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Celebrating Memories Of Week In The Life™ | Andrea

Today I'm sharing  #WITLmemories from Andrea. You may know her from Instagram as @andreacollects.

Big thanks to all my #WITLmemories guests this year! Tomorrow I'll be back with my big getting ready post for next week's documenting. 

#WITLmemories is all about sharing the Week In The Life™ love. It's about re-visitng our past projects (to reflect and learn and get inspired), sharing ways of telling the story of our daily lives, and creating a community of people around this popular project to support and encourage one another. 

You're invited to share your own personal favorite  #WITLmemories via Instagram, Facebook or your blog. What do you love about the project? What do your past albums mean to you now? Feel free to share a link to your blog post in the comments below. 

Here's a look at Andrea's 2014 album:


Monday October 27, 2014

I want to remember what we keep on our bedside tables.

Sometimes it’s not a specific moment that is special. Sometimes it’s just a small detail.

Every evening I’m the one who goes first in our bedroom to read a few pages before I sleep. I turn on our bedside lamps and automatically take a look at what is on our bedside tables. They look the same (lamp, photo of us, alarm clock and books/magazines) but also so different in the choice of reading material we have there. 


Tuesday October 28, 2014

I want to remember that I love to come home and see the light through the entry. I love to come home when he is already there.

There is something special about coming home and knowing that someone is waiting for me. I’m feeling safe and it shows me that I am not alone. The first thing I do, when I open the door is saying “hello” and asking him how his day was. The same two things each and every day. 


Wednesday October 29, 2014

I want to remember that I love to cook.

Every evening I’m standing in the kitchen to cook something for our dinner. I love the time I spend alone in the kitchen. It helps me to calm down after a busy day at work and I can go through the whole day again with my thoughts. It also helps to just focus on prepping our dinner and not thinking about anything else. Or I make plans in my head about things I want to do after dinner. Cooking helps organizing my thoughts. 


Thursday, October 30, 2014

I want to remember how our evening routine looks like.

Our evening routine includes several things. When we both get home one of the first things we do is starting our computers. Then it’s time for dinner prep which takes around 30 to 45 minutes. We eat dinner together every day and try to make the dishes right afterwards. Then starts the fun part. Doing projects, being online, knitting, talking, watching TV and sometimes we take a walk or eat dessert. 


Friday October 31, 2014

I want to remember our weekly trip to the grocery store.

Every Friday we buy our weekly groceries. We don’t really like that but it has to be done. To treat ourselves we first get a coffee and than do our shopping. We always go prepared in the store. We always only buy the things on the list we made. This way we make sure to not spend too much money or buy things we don’t really need. We take turns in paying our groceries. One week it’s on me, one week it’s on him. 

Week In The Life™ 2015 is happening next week (August 17th). For more information about Week In The Life™ check out my projects page and pre-order your kit that makes it easy to focus on capturing and celebrating your words and photos with a fun, story-focused intentional embellishments. Week In The Life™ 2015 will begin August 17th if you'd like to record along with me during the same week. If you want to dive even deeper you can also check out my archive of past Week In The Life™ blog posts

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4 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Great album, so fun. I love the use of kraft and transparencies, very clever. I liked the journaling on the photos, and the stamping, too. Really cool, great album. Thanks for sharing. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. jlharbal says…

    Thank you for the inspiration. So clean and simple yet very interesting. Love the photos!

    I've posted my saturday album up on the blog.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Loved seeing your project!

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