperate mini album. Thanks for giving us such great resources, Ali, and all for free :)

    You're a shiny bright star and I am so glad I found you (even if you are costing me money right now! - it's a small price to pay for the inspiration and enjoyment).

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Joyceeg says…

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I, too, am in a different place in my life then Ali, but I love the opportunity to record it in all it's parts. This year I'm more about the day to day, and living with a disability in a much different setting than the last couple of times I've done WITL.

  2. themorningdew1 says…

    Hello Ali! Since my husband will be away most of next week, I think I will wait a week to do my WITL. Is it possible to change the date on the templates and overlays in Photoshop? Can you tell us what font you used? Thank you!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! You can delete (with either the eraser tool or the rectangular marquee tool) the day of the week, the month and the year if you want to (they are all on one layer). The font used is Helvetica Neue Bold.

    2. themorningdew1 says…

      Thank you!

    3. NatashaP says…

      Thanks! I was going to ask this myself. :)

  3. mtercha says…

    I said a million times what this project means to me and what it did for me so I won't get into that again, but I'm so excited to be doing this for a second year. Excited for it being summer, too, and the kids aren't back in school yet. I'm going to capture the summer reading projects, and my one boy is wrapping up his Eagle project (scouts) which is kinda a big deal. I like your idea of focusing on what makes Anna, Simon, and you, you. But I'm going to focus on the relationships between all of us, along with the day to day. Having twins, and a third, it's been interesting to see, and I want to think on that a bit. And I'd really like to, just once, at least, mention the weather.

    I'm sorry to go on, I'm so happy to work on this project, and to see what I see, through my lens. Thank you for the inspiration, and for all you share. You're a good person. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. buggin2stamp says…

    This will be my first time doing WITL. Since I am in the midst of packing and preparing to move from apartment life to a my very own house, I plan to hold off on doing mine. However, I do plan to follow your WITL to prepare. Thanks for the Daily Sheets. I think they will be a big help for me when I'm ready to do mine. I do plan to go through my kit this weekend on my camping trip and start preparing.

    I also wanted to say I love point number 6. It's a good reminder not compare your WITL to others. If I did compare, I would be overwhelmed and discouraged. So I plan to just document my life and enjoy the process. Can't wait to do this. :o)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. jaimeelynn says…

    well I took photos last week for my album because I was on staycation and wanted to be intentional to take lots of photos of our after reading this post, I am inspired to play along next week too. So yup, I just ordered another kit so I can make two albums. Can't wait!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. sleeplessdreamer says…

      Crazy! I LOVE IT!

  6. Lize says…

    Hi Ali, I'm so excited about WITL, even if I'm still not sure about joining along or not. I'll definitely be following the blog posts. Will you give us prior warning as to when the pre-order period ends?

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. ciahansen says…

    In addition to charging your camera battery, check your memory card!! I just looked at mine and realized I only have 400 photos left of space -- need to clear it out in prep for WITL!

    I also ordered some new journaling pens as I anticipate writing a lot!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. goshery says…

    I love printing directly on photos but never know what font size to use. Mine often ends up too large. Can you share what size font you typically use when you add words directly to photos? Can't wait to get started next week!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      The point size I used last year was very small - 8pt if I remember right. It's really personal preference - I prefer smaller :).

    2. joblackford says…

      I do a lot of typing on photos in PL and it does partly depend on which font you choose. Some are not very readable at 8pt, especially on top of a photo. For a simple clean font 9pt is usually about right. 10 is more generous if the font is a little less clean. Anything bigger than that looks usually looks too big.
      I would test it out with the fonts you're actually using - maybe print one test photo with a few different font choices (whatever your favorites are) in different sizes to see how readable they are for your eyes :)

  9. NatashaP says…

    I am so excited to start this next week. This will be my first one! I only discovered the joy of Ali Edwards this time last year and have been loving all the projects I'm doing (DD, OLW and Story Kits).
    But yes love point 6 - don't compare (although it's hard not too!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jjones2011 says…

    I am so excited to complete WITL. One question, I ordered one of each of the kits and there are no transparencies in either of them. Was that another kit that I missed somehow? Thanks for the help, I can't wait to get started.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      If you pre-ordered by a certain deadline (I can't remember the initial date - early in the pre-order process) they were included (sent separtely).

    2. Jjones2011 says…

      Ok thanks Ali. I appreciate the help.

  11. delia says…

    Hi Ali, just checking, is it possible to change the dates on the templates as I'm planning on doing this, just not next week. As always, you have designed beautiful material to help us all preserve our lives with. Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - yes - in Photoshop you can either erase (using the eraser tool) or use the rectangle marquee tool to remove the numbers (they are on one layer) and then you can type in your own dates. I used Helvetica Neue for my font.

  12. elli says…

    Hi Ali! In your post, you say that you put your page protectors in order. Do you have a foundation page suggestion or design plan for this year?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I've got them in there following this currently (but I might change it up when it actually comes to putting in the content): start with the 2x2 squares + 1-pocket 6x8 + 3x8 + 2-pocket 4x6 + 4-pocket 3x4 and then repeat.

  13. smultringunn says…

    Ali, I've wanted to participate in this for years, and next week I WILL DO THIS, DAGNABBIT! I have a baby now and have become acutely aware of how insanely fast time flies and routines change - a couple of years down the road, it's going to be so cool to look at this album and remember how life was as with an 11-month old. Thank you for organizing this.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'm so glad you are going to do it!

  14. AnnetteH says…

    Love this post Ali. Really love the idea of setting intentions and I really love your idea to capture the essence of what makes each of the characters in our stories unique. I saw that "little things" on the IKEA catalog and was thinking that capturing those little things might help tell the story of each person in photos. So I'm going to make a point to try to capture the overview of the story plus the little details. Ideally I hope to help capture those unique details of each person that make them, them. Thank you for the inspiration!!

    And I'd love some word art in this theme too if you haven't already! :)

    I also want to try to capture the places of our lives. I saw the geotags in the kit and I think that might be a cool way to capture the week somehow.

    Conversations / overheard. I want to include those.

    And emotions. How can I capture our everyday to help us cherish it more? To really feel that the everyday truly is extraordinary?

    Those are just a few thoughts going through my head.

    Mostly I'll probably just relax and enjoy living and capturing the week, but I think it does help to have some intentions in the background.

    Thank you again for your inspiration!! Can't wait!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. krystyn says…

    Looking forward to the week...glad we are still on Summer break and even more excited that the last day of WITL is my birthday!!! :) Thanks Ali!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. pepper56 says…

    Shared my set up too :) Thanks for doing WITL Ali! my 3rd year, it's always so inspiring :) And I cant wait.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. lory says…

    super super excited!!!!

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