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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Wednesday In Album

I think we might need to consider a bigger spine for next year's album - this one is going to be a tight fit. 

Even though I'm pretty good at editing things out, I want all this in there (mainly what I included in my blog posts for each day). Right now I'm just going with it and we'll see how it shakes out, knowing that I do usually have less photos as the week progresses. 

Here's a look at Wednesday: 

I love the juxtaposition of this image of Anna with the one I took of myself last year (ended up trimming that one to 3x8 - you can see it in this post here). 

I'm pretty much following along with the formula I set up on Monday that includes words on photos, the perforated word strips, and index tabs. 

I was thinking that I'd have less 4x6 photo inserts for this day but it didn't work out that way. I considered leaving out a few photos and then just added them in anyway. 

I actually love looking at this and seeing all those words. They aren't profound or perfect - they are just real observations about who and what and why and where and when of our lives right now. 

I did end up making some word art for those of you who were asking for something along the lines of what I've been handwriting onto these day of the week cards: 

New digital word art now available: I, We, You

One thing I noticed on this day in particular is that I got a lot of self-portraits. I think they seem to be sticking out more to me because of the green Ireland t-shirt. 

The photos, man, I love them. 

They actually made me a little teary as I looked through them and worked them into the album today - something about back to school and the passage of time and simply how much I'm enjoying my kids right now. 

Following my initial formula I added a pattern card again before the last full page image. 

The ampersand is from my silver chipboard set available here

That last photo must be blown up. Those faces are priceless. 



Other posts from the album creation portion of  Week In The Life™ 2015 so far can be found here:  

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40 thoughts

  1. supertoni says…

    I love how your album is progressing. I am hoping to put mine together next week. :-)

    I agree about the WITL binders. This year's WITL binder is actually slightly smaller than last year's. I think if it could be just a smudge bigger than last year's, it would be perfect!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mdith4him says…

    Yes, a bit bigger binder would be great! Mine is done and it's way too fat, haha!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Ruly says…

    Great Ali. Love it, you always have a unique way to tell your story with a lot of simplicity and deepness at the same time :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. hgauvin says…

    Very nice! I love the simplicity of it - just photos and words. To me, that's perfect!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. mtercha says…

    I get it, the passage of time. That's been on my mind a couple years now. Two 16 yr olds, an 11 yr old, and the fact I swear they were babies not so long ago really gets me. I just blinked. I like how this project makes me stop. Last year one of the boys asked me why I was doing this. My answer became my reason why, which I documented in last year's album. I told him, "I want to remember". And that's still my reason, I want to remember. You always make me think, thanks. And your photos, album, and words, so lovely. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. scrappychick says…

    A bigger binder would be fantastic! By the end, I am having to edit out some content just so the binder can hold it all.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. kre8tivekate says…

    loveLOVElove the black and white photo! I tend to forget what an impact that has. Note to self: Do more black and white.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. lindalovescreating says…

    Yeah, I was thinking you would have trouble with the binder spine. I used one of studio calico's newer 6x8 handbooks and the spine was still a stretch (it lays flat, but definitely full to the brim). I tried to cut things, but at the same time I didn't want to edit out things I wanted to include just because of binder space.

    I think some people like the smaller spine though, maybe make the two album choices have different spine sizes next year so people can choose the one that works for them. But typically, larger is better... even if you don't have enough to fill a wide album, it still works, but too much to fit in a narrow one and you're out of luck!

    Your album is so pretty, thanks so much for the inspiration. I've completely this project and am ready to move on to December Daily & some other projects I have going on (a travel mini, project life, one little word, etc.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. jamie59 says…

    The embellishment on the last page, the chipboard piece that says "moments like this" was that a piece included in the kit?

    I just love the big pictures for the beginning and end of the day. That last page is really impactful.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - no, that was from a past Story Kit - I've been adding a few chipboard pieces or word art here and there in this album.

  10. Lize says…

    Ali, absolutely love these pages. Especially what you did with the cupcakes photo. It reflects a life full to the brim with goodness. I'm regretting not ordering while the shipping cost was reduced.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jjones2011 says…

    Hi Ali,
    I have tried to complete this project a couple of times with no success .... but this year it is coming together and I am starting to put together my album. I see that you changed the coloring of the date stamp on the picture with Anna. I tried doing something similar with Photoshop but I Could not get it to work. Can you explain or share a link that shows how to do that? Thanks. I love watching your album come together. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…
    2. Jjones2011 says…

      Thanks Ali.

  12. saubry718 says…

    "Yes" to the bigger spine!
    Great job Ali! As always, thanks so much for sharing! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. littlelamm says…

    Love this! And totally need a bigger spine next year. Bigger than last year's even! lol

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Awesomeness! Everyday memories to treasure for the rest of your life. This album is a gift not only to our families but to ourselves.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  15. iccarrion says…

    Hi Ali,

    Love it!! This is my first time doing WITL. I don't have any children and my husband and I work full time so honestly to me life is just the same ol' routine everyday, however I decided that I needed to adjust my attitude and just do it. SO GLAD I DID! It may sound silly, but now that my dogs are in their senior years it dawned on me how life as my husband and I have known it for the past 12 years might change at any moment and I want to document it. It's interesting how in my case there are more photos as the week goes along; I think it's a result of slowly getting over the "why take a pic of that" mentality (note to self: take more pics next year!!). However, I still have Saturday and Sunday to do (my heaviest photo days) and my album is already bursting so YES, YES, YES to that bigger spine! Thank you for this great project and for sharing it with us. Looking forward to DD!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  16. jaimeelynn says…

    Love it!! And I absolutely would LOVE an wider spine. My album is jam packed. So every time I look at it the rings pop open and I have to put it back together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. nvarner says…

    Thank you thank you thank you for making the word art!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You are welcome!

  18. virginiegoujon says…

    Your first sentence of this post makes me smile. Yesterday, while I was working on my Wednesday (one day at a time), I thought I should suggest you a bigger spine for next year.
    Love your album. Love this photo of Anna and Audrey.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. saubry718 says…

    Ali, just a question . . . Believe it or not I've had difficulty using my black and white option in my Photoshop elements (I have the PC version, #8 which is ancient I know). Can you share any tips on how you modify, enhance, etc. your black/white photos? Thanks so much in advance.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - check out RadLab - it's what I use to change my photos to black and white.

    2. saubry718 says…

      Thank you! :-)

  20. sparkle says…

    The picture of Anna on the sofa is one you should blow up and put on the wall. I love, love, love it! That one photo could tell a hundred stories. Sharon

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Bellaa75 says…

    Was excited to see this today when I woke up. Looks great as usual, thanks for sharing! Can't wait for Thursday!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. nerdgrl says…

    YES!!!! to a bigger binder!!! Lumpy and bumpy do not do well in small spined binders. Not only do I include a LOT of pictures, the embellish add depth too. It's a major reason I left post bound albums behind a long time ago. And, even with big D ring albums, I end up with two per vacation.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. jchurch2 says…

    Just love the way your album is coming together. That last photo is a keeper...Anna looks like a strict schoolmarm from the last century. Thank you for the new word art..amazing how we all want your handwriting in our albums!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. lime says…

    Love all those photos. Such an inspiration for putting my own album together.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You can do it!

  25. fkpotts says…

    Saw that you were reading "Uniquely Human". I found it eye opening and informative for this aunt of a child with autism. Really gave me insight to understanding and seeing the talents my nephew has and can capitalize for his future.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Absolutely. Excellent read.

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